Movie making in Unova

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After catching Sewaddle, which evolved into Swadloon, and earning his third Unova gym badge, Ash and his friends head off to Nimbasa city, the location of the forth Unova gym leader. Pidove evolved into Tranquill and Ash checked out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Tranquill is the evolved form of Pidove, and it's always able to return to it's trainer, no matter how far apart the distance is between them.] as they entered Nimbasa city, our heroes noticed a boy with what looked like a black fox like Pokémon called Zorua. The boy's name was Luke (voiced by Billy Bob Thompson), and he was a trainer and a filmmaker, and right now he was trying to make a film, but was having a hard time getting Zorua to cooperate. Luke: "Come on Zorua... why can't you try to play other characters...?" Ash: "Hey, what's wrong?" Luke: "Huh?, oh hello, I was just trying to convince Zorua here to try playing the other characters for my film... but it won't cooperate..." Ash: "I wonder why...?" Zorua: [What's it gonna take for him that I only want to play the princess?] Ash: "Why do you want to play only the princess?" Zorua: [Because I'm a girl, that's why, and it feels weird for me to play roles of males and... wait... what did you say?] Ash: "I simply asked why you want to play the princess only?" Zorua: [You... can understand me?!] Luke: "You can understand Zorua?!" Ash: "Oops... uh..." Iris: "And you complained about me letting out your secret... what a kid..." Ash: "Um... yeah... I can talk to Pokémon, but don't tell anyone, okay?" Luke: "Sure, not like anyone would believe me anyway, so what's wrong?" Ash: "Well from she just said, Zorua finds it weird to play roles of male characters due to being a girl." Luke: "Really?... huh... that actually explains a lot about her... I understand now... sorry for not realizing it..." said Luke, apologizing to Zorua, who accepted it with a lick on the cheek. Iris: "Um... how could she play the role of someone anyway?" Luke: "That's easy, Zorua can make illusions to make herself look like other Pokémon, and people too." said Luke, before Zorua changed into Iris, much to the real one's surprise. Ash then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the dark type. Pokédex: [Zorua is the Tricky Fox Pokémon, it likes to hide it's true form by changing into other Pokémon and humans, and likes to surprise people.] Luke: "That's how I was planning to make some films, with Zorua as the lead actor... or actress as I learned just now... but since she only wants the role of the princess... what am I supposed to do...?" Ash: "Hey I have an idea, how about we join in the movie making?" Cilan: "That's a great idea." Iris: "Yeah, I always wondered what it'll be like to be a movie star, even just once." Luke: "Hmm... it just might work..." suddenly, a hole was formed on the ground, and out came a group of Pokémon. One that looked like a crocodile with glasses called a Sandile, one that looked like a little rock with feet called Roggenrola, and one that looked like a large tadpole with feet called Palpitoad, and last but not least was what looked like a lizard that had skin that was like pants it had to carry called Scraggy. Ash pulls out his Pokédex again to find out what he and the others were facing. Pokédex: [Sandile is the Desert Croc Pokémon, it digs into hot desert sands to keep itself from losing any heat.] [Palpitoad is the Vibration Pokémon, it has a long sticky tongue to capture it's prey, an it can live on both land and in the water.] [Roggenrola is the Mantle Pokémon, and it's body contains an energy core which is harder than steel from being compressed underground.] [Scraggy is the Shedding Pokémon, and the lower half of it's body is covered by a tough rubbery skin and when someone makes eye contact, it responds with a Headbutt attack.] Sandile: [So there you are... the trainer who can talk to Pokémon...] Ash: "Uh... you've heard of me?" Palpitoad: [Yes, and we're here to battle you.] Ash: "Why?" Roggenrola: [Cause our last trainer treated us like dirt, and Sandile and Palpitoad refused to be caught by another trainer... but they know that having a trainer would help me and Scraggy here.] Scraggy: [I don't really need a trainer... at least not one so cruel as the last one...] Sandile: [And when we heard about you, we decided to see if you have what it takes to be our trainer...] Zorua: [Can you boys wait for that?, this trainer and his friends are gonna help my trainer make a movie right now.] Roggenrola: [A movie?, that sounds fun, mind if we join in?] Palpitoad: [Hold on!, who said we should...] Scraggy: [What's a movie...?] Sandile: [I think it's sort of like a story... but on a screen that people can watch... I think...] Pikachu: [Well it's a little more than that, but I'm sure it's fun to make one too... and if you guys help, it'll be done faster, and then we can have our battle.] Sandile: [Hmm... well I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try...] Ash: "Great!, so let's get started." Luke: "Uh... any idea what they were saying?" Ash: "What do you mean?" Iris: "Don't tell me that you forgotten that you're the only one here who can talk to Pokémon... what a kid..." Ash: "Oh right, sorry... well they want to battle me to see if I have it takes to be their trainer... but they agreed to do that after they help us make the movie." Luke: "Oh that's great!" so with that, they begin making the movie, which had the title of 'The Legend of the Pokémon Knight', and Ash has the role of the hero, while Zorua gets the role of the princess. Cilan plays the role of the villainous pirate, while Iris plays the role of a Dragon master to help the hero train in order to defeat the villain. It took some time, but they managed to finish most of the movie, with only the final battle needed to be completed. But trouble brewed when the Team Rocket trio showed up and tried to capture Zorua for her ability. But Cilan decided to add lib a little to explain the trio's appearance, by saying Team Rocket were the real villains that were controlling him. Ash managed to defeat the trio and sent them flying out of the scene. Soon the film was completed, and gave the film to Luke's manager, Mr Matthews, who really liked it. Some time later, just like he promised, Ash battles the four wild Pokémon, and in the end, Ash beat them all and caught them. But once that happened, the Pokéballs glowed and vanished without a trace. Iris: "What the?, what happened to the Pokéballs?" Ash: "You mean you didn't know that if a trainer catches more Pokémon when they already have a full team of six, the rest get teleported to where they got their Pokédex from?, what a kid." said Ash with a smirk, which made Iris glared at him. Iris: "Did you just used my words against me?" Ash: "Maybe, about time I give you a taste of your own medicine." Cilan: "Now, now you two, try not to fight each other." Iris: "Whatever..." soon after that, Ash gets to battle the Nimbasa gym leader, who uses her electric types. The battle was tough, especially with the gym leader's Emolga using Attract, but thanks to Snivy, Ash was able to pull through and won the battle, allowing him to earn himself the Bolt badge. Ash: "Well... four down... four more to go..." Cilan: "Yes, and I have to say that battle was shocking... pun not intended of course." Iris: "Yeah, you weren't so bad, but you still have a few more gyms to go." Ash: "Yeah... I can't wait." and so Ash helped Luke make a movie, caught four new Pokémon, and earned himself his forth Unova gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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