The Mysterious Eeveelution

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It was a nice day at Vermillion city, when Ash was training his current team, which not only gotten much stronger, but both Riolu and Galar Farfetch'd evolved. Riolu became Lucario, while Galar Farfetch'd evolved into a Pokémon called Sirfetch'd, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Sirfetch'd is the evolved form of a Galar native Farfetch'd, and while it deflects attacks with it's hard leaf shield, it strikes back with it's large leek that's like it's own sword.] [Lucario is the Aura Pokémon and the evolved form of Riolu, and it uses the power of Aura to sense human and Pokémon feelings.] Ash: "Wow, I wonder if my Aura does that too... and I wonder if that's how I can talk to Pokémon too..." Pikachu: [Who knows... it could be... I mean after everything we went though... anything could be possible...] Lucario: [Father, what exactly did you went through?] Ash: "Um... gosh... I don't know where to start..." Pikachu: [We had a lot of adventures, and perhaps saved the world more than once.] Lucario: [Sounds like father has done a lot of noble things.] that was when Goh came to the scene. Goh: "Hey Ash, have I got news for you, my Raboot evolved this morning." Ash: "Really?, that's awesome, can I see?" Goh: "Sure." said Goh, before he lets out his starter, which was now a Cinderace, a rabbit Pokémon that was looking like a soccer player, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Cinderace is the final evolved form of Scorbunny, it uses the move Pyro ball to create a soccer ball out of fire to kick at it's opponents.] Ash: "Wow, that is so cool." Goh: "Yeah, I might be one step closer on finding Mew... the wild one I saw when I was little, not the one you have I mean..." Ash: "Speaking of my Mew, she must be waiting for me to play with her." Pikachu: [Yeah, and it's never a good idea to make her feel bored, or else she tends to wander off.] Lucario: [Is that so?] Pikachu: [Yeah, so we better get back to the lab quick before that happens.] so with that, the trainers and Pokémon went back to Professor Cerise's lab, where the professor was doing some research on an Eevee. Professor Cerise: "Hello boys, did the training paid off?" Ash: "I believe so, but how's Eevee?" asked Ash, who was talking about the Eevee that he and Goh rescued from Team Rocket yesterday. That was when Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Eevee is the Evolution Pokémon, and because of it's unstable DNA, it possesses a wide variety of evolutionary possibilities hidden inside.] Professor Cerise: "Well... I've been doing some research on this Eevee, to see how it can evolve into many different kinds of Pokémon, like the Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and finally Sylveon... however... this Eevee is very odd..." Goh: "What do you mean?, it looks normal to me." Professor Cerise: "Yes... but when I tried giving it an evolution stone, it fails to work... but that's not all... watch when I put Eevee in this sink." said the professor, before he puts Eevee into the sink and turns on the water, which lands on Eevee, and suddenly, Eevee turned into Vaporeon. Ash: "Whoa... Eevee evolved..." Professor Cerise: "For now... but wait just a bit..." said the professor, before some time passed and Vaporeon dried itself off and turned back into an Eevee, much to the trainers' surprise. Goh: "What the... it changed back..." Professor Cerise: "Yes... and Vaporeon is not the only form this Eevee can change into and back to it's original form... it can do the same with the other forms too." Goh: "Wait... are you sure this isn't Mew?" Professor Cerise: "Positive, for Mew is over there sleeping on that bed." said the professor, pointing at Mew, who was sleeping on a bed, enjoying the sunlight on her fur. Pikachu then noticed that Eevee was walking up towards him, before winking at him, much to his confusion. Professor Cerise: "Uh oh... don't look now Pikachu, but I think Eevee likes you." hearing this made Pikachu gulped a little, as he took a few steps back from Eevee, who then walked closer to him. Eevee: [What's the matter?, I won't bite, I just want to give you a lovely Draining Kiss~." hearing that made Pikachu turned blue, as the word lovely kiss reminded him of his encounter with a Jynx back at the Orange islands, and got more scared when Eevee was puckering her lips closer to him. Pikachu: [Yuck!, no way!, not again!] yelped Pikachu in fear, trying to run away as fast as he can, while Eevee just stood there in confusion. Eevee: [Was it something I said?] Ash: "Well... you said Lovely kiss... and I think that reminded him of the time he ran into a Jynx...] hearing this made Eevee shudder, as she knows that a Jynx are known for their kiss based attacks. Eevee: [Oh man... I had no idea... I didn't mean to scare him... I... wait... did you understood what I said?] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to Pokémon through Aura." Goh: "Hold on... Pikachu had a run in with a Jynx?" Ash: "Yeah, back when I was traveling in the Orange islands, and Pikachu still sometimes get nightmare of getting smooched by one." hearing this made Eevee sad as she did liked Pikachu, unaware that Mew heard everything, and she too liked Pikachu. Elsewhere in the lab, Pikachu was trying to hide from Eevee, before he glowed pink and got teleported in front of Mew, who was using her tail to wrap him up. Mew: [Come on Pikachu, you don't need to be scared of a kiss, that's silly.] Pikachu: [Easy for you to say, you never got kissed by a Jynx!, when I fell asleep from that attack, I had nothing but nightmares that I couldn't escape from... and if that wasn't bad enough, I was held hostage by Team Rocket in the real world!] Mew: [But is Eevee a Jynx?] Pikachu: [Um... well... no she's not.] Mew: [Does she seem like the type who would take you to Team Rocket?] Pikachu: [Of course not.] Mew: [Then why so scared of her?] Pikachu: [It's not Eevee I'm scared of... it's the thought of being kissed again... one from a Pokémon of course as there are kiss based attacks.] that was when Eevee showed up, looking sad. Eevee: [Pikachu... I'm sorry if I scared you... I never meant to... I was just trying to master a kiss based move called Draining kiss... which should allow me to beat my opponents without actually harming them...] Pikachu: [I understand, sorry for running away like that...] Eevee: [No it was my fault, I was a little too forward... but I don't know who else I could test my move on... as all the other Pokémon are not my type...] Pikachu: [And I am?] Mew: [Well you are not only cute, but very heroic too, sometimes I like to give you a kiss myself.] hearing this made Pikachu gulp in fear, as he might have an idea what Mew was planning to do. Eevee: [Please Pikachu... could you help me with my Draining kiss?] Mew: [And can I join in too?, please~?" said both Eevee and Mew, trying to look as cute as possible, and since Pikachu didn't had the heart to reject the girls, he let out a sigh of defeat. Pikachu: [Oh... alright... but please be gentle with me... okay?] Mew: [Cross my heart.] Eevee: [Thank you Pikachu, I promise you won't regret it... now excuse me, I must take the proper form.] said Eevee, before she glowed and evolved into a Sylveon, much to Pikachu's surprise. Pikachu: [Whoa...] Sylveon: [You like this form?, it's the form I use for the Draining Kiss, speaking of which, are you ready?] Pikachu: [Um... well I... sure... but tell me... this won't hurt... right?] Sylveon: [Well I don't really know to be honest... I never tried it on another Pokémon before... but I don't believe it's an attack that hurts like most attacks...] Pikachu: [Uh... not sure that makes me feel any better...] Mew: [Come on Sylveon, I want to have a turn with Pikachu.] Sylveon: "Sorry, okay... here goes...] said Sylveon, as she puckers her lips, and plants them onto Pikachu's, and her lips glowed a little bit, and Pikachu felt some surge through him, and started to feel more relaxed. Once the kiss was released, Pikachu fell down to the ground. Pikachu: [Wow... that wasn't as bad as I thought...] Mew: [My turn!] said Mew, before she plants her own lips on Pikachu, and it wasn't long before the kiss was released, and Pikachu fell down and was close to be knocked out. Sylveon: [Pikachu, are you okay?] Pikachu: [I'm fine... just a little tired... just gotta... stay awake...] Mew: [Did I kiss right?] Pikachu: [Uh... I don't know... need time... for my head to... stop spinning...] said Pikachu, as he now felt a little dizzy. Some time later, Sylveon turned back into Eevee and was looking at Ash. She then got a flashback on how she was a wild Eevee that was locked up in a cage by the Team Rocket trio, and got rescued by Ash and Pikachu, which made her have a little crush on both of them. Eevee: [Hey Pikachu... your trainer's really nice...] Pikachu: [Yeah, he's one of a kind.] Eevee: [Well... do you think he would let me join his team?] Pikachu: [I wouldn't doubt it, he loves all kinds of Pokémon, and if there's someone in need, he'll come to help, but if you really want him to be your trainer... go ahead and ask him.] Eevee: [You're right... I'll do that right now.] it wasn't long before Eevee walked up to Ash, trying to have the courage to speak to him. Ash: "Hey Eevee, need something?" Eevee: [Yes... I was wondering if... you would uh...] suddenly, an explosion blasted through the lab walls, and once the smoke cleared away, the Team Rocket trio showed up. Jessie: "Prepare for trouble twerps." James: "Yes, and make it double." Meowth: "That's right!, now hand over Eevee and all the other Pokémon here, or else!" Eevee: [Team Rocket!... they're gonna get me!] Ash: "They won't on my watch!" Goh: "Same goes for me!" Meowth: "Too late!" said Meowth, as he picks up a device that fires a large red glove that grabbed Eevee and pulled her to the trio. Suddenly, Eevee transformed, reveling to be Mew, who let out a giggle. Mew: [Surprise!] Jame: "I didn't knew Eevee evolve into Mew..." Meowth: "You idiot!, it was Mew using Transform!" Jessie: "But then, where's the real Eevee?" asked Jessie, looking for the real Eevee, who was trying her best to hide herself. Meowth: "Never mind that, if we can capture Mew and Pikachu, the boss will be happy." hearing this made Eevee very scared, before feeling anger as she hated the thought of Team Rocket taking away both Pikachu and Mew. So with a lot of courage, she came out of hiding, ready to battle the trio. Eevee: [Ash, mind if I battle this one?] Ash: "Not at all, show us what you can do." after nodding her head, Eevee then changed into Flareon, and gave the Team Rocket trio a flamethrower that burned their bottoms. Then she changed into Glaceon to fire an Ice beam that froze up the trio. Once she got to her Jolteon form, the Eeveeolution Pokémon used a powerful Thunderbolt to zap the Team Rocket trio, who then got sent flying into the sky and out of the scene. Pikachu: [Whoa... she's good...] Mew: [Yeah, she's awesome!] once she turned back, Eevee couldn't help but blush from hearing that. Eevee: [Well, I don't if I was that good... I had help from Ash's guidance...] Ash: "Even so, you were amazing, the coolest Eevee I've ever met." Eevee: [Really?, so... you wouldn't mind I join your team?] Ash: "Are you kidding?, I would love to have on the team, and I'm sure Pikachu and Mew would love to have ya around too." Mew: [Yeah!, we'll be best friends forever!] Pikachu: [Told ya he would love to have ya.] Eevee: [Thanks... but you know... I think I need a nickname, I mean if that's okay with Ash here, right?" Ash: "A nickname?, hmm... let me think... how about... VeeVee?" Eevee: [VeeVee?] Ash: "You don't like it?, we could try another one." Eevee: [No, I love it!, VeeVee sounds right for me, thanks.] said Eevee, now called VeeVee, before she went up to Ash and kissed him on the cheek, which made him feel dizzy before falling to the ground. Pikachu: [Ash!] VeeVee: [Oh my gosh!, I'm so sorry!, I must have used Draining Kiss by mistake!] Ash: "It's okay... I had much more painful experience of affection...] Mew: [It's true, you should see Charizard use Flamethrower on him, or a hug from Muk.] VeeVee: [He has a Muk...?] Pikachu: [Don't worry, Muk is very friendly, he wouldn't hurt anyone... sure his sludge can make you sick, but he would never intended to hurt anyone.] Mew: [And the rest of the team are really awesome too!, you'll love them all.] VeeVee: [I'm sure I will.] and so Ash has gotten a new teammate out of a special Eevee, who is now called VeeVee, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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