Enter Johto at New Bark town

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It was a whole new day and new adventure for Ash and his friends, as they have just entered the Johto region, and off to New Bark town so Ash can meet Professor Elm, who will register him for the Johto league. Misty: "Wow... it's so foggy this morning..." Brock: "Yeah... you can say that again..." Ash: "Hey... what's that?" asked Ash, looking at what looked some some sort of Pokémon that was standing on a rock in the middle of a small lake. Before they can get a better look, the Pokémon went off to who knows where, and the group had no idea what they saw. Misty: "Was that... a Pokémon?" Brock: "I think so... but not any I've ever seen..." Ash: "I don't know what... but I think that was a legendary..." Misty: "Come on Ash, what makes you think that?" Ash: "I'm not sure... but with how majestic it looked... it had to be one... kind of like... uh never mind, let's just get to New Bark town." said Ash, before he ran off to find the town where Professor Elm is living, while Misty and Brock had a puzzled look on their faces. Misty: "You don't think he's hiding something, does he?" Brock: "Well if he is, I'm sure he has a good reason, like his ability to talk to Pokémon for example." Misty: "Yeah... but keeping it from us?" Brock: "Well... I'm sure whatever it is, it must be very important to stay as a secret." said Brock, before he and Misty ran off after Ash. Soon, they finally got to New Bark town, where they discovered that the lab of Professor Elm was surrounded by police officers, and Professor Elm (voiced by Paul Frank) was being scolded by a Nurse Joy it seems. Professor Elm: "I said I was sorry... I had no idea what was going on while I was researching..." Nurse Joy: "Sorry won't get Totodile back!, how could you let some thieves steal it right under your nose all because you were busy looking through a microscope?" that was when Ash and the others came over to the pair. Ash: "Hey what happened?" Nurse Joy: "A Totodile was stolen not too long ago and Professor Elm let it happened because he was too focused on looking through a microscope." Professor Elm: "Come on..." Ash: "Uh... what's a Totodile?" Professor Elm: "You don't know?, aren't you a trainer?" Ash: "Yeah, my name's Ash from the town of Pallet, me and my friends just got here from Kanto." Professor Elm: "Oh so you must the one that Professor Oak told me about, well I would help you get registered, but first I gotta get Totodile back, which is the water type starter of Johto, like how Squirtle is in the Kanto region." Misty: "So Johto has is it's own set of starters, right?" Professor Elm: "Correct, Totodile is the water starter, Chikorita is the grass starter, and finally there's Cyndaquil, the fire starter... unfortunately Totodile got stolen... and I don't have a clue who took it..." said Professor Elm, before Officer Jenny came over to the others and told them that she found some footprints on the ground, which no doubt belonged to the people who stole the Totodile. It wasn't long before they finally found the spot where the thieves were, who were revealed to be noun other than the Team Rocket trio themselves, and the Totodile was biting on Jessie's hair, much to her dismay. Jessie: "Get this stupid Totodile off of my hair!" Ash: "Team Rocket!" Misty: "Should have known you three were behind this!" Brock: "Give back Totodile!" Jessie: "Fine!, anything to get this thing off my hair!" shouted Jessie, before she wings her hair around with enough force to get Totodile off, and Professor Elm was able to catch it just in the nick of time. Meowth: "Hey!, we needed that Totodile!" Jessie: "Even so, that thing was about to ruin my hair!" James: "Uh... I think that's the least of our problems..." Ash: "You can say that again!, Pikachu, Thunderbolt them out of here!" Pikachu: [With pleasure!] so with that, Pikachu released a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky and out of the scene. Once Team Rocket was out of the way, Professor Elm was updating Ash's Pokédex to have info of the Pokémon native in Johto and get him registered to compete in the Johto league as well. Professor Elm: "Alright Ash, you're now registered to compete in the Johto league and your Pokédex has all the info you need for what you might encounter on your journey here." Ash: "Thanks, and I sure hope whoever gets to be the trainer for Totodile will take good care of him." Professor Elm: "I believe so, now good luck on your trip through Johto." and so Ash has helped Professor Elm get the Johto starter back from Team Rocket and now he's off to begin his journey throughout Johto, who knows what our heroes will encounter as the journey continues.

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