The mysterious Pokémon X

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After earning his forth Johto gym badge and his encounter with Ho-oh, Ash travels to Olivine city in hopes to get his next gym badge. However, when he got there, he learned that the gym leader can't be at the gym until her sick Ampharos, which has a job to keep the lighthouse running, gets better. Wanting to help the poor Pokémon, Ash decided to go get some medicine from a Pokémon pharmacy at Cianwood city, which happens to have a gym leader too. While on the way, Chikorita evolved into Bayleef, and Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more about her. Pokédex: [Bayleef is the evolved form of Chikorita, it has a smell that's like some spice from the leaf on it's head.] once Ash got to Cianwood city, he got the medicine, and got to challenge the gym leader, who uses fighting types. It was tough, but thanks to Heracross and Bayleef, Ash was able to win and got himself the Storm badge. After Ash and the others got back to Olivine city and gave the medicine to the sick Ampharos, it was starting to feel better, but still need time to make a full recovery, meaning the gym leader still needs time before she can resume her duty. So Ash and the others went to a place called the Whirl islands to pass the time, and during their time there, Misty used her Lure ball to catch a Pokémon called Corsola, which she was really happy of as she finally caught a Pokémon in the Johto region. After Misty's catch, the group heard rumors about the mysterious Pokémon X that lives in the seas of the Whirl islands. Misty: "Hmm... I wonder what this Pokémon X be like...?" Brock: "Who knows... it could be a really rare and powerful Pokémon." Ash: "Maybe even a legendary." Misty: "Don't be silly, the chances of us seeing a legendary is very small." Ash: "Uh... what about what happened at the Tin tower?" Misty: "Oh... good point... but that was one time, we shouldn't see be able to see another legendary so soon after that... right?" Brock: "You never know..." suddenly, they saw something that looked like a shadow under the water's surface. Ash went to take a closer look, and that was when a Pokémon, called a Lugia, which this one is a baby, burst out of the water. Baby Lugia: [Hi there, wanna play?] Ash: "Sure... I like that, but who are you?" Baby Lugia: [Who me?, my name's Silver, and I'm a Lugia, a legendary of Johto like my mama.] Pikachu: [Your mama?, you mean that you're a baby?] Silver: [Yup, but someday, I'm gonna grow up into a power Lugia just like my mama.] Ash: "I'm sure you will grow up into a strong Lugia someday." Silver: [Wait... you can understand me?, I thought humans can't do that.] Ash: "Most can't... but I'm a special case." Silver: [Wow!, I met a human that can talk to Pokémon!, so cool!] Ash: "Hey uh, we heard rumors about the mysterious Pokémon X, do you know what it is?" Silver: [Sure, cause that's me.] Pikachu: [You're Pokémon X?] Silver: [Yeah, though I don't know why, but it sounds pretty cool.] Ash: "Yeah, it does sound pretty cool." Misty: "Hey Ash... what did it say?" Ash: "Apparently this little Lugia is the mysterious Pokémon X we heard about, and it's a baby legendary too." Brock: "Really?" Misty: "Wow, never would have thought this Pokémon X could be such a cute little baby legendary." suddenly, a submarine with a big red 'R' on it, came out of the water, and the Team Rocket duo, Cassidy and Butch, came to the scene. Cassidy: "There's one of our targets." Butch: "Proceed to capture." Ash: "Team Rocket!" Misty: "But it's Cassidy and Buzz!" Butch: "The name's not Buzz!, it's Butch!, can't you at least to try to remember my name?!" Cassidy: "Great, it's these kids again... we can't let them get in our way again." Butch: "You're right, should we capture them too?" Cassidy: "If it can stop them from messing with us again... yes." said Cassidy, before she throws a small ball that lets out some sleeping gas that knocked out the group and the baby Lugia as well. By the time they woke up, our heroes find themselves in a cage, next to the cage that has the baby Lugia inside. Ash: "Oh man... what is it with Team Rocket and sleeping gas...?" Misty: "Never mind that, they not only got us trapped, but they got the poor baby Lugia too!" Silver: [I'm scared... I wanna go back to the water... with my mama...] Pikachu: [Don't worry, we'll find a way out of here and get you back to your mother... somehow...] suddenly, a man with a mustache named Professor Namba (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), came to the scene. Professor Namba: "Well it's about time you got the baby Lugia... but what's with these children?" Cassidy: "They're the ones who interfered with some of plans in the past, we're just making sure they don't get in our way again." Butch: "And besides, their Pokémon would make good test subjects for your newest creation." Professor Namba: "Excellent, I was in need of some Pokémon to test them out recently." Pikachu: [Did they just say... test subjects for an experiment...?] Ash: "What do you mean test subjects for your creation?!" Professor Namba: "I'm glad you asked, you see I invented a collar that controls the emotions of a Pokémon, getting them to feel nothing but rage, which will make them stronger, maybe strong enough to allow us capturing the one Pokémon that escaped from us back at Viridian city gym." it wasn't long before Ash realized what Pokémon they were talking about, which was Mewtwo, and the thought of a device that makes a Pokémon feel rage against their will made him sick. Ash: "You sick twisted fiend!, controlling a Pokémon through rage against their will is not only wrong, it's inhuman!, just thinking about it makes me sick!" Misty: "Same with me!" Brock: "And me!" Professor Namba: "Complain about it all you want, it won't stop us from achieve our goal for world domination." suddenly, the mother Lugia came in front of the submarine and attacked it, causing it to shake around enough for the cages to break, freeing Ash and the others at last. Ash went to the cage where Silver was in, and with Pikachu's Iron tail attack, the baby Lugia was free too. Then there was trouble, the mother Lugia released a powerful Hyper Beam that left a hole on the Submarine, causing it to be flooded and sinking. Luckily for our heroes though, Silver helped Ash and the others to escape the submarine, before running into his mother. Silver: [Mama, we gotta help these humans, they're my friends and that saved me.] Mother Lugia: [Are you sure?] Silver: [Yes, please help them.] Mother Lugia: [Well... if they're your friends... then I guess it's fair...] Silver: [The one with the hat is really cool, he can talk to Pokémon like us.] Mother Lugia: [Really?... hmm... I wonder if he could be...] Silver: [Could be what?] Mother Lugia: [I'll tell you later, but first we need to get them to the surface.] said the mother Lugia, before she and her baby carry Ash and his friends out of the sea and back to dry land, allowing them to breathe again. Ash: "Oh man... that was way too close... thanks..." Silver: [You saved me first, so me and mama had to return the favor.] Ash: "Yeah... I guess that's fair." Mother Lugia: [So... you're the human that lady Ho-oh told me about...] Ash: "She told you about me?" Mother Lugia: [Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you... and thank you for saving my child from those people.] Pikachu: [Speaking of which... do you think that... they're gone for good?] Ash: "I don't know... we thought they were finished in that cave where we met Cyndaquil... and yet they survived... meaning that they could have survived the sinking submarine too... maybe...] Mother Lugia: [Well if there's a chance they're still alive... I'll have to teach them a lesson on not to kidnap my baby.] Ash: "Hey would it be okay if I check out with my Pokédex?" Lugia: [Be my guest.] said Lugia, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the legendary and her baby. Pokédex: [Lugia is the legendary Pokémon of the Johto region, while Ho-oh is covered in the legendary Rainbow feathers, Lugia is covered in the legendary Silver feathers.] Ash: "The Silver feathers... like for the bottom of the GS ball... hmm... I wonder if there's a connection between Ho-oh and Lugia..." the boy asked to himself quietly. Mother Lugia: [Well we better be going now, say good bye your friends.] Silver: [Okay... bye everyone, I hope we meet again someday.] Ash: "Us too!, see ya!" said Ash, before the Lugia duo went back to the sea. Some time later, Ash went back to Olivine city, where the Gym leader was finally back to her duties, and was waiting for him. The battle between Ash and the gym leader, who uses Steel types were tough, but thanks to Cyndaquil and the teamwork of the rest of the Pokémon, Ash was able to win and earned himself the Mineral badge. Ash: "Alright, 6 badges down... two more to go before I can enter the Johto league..." Misty: "Yeah, but be careful, for I wouldn't be too surprised that the last two gym leaders are gonna be the toughest ones in Johto." Ash: "Yeah, but that's what makes it more fun." and so Ash has earned his fifth Johto gym badge, saved a baby Lugia from Team Rocket, and finally earned his sixth Johto gym badge and now off to get the last two. Who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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