The Mandarin island Hi Jynx

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It was a nice day when Ash and the gang were riding on Lapras and heading towards a place called Mandarin island, searching for a place to stretch out their legs for a bit. Ash: "Well... better go find the gym leader here." Tracy: "Sorry Ash, but the next member of the Orange crew is not on this island." Ash: "Oh man..." Brock: "Cheer up Ash, why don't we stick around here for bit, just to stretch out our legs?" Ash: "Yeah, staying on Lapras' back can tire you out... uh... no offense meant." said Ash, looking at the water/ice type. Lapras: [That's okay, I could use a break myself.] said Lapras, before Ash returns her into her Pokéball. Suddenly, a human shaped Pokémon with blonde hair and big kissing lips came to the scene, and Ash went to pull out his Pokédex to check it out. Pokédex: [Jynx is the Human shape Pokémon, this psychic/ice type has a special attack called the Lovely Kiss, which is a kiss based attack that puts it's opponent into a deep sleep.] Pikachu: [It can put others to sleep with just a kiss?] Ash: "That's what the Pokédex says..." Tracy: "Pikachu!, look out!" cried out Tracy, trying to warn Pikachu that Jynx was approaching towards and looms over him. But it was too late, Jynx grabbed Pikachu, picked him up right off the ground, and the psychic/ice type had a smile on her face. Jynx: [What do I have here?, a cute little mouse eh?, I'll bet you're dying to have your first kiss from me~... pucker up~.] said Jynx, before she puckers up her lips, ready to kiss the electric type, who managed to dodge it, only for Jynx to try again and again. Pikachu: [Ash!, anyone!, help!] Misty: "Watch out!, that must be the Lovely Kiss attack!" shouted Misty, before Jynx finally got her lips smacked centered onto Pikachu's own lips. Once the lips were connected, Jynx had her lips glowed for a bit, and once the glow was gone, Jynx began to released the kiss with a loud smacking pop sound. Once the kiss was released, Pikachu's eyes turned into swirls and fainted, as a sign he was in a deep sleep like the what the Pokédex said. That was when Jynx glowed and vanished from the scene, taking Pikachu with her, much to Ash's shock and horror. Ash: "Pikachu!, that Jynx stole Pikachu!" Brock: "Don't worry, we'll find them." Tracy: "Jynx couldn't have teleported too far." Misty: "I don't understand why would that Jynx steal Pikachu in the first place." Tracy: "That's a good point, hmm... I wonder if that Jynx has a trainer that's ordering it to steal Pikachu." Ash: "But who would do such a thing?" Misty: "Someone who would steal Pokémon from other trainers... wait... I wonder... could it be Team Rocket?" Brock: "I wouldn't be surprised if it was them, but since when did they had a Jynx?" Ash: "I don't care how if it was them or not!, I gotta get Pikachu back!" that was when the Officer Jenny of the island showed up, and she was in search of the Jynx too it seems. Officer Jenny: "That Jynx has been stealing Pokémon from other trainers by using the Lovely Kiss and Teleport for a couple of days now... and I still got any closer to catching the culprit." that was when the Team Rocket trio showed up, ready to steal Pikachu again, only to see that the electric type was nowhere to be seen. Jessie: "Hey, where's Pikachu?" Ash: "You should know as you took him!" James: "What are you talking about?, we didn't steal Pikachu, not yet at least." Meowth: "Would we have come here if we did?" Ash: "Uh..." suddenly, Jynx appeared in front of the Team Rocket trio, and got a hold a hold on Meowth before using her Lovely Kiss attack to knock him out cold. Just before Jynx could Teleport, Ash grabbed a hold of the blonde hair and he got teleported with the Pokémon. Misty: "Ash!" Jessie and James: "Meowth!" Brock: "They're gone!" Tracy: "But to where?" asked Tracy, while the others were looking worried for the well being of both Ash and Meowth. Meanwhile, inside a warehouse, Jynx appeared and puts Meowth into a cage with other Pokémon that were in a deep sleep, including Pikachu. It wasn't long before Ash pins Jynx down to the ground, looking really mad. Ash: "You got some nerve kidnapping my Pikachu like that!" Jynx: [Wait please!, I didn't wanted to kidnap the poor cutie, but it's just... I had to do it... for my trainer's safety...] Ash: "Your trainer's safety?, what do you mean?" Jynx: [Wait... you can... understand me?] Ash: "Yeah... but tell me, what do you mean by it's for your trainer's safety?" Jynx: [Well... my trainer and I were visiting this island to get some relaxation... but then someone threw a bomb of sleeping gas on us... and by the time I woke up, my trainer was taken hostage by those terrible people... they said if I wanted her to be free again... I have to capture as many Pokémon I can that come to this island... I'm so sorry...] said Jynx as she began to cry a little bit. Ash: "There, there, don't cry, I understand now, you were just protecting your trainer... tell you what, how about I help you free her and you'll help me free the other Pokémon, deal?" Jynx: [Really?!, oh thank you young man!, oh I just wanna kiss you right now!] said Jynx, before she grabs Ash and tries to kiss him, while the boy tries his best to avoid it. Ash: "Jynx!, let me go!, if you kiss me then I'll fall asleep too!" Jynx: [Oh right, sorry... sometimes I just can't help myself.] said Jynx, as she finally lets Ash got from her grip, and that was when a pair of shadows loomed over the pair, revealing to be Cassidy and Butch themselves. Cassidy: "Look who it is." Butch: "The twerp who messed up our plans back at Lavender town and Celadon city." Ash: "Cassidy and Biff?!" Butch: "Ah!, the name is Butch!" Ash: "So you're the ones who forced Jynx to steal the other trainers' Pokémon!, including my Pikachu!" Cassidy: "Well of course, we needed a way to collect a lot of Pokémon for the boss without harming ourselves, and what better way to do it by using a Jynx to knock them out?" Butch: "Which is what's about to happen to you." Ash: "We'll see about that, Charizard, I choose you!" called out Ash, before Charizard came out, ready for battle. While Ash deals with the Team Rocket duo, Jynx quietly steals the key from Butch and uses it to unlock the cage and then went off to the room where her trainer is being held. Outside of the warehouse, the sounds of the explosions caught the attention of Officer Jenny and the others. Misty: "What's that?" Officer Jenny: "I'm not sure, but I'm gonna find out." Tracy: "Don't forget us, for it could be Ash." Brock: "Yeah, he did got teleported with Jynx, so that might be where he is along with the other Pokémon." Officer Jenny: "Alright, but we better hurry." so with that, the kids and Officer Jenny ran off towards the warehouse. Back with Jynx, she got to the cell where her trainer was being held, and it wasn't long before she used the key to free her trainer at last. It wasn't long before Officer Jenny and the others came into the building and sees Ash and Charizard battling the Team Rocket duo. Brock: "So it was Team Rocket!" Misty: "Yeah, just the other ones." Jessie: "Cassidy!, you and Biff have some nerve on stealing Meowth from us!" James: "Stealing from other trainers is one thing, but stealing from your own fellow members of Team Rocket?!" Butch: "First off my name is Butch!, and secondly, it was your own Meowth's fault for letting Jynx catch him in the first place." that was when Pikachu woke up and he had a disgusted look on his face while Ash came over to him. Pikachu: [Blah!, that Jynx kissed me!] Ash: "Oh come on Pikachu, it could have been a lot worse, I mean you could have been kissed by Meowth for example." said Ash, before Meowth woke up with an offended look on his face. Meowth: "Hey!, a kiss from me can't be that gross!" Ash: "Yeah it would." Meowth: "Oh yeah?!... wait... how did you know what Pikachu said?" Ash: "Uh... lucky guess?" Meowth: "Hmm..." that was when Jynx came to the scene, and she was not alone, this time she was with her trainer, who was someone that everyone but Ash knew. The trainer was a woman named Lorelei (voiced by Jayne Grand), who happens to be a member of the Elite 4 of Kanto. Lorelei: "Sorry if my Jynx caused some trouble, but I'm here now." Misty: "No way... it's Lorelei!, in the flesh!" Ash: "You know her?" Tracy: "You're kidding right?!, that's Lorelei!, she's one of the Elite 4 of Kanto." Ash: "What?!, really?!" Lorelei: "That's right, and Team Rocket used me as hostage to force my poor Jynx to do their bidding." Brock: "How did they beat you?" Lorelei: "They didn't battle me, they used some sleeping gas on me and Jynx when we got to this island." Officer Jenny: "So that's what happened..." Butch: "Ah!, she's escaped!" Cassidy: "We have to get out here, Biff!" Butch: "The name is Butch!" Lorelei: "Jynx, use your Ice Beam to send them away!" called out Lorelei, before Jynx used a powerful Ice Beam to freeze the Team Rocket duo into a big block of ice, and then used Psychic to send them flying into the sky and out of the scene. Ash: "Whoa... what power..." Lorelei: "Pardon me young man, but are you the one who helped my Jynx here?" Ash: "Yeah, that's me." Lorelei: "Thank you so much, I can see with my own eyes that you're a kind boy with a huge love for Pokémon." said Lorelei, before she gives Ash a big hug, which made him blush a little bit, while the others were either shocked or jealous in Brock's case. Then Lorelei went over to Pikachu, who the woman picked up off the ground, giving him a big hug too and then a kiss on his forehead, causing him to blush as well. Lorelei: "Aren't you just the cutest thing~." Brock: "Oh man... I wished that was me..." Misty: "Not even in your dreams..." Tracy: "Well a lot of girls have a soft spot for cute little Pokémon like Pikachu." Misty: "Yeah, that's very true." said Misty, before Lorelei hands over Pikachu back to his trainer. Lorelei: "You know, when you become strong enough, you and I could have a battle." Ash: "Really?, that would be a real honor miss." Lorelei: "Of course, but only when you and your Pokémon are strong enough to handle big league trainers in the future." Ash: "Sure thing." and so Ash has helped Jynx save her trainer from Team Rocket and got back Pikachu. Who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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