The Mirage Mew and the little Manaphy

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After Ash caught Snorunt, which evolved into Glalie, and earned his last Hoenn gym badge, May finally gets her moment to shine after she earned enough ribbons to enter a special Pokémon contest that the winner gets to be top coordinator. Unfortunately, another coordinator, a boy that goes by the name of Drew, beats May, much to her dismay and disappointment, but thanks to the comfort of her friends, she was able to feel better and determined to do better next time. May: "Well... so much for being Top Coordinator..." Ash: "Don't worry May, there's always next time, and to be honest, I didn't win my first league either..." Max: "Or the Johto league either." Ash: "Well no... but I kept moving forward, and that got me this far, so don't give up on your dream." May: "You're right Ash, and perhaps whatever is inside this mystery egg can be a big help too." said May, as she was referring to the egg that she got from the Sootopolis gym leader. Brock: "Hey... look over there." said Brock, pointing at a mansion that seems to be full of Pokémon that looked like they were almost see through. May: "Hey... why do they look almost see through?" Max: "I don't know..." Ash: "Let's go check it out." said Ash, before he and the others went to the gates of the mansion, and were surprised to see what looked like some sort of machine that fires a beam on the ground, and what looked like an almost see through hologram of a Swellow was appeared. Standing before the holographic Swellow was Cassidy and Butch, who didn't seemed all that impressed. Cassidy: "Why couldn't we create more powerful Mirage Pokémon by now?" Butch: "Cause we don't have any data on those, well other than Mew of course as it was the data we used to create Mewtwo." Cassidy: "Yeah, but the Mew we did made won't listen to a thing we say, it only wants to play, what we need to recreate Mewtwo through the Mirage system." Butch: "But all the data of Mewtwo was destroyed thanks to the original when it escaped from us back at Viridian city, remember?" Cassidy: "Don't remind me." unaware to the Team Rocket pair, Ash and the others heard everything." May: "Hey... those are the Team Rocket goons we ran into back at the Forbidden forest..." Brock: "Cassidy and Butch..." Max: "So they're bad news?" Ash: "Yeah, and they're trying to recreate Mewtwo with that machine that makes some sort of holograms of Pokémon..." Max: "But what good would a hologram do against a real Pokémon?" that was when Pikachu noticed what looked like a Pokémon behind him and Ash, causing him to turn around and see what looked like an almost see through pink cat that was floating in midair called Mew. Pikachu: [Ash... we got company...] said Pikachu, causing Ash to turn around and sees Mew in front of him. Mirage Mew: [Hi there, wanna play with me?] Ash: "Uh... I would like to... but now's a bad time... Team Rocket's up to no good..." Mirage Mew: [Yeah... they're really mean ones... not only would they not play with me... but they treat me like dirt and send the other Mirage Pokémon to beat me up just for not listening...] Ash: "What?!, why would they do that?" Mirage Mew: [Wait... did you just... understood what I just said?, the people in yellow or green hair never did that..." Ash: "Yeah... I'm a special case... my name's Ash by the way... what's yours?" Mirage Mew: [Me?, well from what the mean people said... I'm supposed be called Mirage Mew.] Ash: "I can see why, you're like a mirage... but cooler." Mirage Mew: [You really think so?] Ash: "Yeah, I sure do." suddenly, the egg that was inside May's bag started to glow, and May pulled out to check on it. That was when the egg started to hatched out, and the baby Pokémon was reveled to be what's supposed to be called Manaphy. When it saw May, it started to cry, and May was doing her best to try calming it down. Unfortunately, the cries of Manaphy caught the attention of the Team Rocket duo, and ran and saw the kids. Cassidy: "Not you twerps again!" Butch: "You losers should know better than to nose into grown up matters." Ash: "You don't have the right to call us losers after we beaten you many times before, Biff!" Butch: "My name's not Biff!, it's Butch and you know it!" May: "Stop yelling, you're upsetting the poor thing." said May, referring to Manaphy. Cassidy: "Bob... is that what I think it is..." Butch: "I told you before, my name's Butch!, not Biff!, but yeah... the Pokémon in the girl's arms... that's a Manaphy, a mythical Pokémon native to the Sinnoh region." Cassidy: "Looks like this could be our lucky day." May: "You're not laying a finger on my baby!" Butch: "That's cute, this girl thinks she's a mom now." Cassidy: "Too bad her chance of parenthood is about to end before it could even get started." Ash: "You're not getting May or Manaphy!, not on my watch!" Brock: "Or mine!" Max: "Or mine either!" shouted the group, while Mirage Mew was astounded by the bravery of the kids. Cassidy: "You might have gotten the upper hand in the past... but not this time, as we have backup." said Cassidy, before she pressed a button on a remote the summons a lot of different kinds of Mirage Pokémon. Max: "You think you can scare us with holograms?" Butch: "Funny when you mention it, you see these holograms are not only immune to getting hit from the real thing, but they can use attacks just like a real Pokémon too, which is why we're using the Mirage device to create an army of these Mirage Pokémon." said Butch, before he orders the Mirage Pokémon to attack, only for Mirage Mew to get in the way and use Protect. Mirage Mew: [They're right... us Mirage Pokémon can't get hurt by real Pokémon and we can use the attacks as well... though I wished that weren't true... I don't want to hurt anyone... please Ash, run as fast as you can!, I'll hold them off as long as I can!] Ash: "We're not leaving you!" Mirage Mew: [You have to!, we Mirage Pokémon have a limited area to be projected, I can't be beyond the mansion's gates, of course neither can the other mirage Pokémon, just go!] called out Mirage Mew, before Butch orders a Mirage Fearow, which is the evolved form of Spearow, to start pecking her, which made Ash really mad. Ash: "Stop it!, you're hurting her!" Butch: "Why would you care, it's not even a real Pokémon." Ash: "It doesn't matter!, she can still feel the pain, meaning she's more than a hologram!, so stop hurting her!" Cassidy: "Why do you call it a her, it's not even real." Ash: "She is to me!, so stop it!" Mirage Mew was surprised to hear that, she never heard such kinds words about her from anyone before. Cassidy: "If you want us to stop hurting it, then surrender to us." Ash was having a hard deciding what to do, either surrender and risk getting Manaphy taken away or risk of Mirage Mew getting badly hurt by the duo. That was when the tips of the antennas of Manaphy started to glow and some beams hit the Team Rocket duo, causing them to glow a little. Once the glow was over, the voices of the duo got switched somehow. Butch: "What was that?" asked Butch, who was now Cassidy, while Cassidy was now Butch. Cassidy: "What the?!, Butch?!, what are doing looking like me?!" Butch: "The name's Butch!, not... oh wait... that's what you said... wait... why do you look like me?!" Cassidy: "Oh no!, we swapped bodies!" Butch: "But how?!" Cassidy: "This must be the ability 'Swap Heart' of Manaphy we heard about!" Max: "Whoa... Manaphy swap the bodies of Team Rocket?!" May: "Wow... I had no idea Manaphy can do that..." Brock: "Well there's probably a lot of things we don't know about Manaphy yet... but we'll figure them out later when we get out of here..." Ash: "But what about Mirage Mew?, we can't leave her." Pikachu: [Ash... she might have emotions, but you heard her, she can't go beyond the mansion.] Ash: "But..." Mirage Mew: [Don't worry about me, you're the ones who need to go... I'm just happy that... there is someone who sees me as something more than just a failed hologram... thank you...] said Mirage Mew, before a tear started to come out of her eye, and that was when something under Ash's glove started to glow. Ash removes his glove and sees that the Rainbow feather of Ho-oh was glowing, and then he remembered about the legend of Ho-oh's feather giving new life to her legendary guardians, which gave him a crazy idea. Ash: "I wonder... Mirage Mew, come over here, hurry!" said Ash, before Mirage Mew did what he told her, and the boy pressed the feather on the Mirage Pokémon, which started to make her glow brightly, before a big flash of light that nearly blinds everyone for a short moment. Once the light faded, Mirage Mew opened her eyes and noticed that her body was no longer almost see through like before. Mirage Mew: [What happened?, what did you do?] Ash: "I gave you a chance of life." said Ash, before the Team Rocket duo got back on their feet, and were back to their own bodies. Cassidy: "I don't know what the twerp just did, but he won't foil up our plans again,, Bobby!, set the Mirage machine to self destruct!" Butch: "The name's Butch!, and are you sure?" Cassidy: "Yes, it seems he cares about the Mirage Mew, and even if we lose the Mirage Pokémon, we'll make him suffer of losing the Mew with them at least." Butch: "You got it." said Butch, before pressing a button on a remote, and the mirage device exploded, causing all of the Mirage Pokémon to vanish, all of them that is... except for the Mirage Mew, much to the duo surprise. Mirage Mew: [Huh?... why am I still here?] Ash: "Cause what I just did with the feather... I made you become a real Pokémon." said Ash, making Mirage Mew gasped in shock, before letting out a squeal in joy as she started to move around beyond the mansion and giggling in joy. Mirage Mew: [I'm real!, I'm really real!, it's a miracle!, thank you so much!] Cassidy: "No way... how could..." Butch: "This is impossible!" Ash: "Now that Mirage Mew is safe... Pikachu, you know what to do." Pikachu: [You got it.] said Pikachu, before he lets out a powerful Thunderbolt that shocked the Team Rocket duo, which sends them flying out of the scene. Once the Team Rocket duo were gone, May pulls out her Pokédex to learn more about the baby Manaphy in her arms. Pokédex: [Manaphy is supposed to be known as the Pokémon prince of the sea, and has an ability called Heart Swap, which can make two individuals switch bodies.] it wasn't long before Ash pulls out his own Pokédex to check out Mirage Mew, who was playing with Pikachu at the moment. Pokédex: [Mew is known as the New Species Pokémon, it can not only change into other Pokémon like a Ditto, but can learn every move there is.] Ash: "Wow... Mew is even cooler than I thought..." said Ash, which Mirage Mew heard him say, causing her to be even more happy and went to give the boy a big hug. Mirage Mew: [Ash... thank you... for being so kind to me... um... can I ask you something...?] Ash: "Sure... what is it?" Mirage Mew: [Um... can I... be your Pokémon?] Ash: "You mean... you want me to catch you?" Mirage Mew: [Yes... you're my first and best friend, and you saved me from getting deleted by Team Rocket with that feather... it would be fair if I help you on your journey... if you're okay with it...] Ash: "Of course, it would be a real honor to have you on my team." said Ash, before he pulls out a Pokéball and catches Mirage Mew in it. Max: "No way... Ash just caught a Mew..." Brock: "Well he did saved her from Team Rocket, so I guess it would make sense." May: "And I guess I got myself a Manaphy... and a really cute one too." said May, as she continues to watch over the baby Manaphy, who is now sleeping. Ash: "Yeah... looks like we all had a big day... makes me wonder what the Hoenn league is gonna be like..." and so Ash has saved Mirage Mew and caught her, while May gets herself a baby Manaphy, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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