Attack of the Pokémon hunter

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After beating Roark and earned the Coal badge, Ash heads out to Eterna city to challenge the gym leader there. While on the way, Dawn catches a Pachirisu, who happens to be very hyper and sure gives Dawn a real workout. Now, our heroes were on their way when suddenly, they saw what looked like some sort of ship flying in the sky, and it wasn't long before it made a landing. Dawn: "Wait a minute... oh no!" Ash: "What's wrong?" Dawn: "That's Hunter J's ship!" Brock: "Hunter J?" Dawn: "Yeah, she's supposed to be the most dangerous and ruthless Pokémon hunter, I heard rumors that she has a device that can turn Pokémon to stone to catch them." Ash: "What?!, that's awful!" Dawn: "That's right, if she sees us, she'll no doubt try to steal our Pokémon." Ash: "Like Team Rocket?" Dawn: "Maybe... but she'll no doubt be a lot more successful at it." that was when the Team Rocket trio showed up, and they tried to take Pikachu, only for a dragon type called Salamence, ridden by Hunter J (voiced by Sonny Dey) herself, and she has her eyes on Meowth. Hunter J: "A talking Meowth eh, I can surly sell that." Meowth: "Wait... me?!" asked Meowth in fear, before she aims a device on her arm, which fired a beam that turned Meowth into brown stone, much to everyone's shock and horror. Then a disk flew over and went under Meowth's stone body, before a glass container appeared over it, and soon takes the stone body of Meowth away. Jessie: "Meowth!" James: "No!" Hunter J: "And I think that Pikachu would be worth something too." Ash: "You're not taking Pikachu!" Hunter J: "Watch me." said Hunter J, before she fired the beam from her device, and Pikachu ended up in the same state as Meowth, much to everyone's horror. Suddenly, some dark blue aura surrounded Ash, and his eyes started to glow blue while showing a face of rage. Ash: "What have you done to Pikachu?!" shouted Ash in an angry tone that echoed everywhere, which startled everyone, even the Pokémon hunter herself. Dawn: "... Ash... what's happening to you?" Brock: "I don't think he can hear you..." James: "Hey... hasn't something like this happened before?" Jessie: "Yeah... back when the twerp first arrived in Hoenn... I have a feeling that the twerp is no ordinary boy..." James: "Me neither..." that was when Ash jumped into the air, far higher than any human should, and threw what looked like a blue sphere that hits the Salamence, knocking it out cold with just one hit. Hunter J was completely shocked, never before had she had seen something like this. Left with no other choice, Hunter J used her device again in hopes to turn Ash to stone as well, and she managed to do so. Dawn: "Ash!, no!" Hunter J: "Well... normally I go after Pokémon... but I think this kid might be worth something in the slave trade or something." Jessie: "Slave trading?!, that's awful!" James: "Yeah, we might be thieves, but we don't make slaves out of people!" Hunter J: "Not my problem." said Hunter J, before she leaves the scene with the containers that have Meowth, Pikachu and Ash, leaving the others behind. Brock: "Ash!" Dawn: "Pikachu!" Jessie and James: "Meowth!" Dawn: "This is terrible!, Ash and Pikachu are now Hunter J's prisoners!" Jessie: "Hey!, you forgot to mention Meowth!" Dawn: "Yeah... him too." James: "Why do you seem upset about that?!" Dawn: "After everything you put us through... it's hard to feel sorry for you." Jessie: "I guess you have a point... but never mind that, help us get Meowth back, and we'll help you get the twerp and Pikachu back." Brock: "How do we know you won't double cross us once we get them back?" Jessie: "Do you have a choice?" Dawn: "Well... not really... but if you pull anything, I will personally make you pay." James: "Deal." meanwhile in the ship of Hunter J, Ash's stone body was with the other Pokémon that was in stone form too, including Meowth and Pikachu. Suddenly, the boy's stone body started to glow blue and soon the boy was back to normal. Ash: "What the... how did I get here...?" asked Ash to himself, before see all of the Pokémon in stone form, along with his Pikachu and Team Rocket's Meowth. Seeing some sort of flip switch on the disk below Meowth's stone body, he pulled it down, and soon Meowth was back to normal. Meowth: "What the?, I felt like I was a statue for a bit... twerp?!" Ash: "Hey Meowth, any idea where we are?" Meowth: "Not too sure, but I think this might be that lady's ship." Ash: "Hunter J... last thing I remember was that she used that device to turn Pikachu to stone... after that... nothing... guess she caught me too." Meowth: "But why?, you're not a Pokémon." Ash: "I don't know, but at least now I can free Pikachu and these other Pokémon, and I better do it quick." said Ash, before he goes to the other containers, and freed all of the Pokémon, including Pikachu too. Pikachu: [Ash!, you're here!] Ash: "Yeah... I am... now let's get out of here." that was when an orange aquatic weasel like Pokémon, called Buizel, who had his arms crossed, came to the scene. Buizel: [Hey you... the boy with the hat.] Ash: "You're talking to me?" Buizel: [Yeah, you see any other humans here?] Ash: "Uh... no I guess not..." Buizel: [Well let me tell you, if you think you and your boss, Hunter J, can capture us and make money, then you got another thing coming.] said Buizel, ready to fight. Ash: "Wait a minute!, I don't work for Hunter J, I'm trying to stop her from stealing Pikachu!" Buizel: [Wait... did you... understood... what I said...] Ash: "Yeah... I have the ability to talk to Pokémon, though I don't know why." Meowth: "You can talk to Pokémon?!" shouted Meowth in shock, before Ash froze up a bit, realizing too late that Team Rocket's Meowth was still around. Pikachu: [Oh... you're busted...] Ash: "Tell me about it... but I guess it could be worse..." said Ash, before seeing that Hunter J, who came into the room not too long ago, heard everything. Hunter J: "So... not only can you use aura... but you can talk to Pokémon... a truly one of a kind boy... surly worth a fortune." Ash: "I'm not something to sell!" Hunter J: "Well like it or not, you're coming with me." Ash: "Fat chance, come on Pikachu, let's take her down!" Pikachu: [You got it!] Buizel: [Mind if I join you?] Ash: "Not at all." said Ash, before he and the Pokémon went to battle Hunter J and her Salamence. The battle caused some damage to the ship, which made it started to fall from the sky, and down below, Brock, Dawn, along with Jessie and James followed it. Dawn: "What's happening up there?" Brock: "No idea, but I think there's a battle going in there that's damaging the ship enough to fall." James: "I hope Meowth's okay..." Jessie: "Me too..." meanwhile, Ash continues to battle with the help of both Pikachu and Buizel, while Hunter J noticed that her Salamence was tired out. Hunter J: "You're strong alright... but no matter, next time you won't be so lucky." said Hunter J, before she returns Salamence to it's Pokéball and retreated. As for Ash and the Pokémon, it wasn't long before they managed to make a jump for it, and Meowth followed behind them. Soon, Dawn, Brock, along with Jessie and James came to the scene, and they were happy to see Ash, Pikachu and Meowth were okay. Dawn: "Ash!, Pikachu!, are you two okay?" Ash: "Yeah, we're okay." James and Jessie: "Meowth!, you're back!" Meowth: "Hey you guys!" said Meowth, before he went to hug his teammates, happy to be reunited with them. Jessie: "Now that Meowth's safe, we can take Pikachu freely... well for the next time we meet." James: "Yes, us Team Rocket will be blasting off again." Meowth: "That's right!" said Meowth, before he and his teammates retreated and left the scene. Dawn: "Hey Ash... what's on your mind?" Ash: "It's just... while I was facing Hunter J... she mentioned something about me using Aura... I wonder what she was talking about..." Dawn: "Could it be that thing you did with that energy sphere?" Ash: "Huh?, what are you talking about?" Dawn: "You mean that you don't remember?" Ash: "No... it was all a blank..." Dawn: "Hmm... well it sounds crazy... but I think you got more powers in you than just the ability to talk to Pokémon..." Ash: "Really?" Brock: "Yeah, and... this is not the first time it was shown... like back in Hoenn... it seems to happened when you get really angry enough..." Ash: "Huh..." Buizel: [Hey trainer.] Ash: "Oh Buizel, you need something?" Buizel: [Yeah... I like to have a battle with you, if you can beat me... then I'll let you catch me, sound good?] Ash: "Sure, it should be fun." said Ash, before he went to battle Buizel with Pikachu, and it was tough, but Pikachu was able to take down Buizel, allowing Ash to catch him, and then he took out his Pokédex to find out more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Buizel is the Sea Weasel Pokémon, and it stores air in the sacs around it's neck and uses them as floatation devices and swims by spinning it's two tails like a propeller.] some time after that, the group made it to Eterna city, where Ash finally gets to battle the second Sinnoh gym leader, who uses her grass types to battle the boy. It was tough, but Ash managed to pull through and won, meaning he earned the Forest badge. Ash: "Alright... two badges down... six more to go..." Dawn: "I hope I get better in the Pokémon contests..." Brock: "Remember Dawn, you're just starting, you'll get the hang of it." Ash: "Yeah, May didn't give up on her dream on becoming a top Pokémon coordinator, so you can't quit either." Dawn: "May?... wait... as in the Coordinator princess of Hoenn?!, you know her?" Ash: "Uh... I don't know about her having that title... but yeah, she uses to travel with us in the Hoenn region." Dawn: "Wow!, that's amazing!" Ash: "Yeah, and I'm sure you'll do great too." and so Ash faced Hunter J, caught Buizel, and earned himself the Forest badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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