A little Kalos Aerial battle

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After getting his Pokémon updated and got registered to compete in the Kalos league, Ash was now beginning his journey across the Kalos region, with his new traveling companions, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. Ash: "So this is your home region huh?, it sure is nice." Serena: "Yeah, it sure is, but I'm sure Kanto is a nice place to live in too, right?" Ash: "Yeah, there's a lot of stuff there that can give you an adventure, at least that's what I experienced when I started my journey there." Clemont: "So you had traveled before?" Ash: "Well yeah, besides Kanto, I went to the Orange islands, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and now I'm starting my trip here in Kalos." Bonnie: "Wow, sounds like you traveled a lot." Ash: "Yeah, I guess I have." said Ash, before he and the others decided to make a stop to have a picnic as it was noon and they started to feel hungry. While the others were eating, Ash decided to train Froakie a bit to help him get ready for the first gym leader of Kalos. Serena: "Hey Ash, shouldn't you eat something?" Ash: "I already ate, and I gotta train my Pokémon to be in top shape in order to handle the upcoming gym leader in Santalune city." Clemont: "Are you sure it's a good idea to battle the gym leader with just Pikachu and Froakie?, I mean it might be better if you catch at least one more Pokémon." Ash: "You might be right, but what Pokémon should I catch?" Bonnie: "Hmm... that's a good question..." suddenly, Ash heard a voice, one that only Ash and Pikachu can hear as it was coming from a Pokémon crying for help. Ash, Pikachu and Froakie ran off to find the source of the cry, which turned out to be a little robin like Pokémon, inside some cage with some Pidgey, Starly and Taillow too. Pikachu: [Oh those poor little guys...] Froakie: [Who could have done this?] Ash: "I have a pretty good idea who..." said Ash, before pointing at a mark on the side of the cage, which was a red 'R', which was far too familiar to the boy and the electric type. Pikachu: [Oh no... Team Rocket..." Froakie: [Team Rocket?, I've never heard of them...] Ash: "They're a group of bad guys who steal Pokémon from other trainers." that was when Serena and the siblings came to the scene, and they were shocked by the sight of the bird Pokémon inside Team Rocket's cage. Serena: "Oh no... those poor bird Pokémon..." Ash: "Be careful, Team Rocket's nearby." said Ash, before the Team Rocket trio came to the scene and laughed in an evil way. Jessie: "Well looky here, the twerp and Pikachu are here, along with some new twerps." James: "Yes, but I doubt they can beat us." Meowth: "Yeah, one of them is a midget twerp after all." Bonnie: "Hey!, who are you calling a midget twerp?!" Meowth: "You of course, you bratty girl." Clemont: "Hey!, nobody calls my little sister a brat!" Serena: "And let those poor Pokémon go!" Jessie: "Or what?, make us?" Ash: "Well if you don't, then we will make you." Meowth: "Just try it, for we have a trump card." said Meowth, before he pulls out a remote, pushing a button on it, which summons a large robot that looks like himself, and the trio went inside it. Jessie: "Try stopping us against this machine." Serena: "They got a robot?!" Bonnie: "No way!" Clemont: "Oh man... I never knew they can build machines too..." Ash: "Hey Froakie, try using your Frubbles, hurry!" Froakie: [Uh... okay.] said Froakie, before he throws his Frubbles at the eyes of the robot, which caused the Team Rocket trio inside to no longer able to see what's going on outside. Jessie: "Meowth, do something!, we can't see what's going on out there!" Meowth: "Calm down, all I have to do is push the wiper button and..." said Meowth, before pushing a button, but instead the robot exploded and sending the trio flying. Jessie: "What the heck happened?!" Meowth: "I must have pushed the self destruct button by mistake!" James: "Why did it even had that?!" Meowth: "I can't remember!" Jessie: "Well there is one thing I know... it looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted Jessie, before she and her teammates were blasting off into the sky and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Ash and the others freed the bird Pokémon flocks from the cage, they soon all flew away. One of course stayed, which was Fletchling, as he thought Ash was awesome and wished to help him become strong too and asked the boy if he could join his team, but only if he can beat him in a battle first, and Froakie wants to battle. It was tough as Froakie was still in a rookie level, but the water type was able to pull through and beat Fletchling, allowing Ash to catch him with a Pokéball. After catching Fletchling, Ash pulls out his Pokédex to learn more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Fletchling is the Tiny Robin Pokémon, and although it's chirp is quite beautiful to hear in the morning, it's relentlessly tough with those who enter it's territory.] some time later, the group finally made it to Santalune city, the location of the first Kalos gym leader, who was not only Alexa's sister, but she also uses bug types. The gym leader proved to be tough, especially for both Froakie and Fletchling, but Ash was able to pull through and beat her, allowing him to earn the Bug badge. Ash: "Well... one badge down... seven more to go..." Pikachu: [Yeah, and I got a feeling that the other gyms are gonna be tougher.] Ash: "Yeah, I'll bet." Clemont: "Um... how exactly do you do it?, talking to Pokémon I mean..." Ash: "Well I think it has something to do with me being an Aura user or something..." Clemont: "An Aura user?" Ash: "Yeah, say uh, what's that Pokémon that Bonnie's carrying?" asked Ash, who was looking at the little mouse Pokémon that's riding in the bag that Bonnie's carrying. Clemont: "That's Dedenne, he's one of mine and Bonnie's best friend." said Clemont, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Dedenne is the Antenna Pokémon, it communicates long distances with other Dedenne by sending radio waves through it's antenna like whiskers.] Ash: "Wow... that's pretty cool." Bonnie: "Not only that, but Dedenne is super cute too!" Serena: "No doubt about that." and so Ash has caught a Fletchling and earned his first Kalos gym badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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