Muk in Celadon city

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After winning the Pokémon Grand Prix with Primeape, Ash and his friends traveled to Celadon city, the location of Ash's fifth gym battle will take place. However, the boy was banned from the gym for insulting the perfume that was made by the gym leader's Pokémon, which he now regrets doing. Now Ash was at the Pokémon center, feeling sad and guilty for what happened earlier. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... are you okay?] Ash: "Not really... I messed up big time... me and my big mouth..." Pikachu: [Come on, there was no way you could have known that the perfume shop owner was also the gym leader, and the fact she made her perfume through her grass type Pokémon?] Ash: "Even so... I should have known better... I feel like a total jerk now..." said Ash in a very sad and guilty tone, before Pikachu tried to rub his head against the boy's hand, trying to give him comfort. Suddenly, all the power in the Pokémon center was cut off, leaving the whole building powerless, much to everyone's shock. Nurse Joy: "Oh no!, the power's all gone, and there some Pokémon here that are in critical condition!, if the power doesn't come back soon... I fear that the Pokémon will..." this made Ash gasp in shock, realizing what Nurse Joy was afraid to say. Ash: "What could have happened to the power?" Nurse Joy: "I don't know... but it seems that the whole city is out of power by the looks of it." said Nurse Joy, as she looks outside and sees that the whole city of Celadon has lost power. Ash: "What could have caused this?" Nurse Joy: "My best guess would be that something has happened to the power plant." once he heard that, Ash got up and ran outside with Pikachu following behind. Pikachu: [You're off to the power plant, aren't ya?] Ash: "I have to, if something happened to the Pokémon here, I don't know if I could live with myself, and it's the least I can do to make amends with with the gym leader here..." said Ash, before he and Pikachu made it to the power planet, which was when he saw Brock and Misty coming up to him. Brock: "I'm guessing you're here to solve what's going on with the power plant as well?" Ash: "Yeah... any clues?" Misty: "Not yet, but I have a feeling we'll find out once we get inside..." said Misty, before she and the others went inside the power plant, in hopes to solve the mystery of the power outage in Celadon city. As our heroes continued walking through the hallways of the power plant, a group of what looked like living sludge with faces, called Grimer, came to the scene. Misty: "Yuck!, those are Grimer!" Brock: "Hey... what are those on their heads?" asked Brock, who noticed what looked like helmets with antennas on the heads of the Grimer. Ash: "They look like mind control devices... could that mean..." Brock: "Yeah, someone is controlling those Grimer against their will." that was when a larger and meaner looking version of the Grimer, called Muk, showed up to the scene, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he and the others are up against. Pokédex: [Muk is the poison sludge Pokémon that's the evolved form of Grimer, trainers beware, this Pokémon has a body made up of poison sludge.] Ash: "This can't be good..." Misty: "Run for it!" cried out Misty, before she and the others make a run for it, trying to escape from the Grimer and their Muk leader. It wasn't long before they got to a room that was full of cages with many kinds of Pokémon in them. One of the cages had what looked like a red fox with extra tails, while the other cage next to it had what looked like some sort of duck that had it's winged arms rubbing it's head, like it had some sort of headache. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Vulpix is the fire fox Pokémon, the older it gets, the more tails it gets.] [Psyduck is a water type duck Pokémon that unleashes it's most powerful psychic attacks whenever it gets a powerful headache.] Misty: "The poor things... who would do this?" asked Misty, before the Team Rocket duo, Cassidy and Butch, came to the scene. Cassidy: "That would us of course." Misty: "It's Cassidy!" Ash: "And Biff!" Butch: "Uh... ah!, the name is Butch!" Ash: "So you were the ones who cut off the power in the whole city!" Cassidy: "That's right, with the power gone, all the people here are powerless to stop us from stealing the Pokémon here." Butch: "And with the mind control helmets, the Grimer and their Muk leader will make sure intruders are dealt with." Cassidy: "And speaking of which..." said Cassidy, before the gang of Grimer and Muk came to the scene, getting ready to attack our heroes. Ash: "Pikachu, use Iron Tail on the devices!" Cassidy and Butch: "What?!" exclaimed the Team Rocket duo, before Pikachu used his Iron Tail attack to break the mind control helmets on the Grimer and Muk, freeing the poison types at last. Once they were free, the Grimer and Muk let out an angry glare at the Team Rocket duo, who simply gulped in fear. While the poison types chases the Team Rocket duo, Misty and Brock went to free Psyduck and Vulpix from their cages, and the two Pokémon were very grateful. Pikachu: [Um... Ash... I think we're still in trouble...] said Pikachu, looking at the Muk, who was beginning to go on a rampage. Butch: "This is bad, with the device damaged, Muk is going on a rampage!" Cassidy: "Do something Biff!" Butch: "The name is Butch!" shouted Butch, before Muk fired Poison sludge at him and Cassidy, sending them flying out of the building and out of the scene. Misty: Ash!, you gotta do something fast!" Ash: "Like how?!" Brock: "I think you'll have to catch it, and fast!" Ash: "Are you sure?" Misty: "Well you wanted to catch more Pokémon, don't ya, now's your chance!" Ash: "Alright then... go Pokéball!" called out Ash, before he threw a Pokéball at Muk, which of course worked and the poison type was caught. It wasn't long before the Pokéball glowed and vanished without a trace. Meanwhile at Pallet town, Professor Oak was receiving the Pokéball, making him wonder what Ash caught this time. It wasn't long before Muk came out and Professor Oak was disgusted. Professor Oak: "What's the idea of Ash sending me a Muk?!, yuck!" back with Ash and the others, they freed the workers of the power plant, who then were able to restore the power of the city, including the Pokémon center. The Celadon gym leader, Erika, was grateful of Ash saving her city and accepted his apology for his remark of her perfume earlier, allowing him to challenge her for the badge. The battle was tough, but thanks to Bulbasaur and Charmander, which evolved into Charmeleon, Ash was able to win his fifth gym badge, which was the Rainbow badge. After the battle, Ash looks up at his Pokédex to learn more about the fire type's new form. Pokédex: [Charmeleon is the evolved form of Charmander, and it has claws that are sharp enough to slash it's opponents and the flame on it's tail is more intense than it's previous form.] Ash: "Wow, that sounds cool." said Ash, before Charmeleon fired a flamethrower on Ash's face, which made the boy be covered in smoke. Pikachu: [Hey!, what did you do that for?!] Charmeleon: [Relax, that's just my kind's way to show affection to your trainers.] Ash: "Hooray... you still like me... it sure can get ya all fired up..." Charmeleon: [Was that a fire type joke or something?] Ash: "Maybe..." that was when Brock and Misty came up to Ash with some news. Brock: "Hey Ash, guess what, Misty and I got some new Pokémon." Ash: "Oh really, what kind?" asked Ash, who shook himself back to normal, like what happened with Charmeleon never occurred. Misty: "Remember the Vulpix and Psyduck we rescued from Team Rocket, well they seemed to have chosen us as their new trainers." Ash: "Really?, that's great." Misty: "Yeah, now I just hope Psyduck will be easier to train that my last catch..." Ash: "You mean Gyarados?" Misty: "Yeah, I'm still trying to keep it under control, but I'm not giving up." Ash: "Good to hear." and so our heroes have saved Celadon city from Team Rocket and have caught some new Pokémon as well, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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