The Hoenn Pokémon league

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After the incident with the mirage Pokémon, Ash and his friends arrived to the Hoenn league stadium, which seems to have some trouble at the moment, as President Goodshow was looking worried. Ash: "Hi President Goodshow, what's wrong?" Goodshow: "Oh Ash, good to see you again, I take it that you came to compete in the Hoenn league?" Ash: "That's right." May: "Um... you know this man?" Brock: "This is Charles Goodshow, president of the Pokémon league, we met him before in the Kanto and Johto league." Goodshow: "Yes, but I fear that the Hoenn may not be able to come on... as someone stole the flame of Moltres, and right under my nose this time." Max: "Moltres, I heard of that one, it's a legendary Pokémon native to the Kanto region, and it's flames were used to start the leagues of the world, except for Johto of course as that one used the flame of Ho-oh." Goodshow: "That is correct my boy, but it seems that someone, disguised as an Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy stole it." Brock: "Someone had the nerve to pretend to be Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny to steal the torch?!, who would do such a thing?!" that was when Pikachu noticed a very familiar hot air balloon floating nearby. Pikachu: [Ash... I think I have a pretty good idea who did it...] Ash: "You do?, who?" Pikachu: [Look behind ya.] said Pikachu, before Ash turned around, and he and everyone sees the balloon. Ash: "Ugh... should have known..." Brock: "Why am I not surprised...?" Max: "Don't those guys have anything better to do?" Goodshow: "This has to the third time they tried to steal the torch..." May: "This isn't the first time?" asked May, before the Team Rocket trio noticed that they were spotted. Jessie: "Oh nuts, we've been spotted!" James: "I told ya we should have taken the right turn." Meowth: "Never mind that, here they come!" Ash: "Swellow!, I choose you!, pop Team Rocket's balloon and get the torch back!" called out Ash, as he sends out Swellow, who pops the balloon with his beak, causing the Team Rocket trio to be blasting off again, while the torch was falling and Pikachu managed to catch it just in the nick of time. Pikachu: [Got it!] Ash: "Nice catch." Pikachu: [Thanks.] Goodshow: "Well my boy, this is the third time you saved the torch from the hands of Team Rocket, I'm beginning to think whenever there is trouble, you arrive to fix it." Ash: "Well I don't know about that, I just seem to be there at the right time." Goodshow: "Well either way, we owe you a great gratitude, say... how would you like to run the torch again?" Ash: "Really?" Goodshow: "Sure, I'm sure many fans will love to see the boy who saved the torch from evil hands again." Ash: "Well... sure thing, I always found it fun to do." so with that, Ash runs with the torch and takes to the stadium, where can be seen by everyone, allowing the Hoenn Pokémon league to begin. Ash was able to face some tough trainers, like one with a Metang in the top 16 for example, but he was able to pull through, and Grovyle was able to evolve into Sceptile, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Sceptile is the fully evolved form of Treecko, and it moves lightly through tree branches in order to attack it's opponents.] once Ash got to top 8, he was facing a trainer named Tyson, who was the toughest trainer Ash faced in the Hoenn league yet. Soon both sides were down to their last Pokémon, which was Ash's Pikachu and Tyson's Meowth, which was without a doubt a whole lot tougher than Team Rocket's Meowth for sure. Eventually, the battle came to an end, with Tyson's Meowth as the victor, while Pikachu was defeated, meaning Ash has lost another league. Sometime later, Pikachu was looking down when Ash looked at him. Ash: "Hey buddy, it wasn't your fault, Tyson was just really tough, along with his Meowth, that's all." Pikachu: [Yeah... but still... I should have kept going...] Ash: "Don't worry, there's always next time." Pikachu: [Yeah... I guess...] it wasn't long before the Hoenn league finally came to an end, with Tyson as the winner and new champion. May: "Wow... I can't believe that Tyson managed to win..." Brock: "Well goes to show how strong he is, and that Ash still has a long way to go." said Brock, as the Hoenn Pokémon league finally comes to a close. Soon, Ash and his friends went on a ferry that sails back to Kanto, and May and Max decided to travel to Johto to compete in the Pokémon contests there. May: "Well... I guess this is it..." Ash: "Yeah, it was fun traveling with ya, and Max too." Max: "Yeah... I wish we could continue traveling together... but I guess that won't be the case..." Brock: "No... but I'm sure we'll see each other again in the future." May: "Yeah, until then... I guess this is goodbye." Ash: "Yeah... see ya May, and you too Max... until we meet again." said Ash, before he and Brock went to the path that goes to Pallet town, while May and Max take the path that goes to Johto. Soon, Ash and Brock arrived to Pallet town, and Delia was happy to see her son again. Delia: "How was your journey in Hoenn?" Ash: "It was great, I managed to catch some awesome Pokémon and made new friends as well." Delia: "I'm happy to hear that, by the way, Professor Oak and Gary are at the lab right now, you should go see them." Ash: "Sure thing." soon, Ash went to the lab, and sees Gary training some kind of Pokémon called Electrifier, and the Pokédex had no data on it. Gary: "Hey Ash, it's been a while since I last saw ya." Ash: "Hey Gary, um... my Pokédex does not have any data on your Pokémon here." Gary: "No surprise your Pokédex so far only has info of Pokémon of Kanto, Johto and Hoenn, but Electrifier here is from the Sinnoh region." Brock: "Sinnoh... I think that's the region where May's Manaphy is native from." Ash: "Oh yeah... so Electrifier is from the Sinnoh region?" Gary: "Yeah, and that region is full of new and powerful Pokémon, and it has it's own Pokémon league as well." Ash: "Really?, hmm... maybe I should give it a try..." that was when Professor Oak came to the scene, and he heard what the boy said. Professor Oak: "Well if you want to do that, you should go see Professor Rowan in Sandgem town, he'll update your Pokédex to have the data of the Pokémon there and get you registered for the Sinnoh league." Ash: "Alright, then I'll go see him first." Brock: "I'll bet there be a lot of beautiful ladies there..." said Brock while blushing a little. Professor Oak: "By the way... I still can't believe that you managed to catch the mythical Mew, how did you pulled it off?" Ash: "Well... that's a long story..." Gary: "Wait... Mew?!, first you managed to catch a Latias, and now a Mew?!" Ash: "Um... it's not that big of a deal..." Brock: "Don't be so modest Ash, it's not everyday that a trainer is able to catch both a legendary and a mythical Pokémon." Professor Oak: "That is very true, and they both seemed to have a very affectionate personalities... which they're about to show again..." before Ash could ask the professor what he meant, Latias and Mirage Mew appeared and pins him down to the ground, and gave him some nuzzles on his cheeks. Latias: [Ash!, play with me!] Mirage Mew: [But I wanted to play with him first!] Pikachu: [Whoa there ladies, go easy on him, you'll have your turn to play with him.] Ash: "Uh... hi you two, good to see ya." Mirage Mew: [So... you're planning to leave already?] Ash: "Yeah, but don't worry, once you get some training from the other Pokémon here for a while, I'll let you have your chance to battle a powerful opponent in the future, same for Latias too." Latias: [You promise?] Ash: "Cross my heart." Pikachu: [And I'm sure Ash will catch some powerful Pokémon in Sinnoh too.] Ash: "You bet I will, and I'm sure we'll face many trainers there too, this is gonna be fun." Brock: "I'm sure it will be." after a few days of rest and catching up with the other Pokémon, Ash was finally ready to travel again, with Pikachu and Brock by his side. Soon, the group went to a ferry that will sail to the Sinnoh region. Ash: "Well... here we go, off to another adventure... and to take another step closer to becoming a Pokémon master..." and so Ash has entered the Hoenn league, but lost yet again, but still haven't given up his dream, and now has his eyes set on the Sinnoh region, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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