An Orange league champ in Pallet town

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After winning the Orange League by beating Drake, Lapras carried Ash and his friends to Vermillion city, meaning they were back in the Kanto region. Ash: "Nice work Lapras, we'll take it from here." Lapras: [So does this mean I can rest?] Ash: "Sure, you've earned it." said Ash, before he returns Lapras into her Pokéball, and he along with his friends were on their way to Pallet town. By the time they got there, it was afternoon, and Delia was waiting for them. Delia: "Hi Ash!, I see you're finally back." Ash: "Hi mom, check it out, I won the Orange league, and this trophy is proof of it." said Ash, showing her mom the trophy. Delia: "Well done Ash, I knew you can do it, and I see you made a new friend." Tracy: "Hi, I'm Tracy, a Pokémon watcher, and I came to meet my idol, Professor Oak himself." Delia: "Well he should be in his lab right now, and he's waiting for this GS ball I heard about." Ash: "Yeah, I better go see him then." said Ash, before he and the others went off to Professor Oak's lab, where they meet not only the Professor, but Gary as well. Professor Oak: "Hello Ash, I've been waiting for you." Gary: "About time you got here." Ash: "Hey Gary, haven't seen ya since the Kanto Pokémon league." Gary: "Well I've been busy training of course, and I managed to catch a new Pokémon, see for yourself." said Gary, before sends out what looked like a brown fox like Pokémon called an Eevee, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Eevee is a special Pokémon that can evolve into more than one form, depending on the evolution stones, training, moves and love it got from it's trainer.] Misty: "Aw~, it looks so cute, just like Pikachu~." Eevee: [I might look cute, but I'm tough.] Pikachu: [Funny, that saying could go the same for me.] Eevee: [Oh really?, well I'm more cuter and tougher.] Pikachu: [No way!, I'm way cuter and tougher than you!] Ash: "Uh... are you fighting about who's tougher or cuter?" Eevee: [Huh?, you can understand us?] Pikachu: [Yeah, pretty cool isn't it?] Gary: "Oh yeah, I forgot about your ability to understand Pokémon speech." Misty: "Well it's not a common ability to have." Ash: "So uh... what were you up to?" Gary: "Well I'm training to compete in the Johto league." Ash: "Wait... the Johto league?" Gary: "Yeah, it's like the Pokémon league here in Kanto, only it's located in the Johto region, which is west from here." Professor Oak: "Yes, and the Johto region has it's own set of Pokémon as well." Ash: "Whoa... maybe I should check it out." Professor Oak: "Good idea, but do you have the GS ball?" Ash: "Huh?, oh yeah, it's right here." said Ash, before he gives the GS ball to Professor Oak, who was really excited to see it. While the Professor starts studying the GS ball, Ash and Gary decided to have a little battle, only for it to be interrupted by the Team Rocket trio, who showed up in hopes to capture the Pokémon. Jessie: "This is the end of the line for you twerp!" James: "Yes, for today's the day you won't win." Meowth: "That's right!" Pikachu: [Ugh... don't these have anything better to do?] Meowth: "Not really, and now prepare to be the newest gift for the boss." Ash: "Not on my watch!, Charizard!, I choose you!" called out Ash, as he sends out Charizard to battle. Misty: "Gyarados, I choose you!" called out Misty, as she sends out her Gyarados. Brock: "I choose you, Onix!" called out Brock, as he sends out his Onix to battle. It wasn't long before our heroes' Pokémon defeated Team Rocket's Pokémon, and soon sent them and the trio flying into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, as they were blasting off out of the scene. Sometime after the defeat of the Team Rocket trio, Ash returned to Professor Oak's lab where he sees the professor struggling a little. Ash: "What's wrong?" Professor Oak: "Well... it seems I couldn't figure out anything from the GS ball either... how unfortunate... wait... maybe Kurt could know something." Ash: "Who?" Professor Oak: "He's a special Pokéball designer in town of Azalea, located in the Johto region, perhaps he might find out something." Ash: "You want me to take the GS ball to him?" Professor Oak: "That would be great Ash, thank you, and there happens to be a gym leader there too, so if you want to compete in the Johto league, that would help both of us." Ash: "Sure, then Johto is where I'm going next." Brock: "Mind if I tag along?" Ash: "Sure thing." Misty: "And I'm going too, just to make sure you don't do something stupid, and you still owe me a bike." Ash: "Don't remind me... wait, what about Tracy?" asked Ash, before Tracy came to the scene. Tracy: "Well actually, I decided to stay here and become Professor Oak's assistant, I mean it's been my dream to study him after all." Professor Oak: "Well it would certainly help me on my research." Ash: "Alright then, good luck then Tracy, it was fun traveling with you back on the Orange islands." Tracy: "I can say the same thing with you and the others." Ash: "Well... off to the Johto region." Pikachu: [Let's go!] and so Ash has set his eyes on the Johto region, meaning a new adventure is about to begin for him and his friends as the journey continues.

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