An encounter of Team Aqua and Team Magma

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After catching Taillow and Treecko, along with earning his first Hoenn gym badge, Ash heads off to Dewford island, where the second Hoenn gym leader is located. While staying on Dewford island, May was practicing her performance for a Pokémon contest with her Torchic and Wurmple. Suddenly, something was burrowing underground and attacked the group before it retreated. Ash: "What was that?" Brock: "I don't know..." Max: "It must have been a Pokémon." May: "But what kind?" Brock: "Hmm... a Krabby maybe?" Ash: "Well we won't find out if we just sit here and do nothing, let's go find it." Pikachu: [Good idea.] so with that, they begin their search for the mystery Pokémon that attacked them, but so far no luck. When night fell, our heroes encountered what looked like a trio of unknown creatures that were completely covered in seaweed, only to find out that it was the Team Rocket trio. Ash: "What are you doing here?!" Jessie: "We could ask you the same thing." Meowth: "Hey guys... look up there." said Meowth, before a helicopter landed on the beach, and out came some men wearing red uniforms with a black 'M' on them. The leader was a man named Tabitha (voiced by John Campbell), and it seems that he and the grunts were looking for something in the area. Suddenly, a submarine came out of the water, and out came some people wearing blue uniforms with a white 'A' on them. The leader was a woman named Shelly (voiced by Bella Hudson), and like Tabitha, she and her grunts were looking for something in the area. Shelly: "The temple must be here somewhere..." that was when Tabitha, along with his grunts run into Shelly and her own grunts. Tabitha: "Hello Shelly... we meet again." Shelly: "Yes, but just to let you know, we're getting closer on controlling the power of the seas of Hoenn, and you won't stop us." Tabitha: "Funny, I could say the same about getting close to controlling the power of the lands of Hoenn, and it is you who will be stopped." Shelly: "We shall see..." said Shelly, before she and her grunts released their Pokémon to attack Tabitha and his grunts, who send out their own Pokémon to fight. During the battle between the two different teams, Ash and his friends, along with Team Rocket were watching the whole thing. Ash: "Who are those people?" James: "I don't know, but their uniforms seemed to remind me of our own." Max: "Oh man... that's Team Aqua and Team Magma..." Brock: "Are you sure?" May: "Yeah, dad warned us about them, they're people with those uniforms and the letters on them." Jessie: "What could they mean that they're getting close to control either land or sea?" Meowth: "Beats me... but it sounds like they're planning for world domination too." James: "But they can't do that, that's our job!" that was when Ash noticed something burrowing under the ground, and heading for Team Aqua and Team Magma's crossfire. One of the grunts' Pokémon fired an attack that hits the ground, and the mystery Pokémon came out of the ground, revealing to be what was called a Corphish. Max: "Whoa!, it's a Corphish!" May: "Oh no!, it's right in the middle of that brawl!" cried out May, before one of the Team Magma grunts ordered their Pokémon to attack Corphish, only for Ash to run to the scene and took the hit for the water type, much to everyone's shock. Corphish: [What the... did you just... saved me?] Ash: "Oh... yeah I did... are you okay?" Corphish: [Why asking me that when you were the one who got hurt?!] Shelly: "Who is that kid?" Tabitha: "Who knows, but he better get out of our way." Ash: "Hey!, if you wanna battle, leave other Pokémon out of it!" Shelly: "Don't tell us what to do kid, you can get seriously hurt." that was when one of the Aqua grunts came up to Shelly and whispered something to her ear, and the same with one of the Magma grunts to their own leader. Tabitha: "It would seem that we got what we came for." Shelly: "Same with us, so let's part ways... for now." said the leaders, before they and their grunts left the scene, much to Ash's confusion, while the others came up to him. May: "Ash!, are you okay?" Max: "What were you thinking using yourself as a shield to protect Corphish like that?!" Ash: "Sorry... I was just trying to protect Corphish from being harmed, that's all." Corphish: [Well I didn't needed to be saved, okay?, I'm very tough.] Ash: "I'll bet you are tough." Corphish: [Wait... you can understand me?!] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to Pokémon, though I'm not really sure how I do it myself... but it's cool I guess... but totally secret." Corphish: [Huh... a human that can talk to Pokémon... interesting... tell you what... how about I join your team... if you can beat me in a battle, sound good?] Ash: "It sure does, let's do it." so with that, Ash battles Corphish with his Treecko, and it was tough as Corphish was proven to be much tougher than the boy first thought he'd be. But thanks to some patience and waiting for the right time, Treecko was able to beat Corphish and Ash caught him with a Pokéball. Ash: "Alright!, I caught Corphish!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Treecko: [Yes!] then Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his catch. Pokédex: [Corphish is a water type that has tough pincers and can live happily even in polluted waters.] Pikachu: [Seriously?] Ash: "Well I'm not planning to find out if that's true or not." after that, the group went to the Pokémon center, where May learns that there are a lot of Nurse Joys all over the world, and the same would go for Officer Jenny too. It wasn't long before Ash gets to meet the Dewford island gym leader himself, who uses fighting types, and he proved to be a tough gym leader to beat too. But thanks to some patience and refusing to give up, Ash was able to beat the gym leader and earned himself the Knuckle badge. Ash: "Alright, now that I got my second badge of Hoenn, it's time for the third." Brock: "Though I'm still wondering what Team Aqua and Team Magma were up to..." May: "Yeah... it was strange how they just left like that." Max: "They did say that got what they came for... whatever it was... though I got a bad feeling that it means trouble for us..." Ash: "Yeah..." and so Ash has caught a Corphish, met both Team Aqua and Team Magma, and earned his second Hoenn gym badge. Who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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