Pikachu the movie

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After earning his sixth Kalos gym badge and caught the baby Noibat, Ash is on his way to Anistar city, the location of the seventh Kalos gym leader. Right now, the group were walking down a path, when they noticed someone that looked like Serena, much to the girl's surprise, before Ash noticed a tail on the other Serena. Suddenly, the other Serena changed into Zorua, who just giggled. Bonnie: "What is that?" Clemont: "It's a Zorua, but what's it doing here in Kalos?" Zorua: [Hi Ash, it's sure has been a while.] Ash: "Huh?, have we... wait... are you..." before Ash could finish, a trainer, who was in fact Luke, came to the scene. Luke: "Oh Ash!, it's great to see ya." Ash: "Hi Luke, it's been a while." Serena: "You know this trainer?" Ash: "Yeah, he's a trainer I made friends with back in Unova, he's also a filmmaker." Luke: "Yes, and speaking of which, I'm trying to make a movie about a Pikachu being a superhero... but uh... I don't have any Pikachu... and you know Zorua is picky about what role to go in." Ash: "So you want my Pikachu to play the role?" Luke: "Sure, it would be like old times, and I'm sure your Pikachu will be loved." Ash: "Sure thing, what do you think Pikachu?, you up for it?" Pikachu: [Yeah, this should be fun.] Luke: "Oh by the way, I managed to catch some new Pokémon... but uh... they're um... unique." Clemont: "How so?" Luke: "I think you'll understand better if you meet them... Moe!, Larry!, Curly!, come over here, I have some friends I want you to meet!" called out Luke, before a black and gray Riolu, Bunnelby and Raichu, named Moe (voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos), Larry (voiced by Sean Hayes), and Curly (voiced by Will Sasso), came to the scene. Moe: "Hello~." Larry: "Hello~~." Curly: "Hello~~~." Moe, Larry and Curly: "Hello!" said the trio, before the ran up to the group and tried to bow, only to bump into each others heads. Serena: "Did they just... talk?" Luke: "They did, the Riolu is Moe, the Bunnelby is Larry, and the Raichu is Curly, together they are the Pokémon version of the Three Stooges." Bonnie: "Pokémon version of the Three Stooges?" Curly: "Yeah, cause this is a Pokémon story, so we have to be Pokémon, otherwise we won't be in this Fanfiction." Moe: "Hey what did I tell you about breaking the 4th wall?" said Moe, before he slaps Curly. Larry: "What wall?, the wall that the readers look into to see the story or a brick wall?" Moe: "Shut up!" said Moe, before he slaps Larry. Curly: "Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk!" Moe: "What are laughing at?" said Moe, before he pokes Curly in the eyes with his signature stooge eye poking attack. Serena: "I see what you mean by they're a Pokémon version of the Three Stooges..." Clemont: "No kidding..." Bonnie: "Hey, what happened to their color?" Luke: "I don't know... they said they were hatched with those colors." Moe: "So this kid with the Pikachu is the one you were talking about?" Luke: "Yeah, the very same, but I don't know the others." Serena: "I'm Serena." Clemont: "I'm Clemont, and this is Bonnie, my little sister." Bonnie: "Hi there!" Luke: "Well it's nice to meet ya." Curly: "Hi Luke, are we ready yet?" Luke: "Just about, you got the costumes ready?" Moe: "Yeah, we just need to put them on." Ash: "Costumes?" Luke: "Yeah, the Stooges wear costumes that make them look like Pikachu, as for Zorua, she's gonna be a Pikachu princess while your Pikachu plays the hero." Moe: "And not only that, there will be voice acting for the Pokémon that can't talk like the three of us." Bonnie: "Is that where we come in?" Luke: "Yeah, and Ash will be the voice for Pikachu, and Serena, you can be the voice for the Pikachu princess." Serena: "Really?, what an honor..." so with that, the kids soon began making the Pikachu hero movie, and the managed to finish most of it, with only the climax left needed to be completed. Unfortunately, the Team Rocket trio showed up, and they were after the Pokémon. Jessie: "There's no escape this time Pikachu, so prepare for trouble." James: "Yes, make it double." Meowth: "That's right!, for we have some teammates of this region to aid us." said Meowth, before Jessie sends out what looked like a tall pumpkin-like ghost type, while James sends out what looked like a little floating squid called Inkay, while Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out what he and his friends were facing. Pokédex: [Gourgeist is the Pumpkin Pokémon, and it tends to wander through towns at a new moon, surrounding it's prey with it's arms which resembles hair.] [Inkay is the Revolving Pokémon, and the flashing lights on the spots on it's forehead can put it's opponents into a daze.] Ash: "So Team Rocket has some new Pokémon, but there's no way I'm gonna let that stop me from keeping them from stealing the Pokémon." Moe: "Hey spread out you creeps!, we're in the middle of making a movie!" Jessie: "Did that Riolu just... talked?" James: "It did... but I thought Meowth was the only one." Meowth: "No way... there are others like me?" Curly: "We're not a Meowth, I'm a Raichu, and Moe's a Riolu and Larry is a Bunnelby." Moe: "You idiot!" said Moe, before he bops Curly on the head. It wasn't long before Ash sends Pikachu to fight Team Rocket to protect Zorua, and the Stooges joined the battle. Soon, the Team Rocket trio were beaten and got sent flying out of the scene once again. After the battle was over, Luke went to edit the scenes of the filming, while Ash and his friends went to do some voice overs for the Pokémon. Eventually, they went to watch the movie, which started in a village where Ash's Pikachu was trying to stay alive on the little scraps of food he could find, while dreaming of winning the heart of the beautiful Pikachu princess. Then one day, at the castle, the Pikachu princess, which was really Zorua, got kidnapped by a trio of bad Pikachu, who were the stooges in costumes, and that was when Ash's Pikachu came to the rescue. But the trio beaten him, and took away the princess. Pikachu began to do some training while being trained by Moe, who also plays the role of the aura Guardian to help Pikachu get stronger. In the end of the training, Pikachu gained a super hero costume, and went off to face the bad Pikachu trio. Of course that was when the Team Rocket trio showed up, and the Pikachu trio revealed that they were being controlled by the Team Rocket trio, and Pikachu went to fight the Rocket trio, and once they were defeated, the Pikachu princess went over to Super Pikachu and gave him a kiss, which caused him to blush. In the end of the movie, Super Pikachu and the princess had a wedding and lived happily ever after. Serena: "Wow!, that was a great movie!" Ash: "Yeah, Pikachu was really amazing, along with all the Pokémon." Bonnie: "You did well on voicing Pikachu too." Clemont: "So did you Serena." Luke: "You all did great." Curly: "Us too?" Luke: "Of course, especially with the slapstick comedy part." Larry: "Do you think we can make another one?" Luke: "Maybe, but that's something for another time." Ash: "Yeah, I have a gym badge to earn." Luke: "I'm sure you do, good luck." some time after departing from Luke and his Pokémon, Ash and his friends finally arrived to Anistar city, where the seventh Kalos gym leader was waiting, and she uses powerful psychic types. The battle with the gym leader was tough, but Ash and his Pokémon were able to pull through and beat her, allowing Ash to earn himself the Psychic badge. Ash: "Well... seven down... only one more to go..." Serena: "Yeah... and then you can compete in the Kalos League." Clemont: "If you can beat the last gym leader first." Bonnie: "I'm not worried, Ash can do it, he's gonna be a Pokémon master one day." Ash: "Yeah... that's been my goal for all of my life..." and so Ash has helped Luke make another great movie and earned his seventh Kalos gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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