A lure ball chase and a shiny Pokémon trick

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After catching Cyndaquil, earning his second Johto gym badge, and learned some secrets of the GS ball, Ash and his friends were out doing some fishing, in hopes to catch some water type Pokémon. Ash: "Man... I'm bored... how long do we have to wait...?" Misty: "Don't be so impatient, it'll be worth it once a water Pokémon comes." Brock: "Well either way, it's nice to have some peace and quiet once in a while." suddenly, Ash's fishing rod began to be tugged, alerting Ash that he got a bite, and the boy was doing his best not to let go. At last, the mystery Pokémon burst out of the water, which revealed to be a Totodile that likes to dance around happily, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Totodile is the Johto water type starter, trainers beware, for it loves to use it's teeth.] Misty: "Aw~, it's so cute!, I gotta catch it!" Ash: "Hold on, I caught it with my fishing rod, so I get to catch him." Misty: "Well it's a water type, and my goal is to be a water Pokémon master, so I should catch it, and besides, I haven't caught anything since back in Kanto, so it's about time I catch something." Totodile: [Hey you two, if one of your Pokéballs catch me first, I'll be yours.] Ash: "Really?, but why?" Totodile: [Huh?... did you just understood what I said?] Ash: "Yeah... it's a long story..." Totodile: [Wow!, that's so cool!, a trainer that can talk to Pokémon!] said Totodile as he dances in joy. Ash: "Wait... so you'll let yourself be caught to whoever catches you first?" Totodile: [Yup, I know you have to battle me, but where's the fun in that, how about a chase instead?, for I want to stretch my legs a bit.] Ash: "Alright, it's a deal." Misty: "Huh?, what did Totodile say?" Ash: "He said that we should have a chase game with him, and whoever catches him with our Pokéballs first gets to keep him." Misty: "Alright then... let the chase begin!" once Misty had said that, Totodile makes a run for it, with a happy carefree attitude as he dances and run at the same time. Brock: "That Totodile sure loves to dance around..." Ash: "Yeah... but never mind that, he's getting away!" said Ash, before he and Misty make a run for it, going after the Totodile. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio were not far behind. Jessie: "There's the twerp, and it seems that he's chasing a Totodile..." Meowth: "Perfect, we can have a second chance to catch a Totodile for the boss." Jessie: "I don't know... last time we tried to get a Totodile, my hair was almost bitten off." James: "Don't worry, just wear a helmet, and didn't you caught a new Pokémon that can help us?" Jessie: "You mean Wobbuffet?, well I don't know if it can be a big help... I mean we don't even know what attacks it can use." Meowth: Well we'll find out soon enough." said Meowth, before he and the other Team Rocket members make a run for it, following our heroes who are following the runaway Totodile. One thing's for sure, nobody would expect that a Totodile would have lot of energy to run as long as this one has, while the trainers were starting to tire out as they entered a part of a forest that was really dark. Misty: "Wow... Totodile sure can run..." Brock: "And it looks like he's not tired at all..." Totodile: [Come on, don't tell me you guys are tired already, the chase was just getting started.] Ash: "I know, which is why I'm not giving up!" shouted Ash, before he throws the Lure ball he got from Kurt to catch Totodile, much to Misty's dismay as she wanted to catch Totodile herself. Misty: "No fair!, I wanted to catch Totodile..." Ash: "Sorry Misty, but maybe you'll have to be patient, the wait will be worth it." Misty: "Did you just use my own words on me?" Ash: "Uh... maybe..." suddenly some of the tree branches shook up a little, alerting the others that there was something in the trees, which turned out to be some Owl like Pokémon, which was called an Noctowl, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Noctowl is an owl Pokémon that's the evolved form of Hoothoot, and it normally comes out at night.] Ash: "But it's the middle of the day." Brock: "Well it's so dark in this part of the forest that maybe Noctowl believe it's night." Misty: "Hey look." said Misty, as she and the others noticed another Noctowl, but it was not only smaller, but in a different color as well. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out that it was a shiny Noctowl, and shiny Pokémon were those of a different color compared to the rest of their kind. Ash: "Wow... that's pretty cool..." that was when the Shiny Noctowl had his eyes glowing red, and it wasn't long before Ash's eyes glowed red too, and then Ash noticed that Pikachu wasn't moving at all, only it wasn't really Pikachu, but a rock that looks like Pikachu to Ash's eyes it seems. Misty: "What's going on with Ash?" Brock: "Noctowl must have used Hypnosis on Ash and now he thinks that rock is Pikachu." so with little choice, Misty slapped Ash back to his senses, before the shiny Noctowl was on his tree branch laughing at the boy. Noctowl: [Ha, ha, ha, ha!, you should have seen the look on your face!] Ash: "Hey what did you hypnotized me for?!" Noctowl: [Why wouldn't I?, you seemed like you were easy enough to mess with.] Ash: "Well you're wrong!, I am not someone you should mess with!" Noctowl: [Wait... you can understand me?] Ash: "Sure can, and I'm not letting you make a fool out of me and get away with it!" Pikachu: [I agree!, so let's do this bird brain!] so the battle between Pikachu and the shiny Noctowl has begun, and Noctowl had the advantage at first due to his Hypnosis. But Pikachu was able to avoid the attack by closing his eyes and used his other senses to battle and used a powerful Thunderbolt to give the owl Pokémon the shock of his life, allowing Ash to catch him with a Pokéball, meaning the shiny Noctowl has become Ash's newest catch. Suddenly, the Team Rocket trio showed up, and they had a new Pokémon with them, which was called Wobbuffet, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Wobbuffet is the patient Pokémon, it never attacks first and the only attacks it has is County and Mirror Coat, but trainers beware, both attacks can send the opponent's attacks right back at them.] and it turned out to be true, for when Chikorita used Vine Whip on Wobbuffet, who used Counter, the attack was sent back at her, which put a lot of damage on the grass type. Jessie: "Ha!, looks like we're winning this time." James: "Meaning Pikachu will finally be ours for the taking." Meowth: "That's right." Ash: "Not if I have anything to say about it!" said Ash, before he sends out Noctowl, used hypnosis on Wobbuffet, which worked as it wasn't a physical or elemental attack, so Wobbuffet couldn't deflect it. Soon, Pikachu used a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, as they blasted off into the sky and out of the scene. Once the Team Rocket trio were out of the picture, Ash introduced his team to their newest members. Ash: "Well guys, I hope you'll get along, cause you're teammates now." Chikorita: [Wow Ash, only you can catch all 3 of the Johto starters.] said Chikorita while blushing a little. Cyndaquil: [Uh... hello, I hope we can be friends.] Totodile: [Sure!, happy to meet you all.] Heracross: [Hmm... it seems you have a full team now.] Ash: "Yeah, and it might get bigger in the future, but now let's focus on getting our next gym badge." and so Ash has caught not only a Totodile but a shiny Noctowl too, and is off to get the next Johto gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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