The Forbidden forest

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After earning his fifth Hoenn gym badge, Ash and others continue to find either the other gyms or Pokémon contests for May so she can earn contest ribbons. While on the way, a wild Skarmory, which is a steel/flying type Pokémon, came to the scene and caught both Ash and May in it's feet, much to Max and Brock's shock. Pikachu managed to get on the back of Skarmory, and used Thunderbolt to force it to let go of Ash and May, who fell into a forest that was surrounded by tall fences. Ash: "Where are we?" May: "I don't know... but I do know that we're lost..." that was when Pikachu came down and landed on the boy's head, causing Ash to plant his face on the ground. Pikachu: [Oh... sorry.] said Pikachu, before Ash gets back on his feet. Ash: "That's okay... happy you didn't get hurt from the fall." suddenly, a big group of grass types appeared and attacked both the young humans and Pikachu for some reason, and the trio had no choice but to make a run for it. May: "Why are they attacking us?!" Ash: "I don't know, but I think they want us out of their forest!" Pikachu: [They must think we're here to invade their territory!] Ash: "You might be right!" May: "About what?!" Ash: "That they believe we're invading their home!" May: "But we're not here for that!" Ash: "Yeah, but they don't know that!" May: "Well you're the one who can talk to Pokémon, tell them to stop!" suddenly, Ash heard a cry for help, which came from a pair of Pokémon that was hanging off a cliff nearby. Ash and May saw them and quickly went over to the edge of the cliff to save them just in the nick of time. The Pokémon that May saved was a female Bulbasaur, while the one that Ash saved was a purple monkey with what looked like a hand on the tip of it's tail called an Aipom, which was also a female. Aipom: [You... saved me... thank you so much!] said Aipom, before she jumps into Ash's arms and gave him a big hug, which he seems to enjoy, before she takes away Ash's hat and tried to look cool on it. Ash: "Hey!, that's my hat!" Aipom: "Well it's mine now." said Aipom with a cheeky laugh. Pikachu: [Give Ash that hat back, it means a lot to him.] Aipom: [It does?] Ash: "Yeah, so can you please give it back?" Aipom: [Wait... you can understand me?] female Bulbasaur: [He can understand Aipom?] Ash: "Yeah, but not just Aipom, but all Pokémon, though I'm not really sure how I do it myself though..." Pikachu: [Hey uh... why were those other grass types attacking us?] Aipom: "You don't know?, this is the forbidden forest, home to a lot of grass types that would attack any human who invades the place... for they don't want humans to destroy the place just to catch them like the time some humans tried to years ago...] Ash: "I see... well we're not here to cause trouble, we only got here after a Skarmory captured us." Aipom: [A Skarmory you say?, that one has been taking some Pokémon into this forest for some time... including myself, for one of his trainers want to use the place to trap and catch us." Ash: "Who?" Aipom: [I don't know, but a woman with yellow hair and a guy with green hair, and they both wore black uniforms with a big red 'R' on them.] Pikachu: [Wait... that sounds like...] Ash: "Team Rocket!, so they're here too..." May: "What?" Ash: "I'll explain on the way, but now we need to stop them and save the Pokémon." Aipom: [Why do you wanna help us?] Ash: "Cause it's the right thing to do, and I can't let people like Team Rocket hurt the Pokémon." said Ash, before he runs off to find Team Rocket, while Aipom couldn't help but stare in awe at the boy's kind heart. It wasn't long before Ash and May made it to an area where some grass types were being chased by what looked like a giant metal Slaking, which was really a robot, controlled by the Team Rocket duo, Cassidy and Butch, who were causing trouble once again. Cassidy: "Oh no... not that kid again." Butch: "Wherever we go, he's there too." Ash: "Cassidy and Biff!" Butch: "My name's not Biff, I already told you it's Butch!, get it right you moron!" May: "Who are they?" Ash: "They're another group that's part of Team Rocket, and they're more dangerous than the ones we normally face." Cassidy: "You got that right, and I think it's time for you to take a nap." Pikachu: [Ash!, they're about to use sleeping gas!] Ash: "Uh oh!" said Ash, before a little ball came out of the robot, and the ball released some sleeping gas that knocked out Ash, May, and Pikachu. By the time they woke up, our heroes see that they were now in a cage. May: "Oh man... I can't believe they used sleeping gas on us..." Ash: "I do... as it's not the first time they pulled that trick on me..." that was when Cassidy and Butch came over to them. Butch: "You might have stopped us before in the past, but this time's different, as there's no one around to save you." Cassidy: "That's for sure, so just sit there, relax and watch us capture the Pokémon in this forest." said Cassidy, before she and Butch went off to continue controlling the robot to capture the grass types. Unaware to the pair, Aipom and Bulbasaur came to the kids and took the keys without the evil duo noticing, and freeing our heroes at last. Ash: "Thanks." Aipom: [No problem, we're just returning the favor of you saving us earlier.] Bulbasaur: [And we know you can stop these people.] Pikachu: [You got that right, now let's take those jerks down.] so with that, the kids begin to team up with the wild Pokémon pair and attacked the Team Rocket duo, which was when Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt that causes the robot to explode, sending the evil duo flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, and seeing that the kids were friends, the grass types guided Ash and May to the gates of the forest, allowing them to leave at last. But it seems that Aipom and Bulbasaur decided join the kids as their new Pokémon, which the kids accepted. Once they caught them, while May went to her Pokédex to know more about her new Bulbasaur, Ash checks out his own to learn more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Aipom is a monkey Pokémon normally native in Johto, and it has a hand on the tip of it's tail to use hand based attacks like slapping or catching fruit and swinging through trees.] it wasn't long before Max and Brock came to the scene. Brock: "There you guys are!" Max: "Are you okay?" May: "We're fine, and guess what?, we both caught some new Pokémon." Ash: "Yeah, May caught a Bulbasaur, and I caught an Aipom." Max: "Really, that's amazing, I sure like to see them." May: "You will, but first let's get out of here before something else happens." said May, before she and the others went off to the next town or city. Soon they made it to Fortree city, the location of the sixth Hoenn gym leader, who uses her flying types to battle. During the time there, May's Torchic evolved into Combusken, and Ash's Taillow evolved into Swellow, which make Ash pulled out his Pokédex to learn more about him. Pokédex: [Swellow is the evolved form of Taillow, and it uses it's impressive dive bombing speed and sharp talons to capture it's prey.] it wasn't long before the group gets to meet the gym leader herself, and she accepted Ash's challenge. The battle for Ash against the gym leader's flying types were tough, but he and his Pokémon were able to pull through and won, allowing the boy to earn himself the Feather badge. Ash: "Yes... six down... two more to go..." May: "And I'm getting close to earning enough Ribbons to enter the ultimate Pokémon contest... and if I win... I'll be a Top Coordinator." Max: "Yeah, I have to admit, I never thought you two would get this far." Ash: "Well that's what happens when you refuse to give up on your dream to be the very best." and so Ash has caught an Aipom and earned himself the Feather badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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