The mythical steel type

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It was a nice day at the beach of Alola, when Ash was training his Pokémon, especially his recent catch, Poipole, who was still learning about the world she was now in, but was learning fast. Poipole: [So there are other Pokémon that can make pretty electric light like Pikachu?] Ash: "In a way, yeah, all electric types can unleash electricity, which is why they're called electric types." Poipole: [Even so, I think Pikachu's light is the best there is.] Pikachu: [Uh... thanks I guess...] that was when Lillie and Snowy came to the scene, checking on how Poipole was doing in the normal realm. Lillie: "So Ash, how's Poipole?" Ash: "Well she's still learning, but she's learning fast." Lillie: "That's good to hear... hey... what's that?" asked Lillie, who noticed what looked like an old treasure chest that has washed up on the beach. Ash: "It looks like a treasure chest... wait... the lid's opening..." said Ash, before the lid opens up and out of it came a big group of what looked like Pokémon with molten metal bodies and a hexagonal nut for a head with a small black sphere for an eye. They were called Meltan, and they were Pokémon like noun that Ash has ever seen. Pikachu: [What are they?] Ash: "I don't know... never seen Pokémon like these before..." Lillie: "Nor have I..." said Lillie, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he and Lillie are seeing. Pokédex: [Meltan is Hex Nut Pokémon, and it dissolves and eats metal to survive, it's also a mythical Pokémon of Alola.] Ash: "Huh... a mythical Pokémon..." Meltan: [Excuse me, but do you have any metal we can dissolve and eat, we're really hungry.] Ash: "Uh... well... we don't have metal with us at the moment... but I'm sure Professor Kukui might have some metal to spare." said Ash, before the scene changed to Professor Kukui's lab, where the professor himself had mixed feelings, which was happy to see the mythical Meltan group, but a bit annoyed that they were eating his pots and pans. Professor Kukui: "Hmm... interesting... you said you found the Meltan in a chest, right?" Lillie: "Yes, it was made of wood and some metal, I'm guessing the Meltan were trying to eat the metal of it." Professor Kukui: "Hmm... well this is a big discovery, for I thought the Meltan were gone long ago... or only exist in myths, but here they are..." Poipole: [What are mythical Pokémon?] Pikachu: [They're kind of like very rare and usually powerful Pokémon, around the same rank as Legendary Pokémon, they normally don't evolve like most Pokémon do either.] Meltan: [We have an evolve form, it only happens when combine ourselves to a much stronger Meltan.] Ash: "Really?, that's so cool!" Meltan: [Yeah, and I believe there also a legendary here in Alola that has an evolutionary line too... wish I can remember what it was called though...] Pikachu: [A legendary with an evolution line?, I never heard of one.] Meltan: [Yeah, but that's not all, like Lycanroc, it has two forms that becomes happens depends on the time of day.] Ash: "Really?, that's amazing." Meltan: [Yes, I guess it does sound... wait... did you understood what I said?] Ash: "Yeah, I sort of have the ability to talk to Pokémon." Meltan: [Really?, I've never heard of one that can do that before...] Ash: "Yeah... I get that a lot..." suddenly, a little ball burst through the window, and out of it came some sleeping gas, which put everyone, except for the Meltan, to sleep, and it wasn't long before the Team Rocket trio themselves showed up, wearing gas masks, and tried to capture both Pikachu and Ash, when they noticed the Meltan. Jessie: "What are those things?" James: "I'm more curious about why they're not sleeping like the others?" Meowth: "Maybe they're not organic based Pokémon, and they have no noses or mouths to breathe the gas..." Meltan: [Hey, who are you people?] Meowth: "Who are we?, we're part of Team Rocket, and we're here to steal the twerp and Pikachu." Meltan: [But isn't that the same as kidnapping?, which is evil?] Meowth: "Yeah, what's your point?" Meltan: [You're bad guys!] Meowth: "We are, and I'm betting you'll be good gifts for the boss." Meltan: [Oh boy...] that was when Pikachu finally started to wake up, along with Poipole, who were glaring at the Team Rocket trio. Pikachu: [Ugh... why must they always use sleeping gas...?] Poipole: [You mean... this isn't the first time...?] Pikachu: [Well... not for me or Ash... that's for sure...] Jessie: "What the?!, the Pikachu and Poipole are awake?!" James: "Quick, more sleeping gas!" Meowth: "I can't, that was my only sleeping gas bomb, I didn't think they would wake up so soon, guess talking to those... whatever those molten metal things are, gave them enough time to wake up." Jessie: "Well never mind that, we can still capture them with the twerp knocked out." James: "Uh... Jessie... I think you spoke too soon..." said James, before he and his team see that Ash and the others began to wake up. Ash: "Oh man... sleeping gas... it's always sleeping gas with Team Rocket..." Lillie: "Hey... shouldn't we be in a cage by now?" Jessie: "Well that would happened if Meowth didn't waste our time chatting with those molten metal things." Meowth: "Oh shut up!, now is not the time for blaming, it's time for stealing!, starting with those molten things!" said Meowth, glaring at the now scared Meltan group. Ash: "You're not harming those Meltan!" Lillie: "That's right!, Snowy, use Ice Beam!" Ash: "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" called out Ash and Lillie, as Pikachu and Snowy used their attacks to freeze or zap the Team Rocket trio, which of course both caused them to be sent flying out of the lab, into the sky and out of the scene. Professor Kukui: "Nice work... but I think you went a little overboard too..." said the professor, as he looks at the now large hole in the wall. Ash: "Oh... sorry..." Lillie: "Yeah... we're so sorry..." Professor Kukui: "Don't worry, it can be fixed, all that matters is that the Pokémon are safe." that was when one of the Meltan went into Ash's backpack, and found one of the Pokéballs, which opened up and caught it, much to Ash's surprise. Lillie: "Well... I guess that's one way to catch a Pokémon..." Ash: "Yeah..." some time later, Ash was training Meltan to be a lot stronger in order to protect himself against enemies like Team Rocket, and Ash also challenges another Trial Captain, and in the end won, and earned another Z crystal that works for Meltan, which is Steelium Z. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... I just realized something, you managed to catch another mythical Pokémon.] Ash: "Huh?, I caught one before?" Pikachu: [Yeah, remember Mew?, she's a mythical Pokémon herself.] Ash: "Oh right, guess it slipped my mind." Meltan: [What's a Mew?] Pikachu: [Um... it's a long story...] Ash: "Which is common for us..." and so Ash has caught a Meltan and earned a Steelium Z crystal, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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