The little Ultra Beast from Ultra Space

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After Rockruff evolved into Dusk form Lycanroc and got a special Z crystal for the rock type, Ash continues to train Lycanroc and the rest of his team. As for Litten, he evolved into Torracat, and Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Torracat is the evolved form of Litten, and the fiery bell at it's throat makes a high pitched sound whenever Torracat spits out fire.] Pikachu: [Well that's kind of cute.] Torracat: [Hey watch it, call me cute again and I'll roast ya.] Pikachu: [Relax, I was only teasing.] Ash: "Come on you guys, last thing we need is fighting amongst ourselves." suddenly, some sort of small wormhole appeared above the group, and something came out of it, which looked like some sort of Pokémon called Poipole. Rowlet: [What is that?] Ash: "I don't know..." it wasn't long before Lillie and Snowy came to the scene, and they were surprised. Lillie: "Ash, be careful, that's a Poipole, one of the Ultra Beasts." Ash: "The Ultra what?" Lillie: "A special group of Pokémon from another dimension called Ultra Space, and wormholes that connect it to this world only appear here, and Poipole is a poison type of the Ultra Beasts." Ash: "Well it's not like I never faced poison types before..." said Lillie, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Poipole is the Poison Pin Pokémon, and it gets attracted by light and crackles wildly as it sprays it's opponents with poison from the needles on it's head.] Pikachu had his cheeks sparked up, getting ready if Poipole attacks, unaware that the light of the electricity caught the attention of the poison type, which brought her a little closer. Pikachu then released a Thunderbolt but missed, however the light did made Poipole happy. Poipole: [Oh... pretty light... do it again please!] Pikachu: [Uh... okay...] said Pikachu, before he unleashed another Thunderbolt, which made light that Poipole really enjoyed. Poipole: [Light!, glorious light!] said Poipole, before she went over to Pikachu and gave him a hug and nuzzle. Pikachu: [Hey cut it out!, you might poisoned me!] Poipole: [Don't worry, I don't poison those I like, especially those who can make wonderful light like you.] Pikachu: [Uh... thanks for saying so... I guess...] Ash: "She seems to love your electricity." Pikachu: [Yeah... so I've noticed...] Torracat: [Well the Pokédex did say Poipole is attracted to light, and electricity does have a lot of light.] Poipole: [Hmm... are you friends with this Pokémon?] Ash: "Yeah, I'm Pikachu's trainer, I'm Ash by the way, and in case you're wondering, I can talk to Pokémon." Poipole: [You mean other humans can't understand Pokémon speech?] Pikachu: [That's normally the case for most humans, but not Ash though, he can understand our speak.] Poipole: [How does he do it?] Ash: "Through something called Aura, but I haven't mastered it as my goal is to be a Pokémon master, not an aura guardian." Lillie: "But it wouldn't hurt knowing how to control it, for what if you lost control and hurt someone?" Ash: "Well... when you put it that way... but it's not like I have someone to teach me." Lillie: "Hmm... fair point... it is a rare power and there aren't that many aura guardians too..." suddenly, trouble brewed as the Team Rocket trio showed up and tried to steal Pikachu in a net. Poipole: [Hey!, let him go!] Meowth: "Or what?, make us?" Poipole: [No... I'll poison your balloon down!] shouted Poipole, before she sprays poison from the needles on her head at the balloon, which made it melt a little before falling to the ground, freeing Pikachu in the process. Ash: "Pikachu, are you okay?" Pikachu: [Yeah, thanks to Poipole here.] Poipole: [Well I couldn't let them kidnap my light making friend, could I?] that was when the Team Rocket trio came out of the remains of their balloon, mad that their balloon was destroyed once again. Jessie: "Why must you always aim at our balloon?!, they don't come cheap you know!" Ash: "I don't care!, there is no way I would let you steal any of my Pokémon!, or from anyone for that matter!" James: "Don't take it personally, we're just doing our job." Meowth: "And other lines of work is hard for guys like us." Ash: "Well I know you do a good job of being rockets, Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu lets out a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Poipole went back to nuzzle Pikachu. Pikachu: [Great... first Buneary, and now Poipole...] Torracat: [Buneary?] Pikachu: [Long story...] Ash: "Thanks Poipole, you saved Pikachu." Poipole: [Well Pikachu makes really great light from his lightning, and he seems really nice too, I couldn't let those jerks take him away like that.] Ash: "Hey Poipole... would you like to join the team?" Poipole: [Really?, does that mean I get to be with Pikachu more?] Ash: "Sure." Lillie: "Hold on Ash, Ultra Beasts are not supposed to live in this realm, they don't know how to survive here for a long time." Ash: "Well I can teach her." Lillie: "Well... I suppose that could work... but you'll need a special Beast ball to catch Poipole." Ash: "Really?" Lillie: "Yes... lucky for you though, I happened to have some, just in case we run into an Ultra Beast or two." said Lillie, before she gives a special Beast ball to the boy. Ash: "Thanks Lillie... well... here goes nothing." Poipole: [What does that do?] Ash: "It's a Pokéball of sorts, used to catch and carry Pokémon to places, you have to caught in one of these to make you my Pokémon, that way no one else can catch you." Poipole: [Hmm... I get it, like finders keepers?] Ash: "Yeah... something like that, I guess." said Ash, before he catches Poipole in the Beast ball, making the Ultra Beast his newest catch. Pikachu: [Well... looks like we got a new teammate.] Ash: "Yeah, how awesome is that?" Lillie: "Remember Ash, the Ultra Beasts are like aliens to this realm, you must teach her everything there is to know here so there won't be any trouble." Ash: "Sure thing." and so Ash has gotten his first encounter with an Ultra Beast and caught it as his newest Pokémon too, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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