Save the world and Arceus

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Last time on Ash's Pokémon Journey, Ash gets to meet and battle Kanto league champion Red, who now owns Mewtwo, but now both Mewtwo and Mew were picking up a call from something through their minds, telling them that someone called Arceus needs help. It wasn't long before Pikachu felt a headache too. Ash: "Pikachu, what's wrong?" Pikachu: [I can hear it too... someone is calling me...] suddenly, a large Pokémon came to the scene, which Ash recognized. Ash: "It's Dialga!" Goh: "Who...?" Ash: "The legendary Pokémon that rules all of time... but why is he here?" Dialga: [Ash... the time has come to do your role as the chosen one... you must save Arceus from Team Rocket...] Ash: "Who's Arceus?" Dialga: [There's no time to explain right now, but I'll tell you and your friends once you get to the past.] Ash: "What do you mean by..." before Ash could finish his question, Dialga summoned a roar that opened a portal that sucked Ash and everyone else inside of it, and once they got to the other side, they see that they were somewhere else. Goh: "Where are we?" Ash: "I don't know..." Red: "Hey... there's some people over there." said Red, before Ash takes a closer look at the other people who have landed in the area just like him, and gasped to see that it was May, Max, Dawn, Tracy, Iris, Cilan, Clemont, Bonnie, Serena and Lillie, who were also surprised to see the boy. Max: "Ash, is that you?" Ash: "Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it?" May: "Yeah... but where are we?" Dawn: "Hey... this place looks like Sinnoh... but something seems different about it..." Iris: "Ugh... I'll bet the little kid known as Ash has something to do with it." Serena: "Don't blame this on Ash, speaking of which, how come you didn't call me?" Ash: "Uh... I was a little busy..." Serena: "What could make you busy enough to forget to give your girlfriend a call?" All: "Girlfriend?!" Misty: "No way, Ash has a girlfriend now?" Brock: "Oh man... I feel really jealous right now..." Bonnie: "Yeah, it happened just before he left Kalos, and believe me, Serena is the perfect catch for him... speaking of which, you might be perfect for my brother." said Bonnie to May, who was surprised by this. May: "What?" Clemont: "Bonnie!, I told you before I'm not ready to date yet!" Bonnie: "Come on, you'll have to get a girlfriend sooner or later." Max: "Hold on, my sister is not interested in dates, and besides she might look like a catch, but she's a real handful." May: "Hey!, at least I'm not a little brat like you!" Max: "Oh yeah?!" Iris: "And here I thought Ash was a kid..." Cilan: "Well sometimes siblings like to argue one another..." Tracy: "I'm wondering where we are and why are we here..." said Tracy, Dialga and Palkia came to the scene, which made both May and Max stopped arguing, surprised to see they were in the presence of legendary Pokémon again. Dawn: "Dialga and Palkia... is there a reason you brought us all here?" Dialga: [Yes, you see... we are the Dialga and Palkia from the future... who were sent by Arceus, the god of all Pokémon, to send Ash to the past to stop Team Rocket from capturing him, otherwise the future will belong to them.] Ash: "How far in the past?" Dialga: [Um... I can't tell you that now... there's little time before the future you know ends.] Palkia: [He doesn't remember.] Dialga: [Hey!, I do so, but it's not that important right now!, all they should know is that this is the ancient times of Sinnoh.] Ash: "Wait a minute... if we're in the past... like in ancient times... how is Team Rocket causing trouble if they have not existed yet?" Dialga: [Ah, good question, you see they managed to create a machine that allows them to travel through time, and they're using Celebi as a power source.] Brock: "That makes sense... Celebi has the power to travel through time..." Dialga: [Yes, and now they're trying to control Arceus in the past, so they can control the present and the future.] Dawn: "No need to worry, we'll stop them." Iris: "Yeah, not the first time we saved a legendary from bad guys." Max: "Yeah, it would be like the old days." Lillie: "You mean this isn't the first time for you all?" Misty: "No, but you'll get used to it once you travel with Ash long enough." Goh: "Huh... well I hope we do it quick, there's no telling how much time we have left before the future we know changes into a terrible one." Cilan: "He's right, time's running out, we better cook our this recipe of saving the day before it's too late." Iris: "Hold on, why are we involved?, I mean it's not like I'm against saving the day, but we're not exactly heroes." Dialga: [Because this time, Ash can't do this alone, and you all managed to help him before, and with all of your together, there's no doubt the future is safe, now go.] said Dialga, before Ash and the others went off to find and stop Team Rocket before it's too late. Soon, they managed to find Team Rocket, who were watching a large machine that had Celebi inside, struggling to break herself free but no luck. It wasn't long before Pikachu noticed the sight of familiar faces. Pikachu: [Great... Jessie, James and Meowth are here too...] Ash: "Somehow I'm not all that surprised... they follow us everywhere we go..." Serena: "And the man in the business suit?" asked Serena, looking at a certain man that was giving orders to the grunts besides the Team Rocket trio. Ash: "I remember him... that's the boss of Team Rocket... he was the one who pretended to be the Viridian city gym leader when I tired to get the badge..." Red: "Hmm... I thought there was something about him I didn't like... if I knew who he was..." Misty: "Wait... look who's next to him." said Misty, pointing at a certain trainer that Ash hoped to never see again. Ash: "It's Damian!" May: "Not that jerk again." Misty: "You know Damian?" May: "Yeah, Max and I met him when we were traveling with Ash and Brock back in Hoenn." Dawn: "I met him before too back in Sinnoh." Iris: "Same goes for me and Cilan back in Unova." Serena: "And back at the Kalos league..." Lillie: "He also caused trouble for Ash back in Alola too... but what's he doing here in this era with Team Rocket?" Tracy: "If I had to guess from the uniform he's currently wearing, I'd say he's working for them now." said Tracy, looking at the Team Rocket uniform that Damian was wearing. Ash: "Somehow... this is perfect, for I have a certain fire type with me who would love to show strong he has gotten now." suddenly, Bonnie let out a big sneeze that caught the attention of Meowth, who was surprised to see Ash and his friends. Meowth: "It's the twerps!, all of them!" Jessie: "What?!, but that's impossible!" James: "Not them again!" Giovanni: "Wait... that boy, isn't he the boy who battled me in the Viridian city gym?, how did he get here, and in this era for that matter?" Meowth: "No idea..." Ash: "We're here to stop you Team Rocket!" Damian: "Oh great, even in another era, you still keep getting in my way." Ash: "Damian, I see you're part of Team Rocket now." Damian: "Well I couldn't be a normal trainer anymore, thanks to you and your friends, now I have to work for Team Rocket in order to make a living, at least it'll give me the chance to get even with you!" Ash: "Well I should let you know that I have a certain Pokémon here who has a score to settle with you too." said Ash, before he throws out a Pokéball, and out came Charizard, who let out a mighty roar that scared Damian a little. Damian: "So... the little Charmander is now a Charizard, eh?, well no matter, for I have a much better one." said Damian, before he lets out a Charizard of his own, which was black in colored as it was a shiny Charizard. Misty: "A shiny Charizard?" Brock: "Yeah, and it looks really strong." Max: "I'm not worried, Ash can take down that jerk, along with Team Rocket." May: "Um... speaking of which..." said May, before she noticed that a lot of grunts appeared, ready to attack the group. Dawn: "No need to worry, we came prepared for a battle like this." Iris: "Yeah... let's do this." Cilan: "In case if we fail, I want you to know that it's a real honor to meet all of you." Clemont: "Don't worry, we got this." Bonnie: "You said it big bro!" Serena: "Let's do this with style." Lillie: "You got it!" so with that, the trainers sent out their Pokémon to battle the Team Rocket grunts, while Ash and Charizard battles against Damian and his own Charizard. As for Red, he goes face to face against Giovanni himself. Red: "Giovanni, I'm taking you and Team Rocket down!" Giovanni: "You might be a Pokémon league champion, but I've been in battles long before you were born." Red: "Maybe... but I have the world's strongest Pokémon with me." said Red, before he lets out Mewtwo, who was glaring at the now surprised Team Rocket leader. Giovanni: "So... the rumors were true... you managed to capture my Mewtwo." Red: "He's not your Mewtwo!, he never was yours!, I caught him cause he chose me as his trainer for I treated him the way a Pokémon should be treated!" Giovanni: "You think I care about what you think how a Pokémon should be treated?, all that matters to me is to achieve my goals for world domination." Red: "Well just to let you know, you and your Team Rocket are about to end today!... or in the future, well you know what I mean." Giovanni: "We'll see who's future is about to end, and while you have Mewtwo... I have managed to take control of a Pokémon more powerful." said Giovanni, before he snaps his fingers, and that was when Arceus came in front of Mewtwo and Red, who were both surprised to see this. Red: "Arceus?!" Giovanni: "Thanks to the Red Chain that Team Galactic created some time ago, Arceus is now under my control." Mewtwo: "You might have Arceus, but I will not be defeated so easily." Giovanni: "Maybe... but neither will Arceus." soon, the battle between Arceus and Mewtwo begins, and it was very intense, more so than the battle between Mewtwo and Mew back in the Cerulean cave. The Team Rocket trio sent out their Pokémon to capture Pikachu, but Buneary, Mew and VeeVee strikes back, protecting the electric type. Buneary: [Keep away from my Pikachu!] VeeVee: [What do you mean your Pikachu?, I'm his girl.] Mew: [I thought I was Pikachu's girl?] Buneary: [No way!, he's mine!] Pikachu: [Girls!, focus on stopping Team Rocket!, not on who's my girlfriend!, please!] Buneary: [But Pikachu, you have to let them know I'm your girlfriend!] Pikachu: [Buneary please!, now is not the time!] Meowth: "Wow, Pikachu sure has some girl troubles." Jessie: "What do you mean?" Meowth: "Well, Buneary has a thing for Pikachu, same would go for the Eevee and Mew." James: "Wow... Pikachu must be a babe magnet..." Jessie: "Well that's unfortunate, as if you try to get involve with the opposite gender, you're only asking for trouble." James: "Yes, and that's the kind of trouble I stay out of." Meowth: "You two don't need the opposite gender as you two got each other." Jessie: "What does that mean?!" James: "Not funny!" Meowth: "Well never mind, let's get Pikachu." said Meowth, before he noticed that Buneary, Mew and VeeVee stood before him, glaring at him. Buneary: [Touch one hair of him, and you're cat food.] VeeVee: [Pikachu is not yours!] Mew: [He's my best friend!, and the cutest Pokémon I know besides me!] Buneary, VeeVee and Mew: [In other words... you're not taking our Mr Fluffy Mousey!] Meowth: "... Mr Fluffy Mousey?" Jessie: "Mr Fluffy Mousey?" James: "Fluffy what?" said the Team Rocket trio in confusion, while Pikachu was so embarrassed that his whole body turned red and tried to hide his face. Back with Ash, he and his Charizard managed to beat both Damian and his shiny Charizard. Damian: "You got to be kidding me?!, how could I lose to this twerp again!" Ash: "In case you forgotten... I'm a Pokémon league champion!, and future Pokémon master!" Giovanni: "Well that title won't mean much for very long, as the future is about to change." Ash: "Not on my watch!, Pikachu!, use Iron Tail on the Red Chain on Arceus!" called out Ash, before Pikachu uses Iron Tail to smash the red chain off of Arceus, who was finally freed from Giovanni's control. Giovanni: "No!" Lillie: "Alright!" Brock: "Good thinking Ash!" Red: "Huh... should have thought of that sooner..." that was when the lake trio, Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie came to the scene, and they were surprised to see that Arceus was freed by Ash. Dawn: "It's Mesprit!" Ash: "Azelf!" Brock: "And Uxie!" Azelf: [You know who we are?] Ash: "You don't remember us?" Pikachu: "Um... I think these are the Azelf, Mesprit an Uxie of the past, this must be how they knew us when we were in Sinnoh.] Uxie: [I see know... they're from the future... and they met our future selves, but they met us the first time then.] Ash: "Uh... yeah, that's about right..." that was when Giovanni tried to send out a Pokémon, but Mewtwo uses his psychic powers to stop him and the rest of the grunts. It wasn't long before Arceus came to Ash. Arceus: [Human... tell me your name please.] Ash: "Uh... I'm Ash, from the town of Pallet... and these are my friends..." Goh: "Hi... I'm Goh, it's nice to meet you." Misty: "I'm Misty." Brock: "I'm Brock." Tracy: "I'm Tracy." May: "I'm May." Max: "And I'm Max." Dawn: "I'm Dawn." Iris: "I'm Iris," Cilan: "Greetings, I'm Cilan." Serena: "I'm Serena." Clemont: "I'm Clemont." Bonnie: "And I'm Bonnie." Lillie: "I'm Lillie." Red: "And my name's Red, and this is Mewtwo." Arceus: [Interesting... I don't recall creating a Pokémon like you...] Mewtwo: "I wasn't born naturally... I was created by humans... I suppose you find me a freak..." Arceus: "Not at all, I find you very interesting... and you proved to be a good rival for me, very few Pokémon were able to go toe to toe with me in battle... thank you for freeing me too.] Mewtwo: "Actually, it was Ash and Pikachu who freed you." Ash: "No... it was all of us, I couldn't have done it without any of you guys." Pikachu: [That is so true.] Arceus: [How modest of you...] that was when the trainers went to free Celebi from the machine, and it wasn't long before Dialga and Palkia came to the scene. Dialga: [Well done trainers, Arceus has been freed, we'll let Arceus of our time know that you have succeeded.] Arceus: [Ah, time travel... should have known...] Dialga: [Yes, and now it's time to send these heroes, and Team Rocket back to the present where they belong.] Arceus: [Before you do that, I want to give these trainers a little present.] said Arceus, before he summons a little glowing energy balls that went into the bodies of the trainers besides Ash, and they were puzzled on what it just did. Dawn: "What just happened?" Buneary: [Are you okay Dawn?, did it do something?] Dawn: "I don't... wait... Buneary... you just talk!, like in human words!" Goh: "I heard her too!" Misty: "Wait... does this mean..." Arceus: "You all now have the ability to talk to Pokémon, now you can be one with us.] Bonnie: "Awesome!, we can talk to Pokémon now!" Max: "Wow... I never thought this day would come..." Tracy: "Incredible..." Red: "Huh... this could take some time getting used to..." Dialga: [Yes, but now it's time to send you all back to your proper time.] said Dialga, before he summons a mighty roar, and soon all the trainers and Team Rocket were sent back to the present. It wasn't long before the police came and arrested Team Rocket, including Giovanni himself, marking the end of Team Rocket at last. Goh: "Hey... where's Jessie, James and Meowth?" Brock: "What do you mean?, didn't they got arrested too?" Goh: "I didn't see them with the rest of the grunts... they must have escaped somehow..." Ash: "Well if that's the case, they'll be back, but we'll be ready." Pikachu: [Speaking of which, I've heard that the Masters tournament is gonna start soon.] Ash: "Oh yeah, we better get ready for it." Iris: "Maybe you didn't know, only league champions or members of the Elite 4 can compete in it." Ash: "Maybe you didn't knew that I'm a league champion of Alola." Lillie: "He's right, I saw him win it." Iris: "What?!, no way!" Ash: "It's true." Iris: "Well... if that's the case, try not to lose." Ash: "I'll do my best." and so Ash and his friends stopped Team Rocket once and for all and saved the past, present and future, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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