Sappy encounters of some bug and grass types

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After their encounter with Professor Elm in New Bark town, Ash heads off to Violet city, the location of the first Johto gym leader. Right now our heroes were in some sort of forest, looking for a route when they noticed what looked like beetles with a single horn were feeding off some sap from a tree. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he was looking at. Pokédex: [Heracross is a bug/fighting type that while normally enjoys peace, it can put up one heck of a fight against powerful opponents.] Ash: "Wow, they look cool..." Pikachu: [Eating tree sap huh?, not the number 1 choice of food in my taste... but I guess it works for them...] suddenly, a group of of another bug types, called Pinsir, came to the scene and scared off the Heracross away from the tree and feed off all of the sap until there was nothing left, before after some more trees. Misty: "Ah!, more bugs!" Brock: "Still haven't grown out of your fear of bug types, huh?" Misty: "Come on!, bug types always creep me out!" Ash: "Never mind about that, those Pinsir are taking away all of the sap from those trees." Brock: "You're right Ash, if this keeps up, this forest might not last long." that was when another Pokémon, which had a leaf on her head, named Chikorita, came to the scene and tried to fight off the Pinsir, but she was beaten by them as they were not only bigger but stronger too. That was when a Heracross came and tries to protect Chikorita from the Pinsir, before Ash calls out Pikachu to send the Pinsir away with the electric type's Thunderbolt attack. Ash: "That was close... are you two okay?" Heracross: [Yeah... I think so... thanks for saving us.] Chikorita: [Those Pinsir were lucky that time, I could have taken them down with one attack.] Ash: "Which attack would that be?" Chikorita: [That's noun of your... wait... did you... understand what we just said?] Pikachu: [Yeah, Ash here has the ability to talk to Pokémon.] Heracross: [Really?, I've never heard of a human that can talk to Pokémon before... at least not one that can understand our speaking.] Pikachu: [Yeah, it surprised me too, but it's true.] Ash: "My name's Ash by the way, it's nice to meet you both, I know my Pokédex said you're a Heracross, but what about your friend?" Heracross: [She's called Chikorita, and she's a stubborn fighter, despite her size.] said Heracross, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the grass type of Johto. Pokédex: [Chikorita is the grass type starter of Johto, and the leaf on it's head gives off a pleasant smell.] Pikachu: [So that's what I've been smelling right now...] Chikorita: [I might smell nice, but that doesn't mean I'm weak, I just had a run in of bad luck on battles lately...] Heracross: [Come on Chikorita, admit that you need help on getting stronger.] Chikorita: [I told you!, I can stop those Pinsir all by myself!] said Chikorita, before she runs off to who knows where, leaving Heracross and the trainers behind. Heracross: [Sorry about Chikorita... she's been like this ever her trainer abandoned her here, proving that she can be stronger all by herself...] Ash: "She was abandoned by her trainer?" Heracross: [Yeah... I've been trying to help her ever since I met her... if only that trainer treated her better...] said Heracross, while Ash couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor grass type. Meanwhile with Chikorita, the grass type noticed another Pinsir, but it was badly beaten up, much to her surprise. Chikorita: [Hey, what happened to you?] Pinsir: [That giant Pinsir... it took over our part of the forest... and helping some bad humans to steal the sap... that's why my swarm's here... I tried to fight it off... but it was too powerful...] Chikorita: [Hmm... where is it?] Pinsir: [It's at an opening not far from here... but if you wanna stop it... then you'll need help...] Chikorita: [I don't need help, like I told Heracross, I can handle anything all be myself, I don't need any trainer, especially no trainer like the one I had once...] said Chikorita, before she leaves the scene and head off to where this big Pinsir should be. Unaware to Chikorita, Ash and the others were following her, and talked to the injured Pinsir, who got healed by the help of Brock, and the group learned that Chikorita is going after the big Pinsir to save the forest from destruction. Soon, Ash got to where the big Pinsir should be, only to learn that it was really a robot that was being controlled by the Team Rocket trio, who is using to steal the tree sap in hopes to make some money out of it. Jessie: "Oh great... the twerp..." James: "He always has a knack of showing up when we don't want him." Meowth: "That's right." Misty: "We can say the same with you jerks!, don't you realized that you're hurting the forest here?!" Jessie: "Who cares about some stupid trees, we're about to make millions with this sap." Ash: "Not on my watch!" said Ash, before he sends out his Charizard to battle the robot, which didn't take very as it was meant to handle bug types rather than powerful fire types like Charizard. Just then, when the robot was ready to blow, Ash noticed that Chikorita was passed out next to it, as she tried to fight the robot earlier but failed. Left with no other choice, Ash rushed to the grass type and took her away from the robot just when it blew up and sends the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky and out of the scene. By the time Team Rocket were gone, Chikorita woke up and Heracross told her what happened. Chikorita: [You... saved me?, but why?] Ash: "Because if I didn't... you could have gotten badly hurt from the explosion... and I couldn't let that happen." Chikorita: [I... thank you... for saving me... even though I'm just... a weakling...] Ash: "You're not weak, you just need help on getting stronger... and if you want, I can help you, me and the rest of my Pokémon." Pikachu: [Yeah, we won't force ya though, it's up to you.] when Chikorita sees Ash smiling at her, she couldn't help but blush a little, and felt like her heart began to race a little, especially when she realized that she was in the boy's arms. Chikorita: [Well... I guess I do owe ya for saving me... and you seem to be a nice trainer... so I'll join ya.] Ash: "Good to hear." Heracross: [Um... do you mind if I tag along too?, I like to get stronger too, and I doubt that I can do that by staying here in this forest..." Ash: "Sure, I was hoping to catch a Heracross ever since I got here, it would be a real honor to have both of ya on the team." said Ash, before he catches Heracross and then Chikorita, as his newest catches. Of course since Ash has only brought Pikachu and Charizard with him, he was able to carry both Heracross and Chikorita without them being transported to Professor Oak. The wild Heracross and Pinsir thanked our heroes for stopping Team Rocket and saved their forest, before saying goodbye to them as they went off to Violet city. Once they got to the city, they met the gym leader, who used flying types. Once Ash got to the gym, he went to use Charizard and Pidgeotto, which had evolved into Pidgeot, and managed to beat the gym leader and earned the Zephyr badge. Ash: "I managed to get my first gym badge of Johto... meaning I have 7 more to go..." Misty: "Where's the next gym?" Brock: "According to the map, it's at Azalea town." Ash: "Wait... isn't that the town where Kurt lives?, the man that Professor Oak wants us to give the GS ball to for research?" Brock: "Yes, I believe so." Ash: "Then what are we waiting for?, let's go." and so Ash has caught his first Pokémon of Johto and earned his first Johto gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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