Showdown at the Poké corral.

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After earning his eighth gym badge, Ash and his friends arrived to Pallet town, in hopes to talk to Professor Oak about the upcoming Pokémon league. But first, our heroes pay a little visit to Ash's mother, who was very happy to see her son again. Delia: "Ash, my baby!, how was your journey?" Ash: "It was great mom, and I managed to make some friends on the way, like Misty and Brock here for example." Delia: "Well it's nice to meet you two, I hope you took good care of my little boy." Ash: "Mom!" Delia: "Come on, I was only asking." Misty: "Well it's nice to meet you too, Miss Ketchum." Brock: "Wow, you're even more beautiful that I thought you would be." Delia: "My, aren't you a charmer." Brock: "Well I have to be, in hopes to get a lady." Misty: "If you don't flirt with every girl you meet, that is." Ash: "So mom, is Professor Oak at his lab?" Delia: "Yes, he should be there waiting for your arrival." and so with that, Ash and the others went to Professor Oak's lab, where they meet the old professor himself, who was also with his grandson. Gary: "Late as always, some things never change." Ash: "Gary?, you're here too?" Gary: "What, is it wrong to visit my grandpa?" Ash: "No, not really." Professor Oak: "Hello Ash, I see you and Gary have both come back as Pallet town's top trainers." Gary and Ash: "Top trainer?, both of us?" Professor Oak: "That's right, although there were more trainers from here that started their journeys, you two were the only ones who managed to earn enough badges to compete in the Pokémon league." Ash: "What happened to the other trainers?" Gary: "They just wimped out." Professor Oak: "May I check both of your Pokédex?" Ash: "Sure." so with that, Professor Oak scanned both of the Pokédex devices of Ash and Gary, and he was impressed. Professor Oak: "According to your Pokédex devices, Gary has seen 50 different kinds of Pokémon, and Ash has seen over 100, however, Gary caught way more Pokémon than Ash did." Gary: "Well you might have seen more kinds than I did, but it won't mean much if you didn't caught them." Brock: "It doesn't really matter how many Pokémon a trainer has as long as they've been taken good care of." Misty: "Yeah, Pokémon are more than just creatures to catch." Professor Oak: "How correct you are, they're all very special and they need special care as well." Pikachu: [Yeah, and some don't like being inside a Pokéball, like me.] Ash: "Yeah, that's true little buddy." Gary: "Huh... oh right, I almost forgot that Ash can understand Pokémon speech." Professor Oak: "When did you learn that boy's secret?" Gary: "Wait... you mean you knew about it?!" Professor Oak: "Yes, before you, Brock and Misty, the only ones who knew Ash's ability was his mother and I, we advised the boy to keep it a secret so he wouldn't attract unwanted attention, like people who could use him for their own gain." Misty: "You mean like Team Rocket?" Professor Oak: "Yes, some people like them, but never mind them now, let's go see the Pokémon outside." said Professor Oak, before he and the others went outside and checked out the Pokémon, including the ones Ash caught on his journey. Ash: "Hey everyone!" called out Ash, before his Pokémon came over to the boy, who were all happy to see him. That was when Pikachu got his tail pinched by Krabby, who still likes to use those pincers of his. Pikachu: [Will you stop doing that?!] Krabby: [What?, that's just my say of saying hello.] Pikachu: [Can't you do it in a less painful way?!] Ash: "Come on Pikachu, he didn't mean any harm, so just try to relax." said Ash, before Krabby used his pincers on Ash's leg, causing the boy to yelp in pain while Pikachu laughed. Suddenly, Muk came up and gave his trainer a big hug, much to everyone's surprise. Muk: [Me Muk love hugs!] Ash: "Yeah... I can see that... though I feel a little sick..." said Ash as his face was starting to look purple. Misty: "He's been poisoned!" Professor Oak: "Good thing I have an antidote..." said the professor, before he gives Ash a berry that made him feel better. Ash: "Ugh... thanks Professor... I really needed that..." Professor Oak: "You need to be more careful with what types of Pokémon you catch from now on, poison types can be dangerous if you're not careful, even if they're trying to be friendly." Ash: "Yeah... I know... but it's not Muk's fault that he has a body made of poison sludge, so I can't be mad with him." said Ash, before he went over to the rest of his Pokémon. Suddenly, a robotic arm with a rubber glove appeared from above and got a hold on Pikachu, much to everyone's surprise. It wasn't long before they found out that the robotic arms came from the Team Rocket trio's balloon, trying to steal Pikachu again. Misty: "Not them again!" Brock: "Hold on!, your boss said Ash can have Pikachu back!" Jessie: "That was then, this is now, and now we're gonna get that Pikachu to the boss." James: "And the same goes for the other Pokémon too." Meowth: "That's right!" Jessie: "Arbok!, go!" James: "You too Weezing!" called out Jessie and James, before what looked like a purple cobra Pokémon and a larger version of Koffing with a smaller head on the side came to the scene, and Ash went to his Pokédex to find out more what he was facing. Pokédex: [Arbok is the evolved form of Ekans, and the patterns on it's hood is to scare it's prey.] [Weezing is the evolved form of Koffing, and it release poisonous gas that can damage the throat.] Ash: "Looks like Team Rocket's Pokémon had evolved." Misty: "Be careful Ash, it's just like what Professor Oak said about Muk, poison types can be dangerous if you're not careful." said Misty, before Krabby jumps into the battle and used his pincers to pinch Arbok by the tail, which was really painful for the snake. Arbok tried to bite Krabby, but his hard shell only hurt the snake's jaws. Suddenly, Krabby started to glow and evolved into a much larger version of himself known as Kingler. Brock: "Whoa!" Misty: "Krabby evolved into Kingler!" said Misty, before Ash went to his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Kingler is the evolved form of Krabby, and it has one pincer bigger than the other, and it has powerful defense to make up it's lack of speed.] Ash: "Alright Kingler, show me a good attack to send Team Rocket flying!" Kingler: [With pleasure.] said Kingler, before a powerful Hyper beam was shot out of Kingler's larger pincer, much to everyone's surprise. The attack hits the balloon, causing it to explode, and sends the Team Rocket trio flying out of the scene while Pikachu landed into his trainer's arms. Ash: "Pikachu, are you okay?" Pikachu: [I think so, thanks to Kingler here.] Kingler: [Well that's what friends and teammates are for after all.] Pikachu: [Hey uh... not to sound rude or anything, but can you try saying hello to me without using your pincers please?, it's just...] Kingler: "Don't worry, I'll only use my smaller pincer to say hello.] Pikachu: [Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better...] Ash: "Don't worry, at least we know Kingler will be a big help in the Pokémon league." Professor Oak: "That reminds me, the Pokémon league of Kanto will start soon, so you better start training before it begins." Ash: "Sure thing." and so Ash has his Krabby evolved into Kingler and is getting ready to compete in the Pokémon league of Kanto. Who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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