The Unova Pokémon League

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After earning his eighth Unova gym badge and stopping Team Plasma, Ash and his friends arrived to the Unova League, but it seems to be at the halt for the moment. It wasn't long before Ash meets President Goodshow again, who looked rather annoyed than upset. Goodshow: "Hello Ash, I must say your timing could be better." Ash: "What do you mean?" Goodshow: "Well... it's Team Rocket... they um..." Ash: "Don't tell me... they stole the torch again?" Goodshow: "I'm afraid so..." Iris: "What do you mean, again?" Cilan: "This has happened before?" Ash: "Yeah, the first time was back in Kanto, then in Johto, next was in Hoenn... and after that, Sinnoh... basically they tried to steal the torch at every League I competed in... well except for the Orange League of course..." Iris: "Wow... they seriously tried to take a torch from the league that often?, what's so special about it?" Cilan: "I've heard that the torch carries the flame of Moltres, a legendary Pokémon known as the bird of fire." Ash: "That's right, though Johto is the one league that uses the flame of Ho-oh, another legendary bird Pokémon." Iris: "Wow... flames from legendary Pokémon?, I never knew..." Ash: "Yeah, it's really cool, unfortunately, that fact alone has caught Team Rocket's attention, which is why they tried to steal it... speaking of which, where are they now?" Goodshow: "That's a good question, I'm not sure, they could be anywhere by now..." Ash: "And they could also be causing trouble again." said Ash, before the Team Rocket trio came out of hiding to do their motto from hearing the word 'trouble', and once they finished it, they see that everyone was looking at them. Jessie: "Uh... we're not here..." James: "Should we start running?" Ash: "Yes, you should." Meowth: "Alright then... run for it!" shouted Meowth, before he and his teammates make a run for it, trying to outrun Ash and his friends, who were chasing right behind the trio. Soon, Pikachu used Thunderbolt to give the trio a good shock, which sends them flying out of the scene, before Ash catches the torch just in the nick of time. Ash: "Whew... that was close..." Goodshow: "No kidding, thank you so much Ash, though it might seem pointless as the torch runner who was supposed to run it today won't be coming due to a hurt ankle... unless... would you like to run it again?" Ash: "Sure, it would be a real pleasure." Iris: "Wait... you ran the torch before too?" Ash: "Yup, in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh too." Cilan: "Wow, that's gotta be a record, I've never heard of a trainer who gets the chance to run the torch that many times before." Ash: "I'll bet, but I'm not complaining, now let's get this torch to it's place and start the league." said Ash, before he gets to run the torch again, and got it to the stadium, and it wasn't long before the Unova was ready to begin at last. Ash managed to get through the first few rounds, and then passed through the Top 16, then the Top 8, and now he made it to the Top 4, where he gets to battle a trainer by the name of Virgil, who has a team of Eevee and nearly all of it's evolved forms. The battle was intense, but in the end, Virgil defeats Ash, making Virgil the victor while Ash was out of the league. Later, Virgil won the last round, making him the winner of the whole league. After the end of the league, Ash was feeling a little down, but Pikachu came over to him. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... sorry about losing... if only I was stronger...] Ash: "Don't blame yourself, Virgil was just really tough, just like us... and we did our best, that's all that matters... I'm sure we'll go further next time." that was when Iris and Cilan came to the scene. Iris: "Hey Ash... you feel okay?, I mean with your loss?" Ash: "Don't worry... it's not the first time I lost in a League... I'm sure that I'll get better next time... and besides, at least it wasn't a battle that would decide the fate of the world..." Cilan: "Yeah, that's one way looking at it, you'll no doubt get further in the next time." Iris: "What do you plan on doing now?" Ash: "Well... now that the Unova League's over, I'm heading back to Pallet town to get some rest, what about you?" Iris: "Well... I was actually planning on going to Johto, I've heard there's a strong dragon master who is a gym leader there." Ash: "Oh you must be talking about either Lance or Clair, I actually met both of them." Iris: "Seriously?!, and you never told me?!" Ash: "You never asked." Cilan: "Amazing, well I'm planning on going to Johto too, to see what surprises could be there." Ash: "Well I can assure you that you'll find lots of new things to see there." soon, the group went to an airport and took a ride on a plane and flew off to Vermillion city, where Iris and Cilan go to the path that leads to the Johto region, while Ash goes to Pallet town. Once he got home, he sees that his mother was waiting for him. Delia: "Ash dear!, welcome home, I hope your trip in Unova was a lot of fun." Ash: "It sure was, I managed to make some friends and caught lots of Pokémon as well." Delia: "Sounds great, by the way, Professor Oak wants to talk to you." Ash: "Sure, I'll go see him." said Ash, before he heads off to Professor Oak's lab, and once he did, there was a woman named Alexa (voiced by Jessica Paquet) and she was a journalist. Alexa: "Wow, so you're Ash, I've been looking forward to meet you for some time now." Ash: "Uh... thanks I guess... though what makes me so special?" Alexa: "Well you're the trainer who owns not only the mythical Mew, but the legendary Latias too." Ash: "How did you knew that?" Professor Oak: "Ash, did you forget that you used them in the Sinnoh league, which was on TV as well?" Ash: "Oh right... guess that slipped my mind..." Alexa: "I must say that you did a good job on taking care of them, along with the rest of your Pokémon, so many that you don't see in Kalos." Ash: "Huh?, Kalos?" Alexa: "It's the region I came from, and it's full of Pokémon you won't find in the regions you went before, even for Unova as well." Ash: "Hmm... is there a league too?" Alexa: "As a matter of fact, yes, are you planning on going there?" Ash: "Maybe, but first I should let my Pokémon take a break, they've earned it." Alexa: "Understandable, but can you let me have an interview with you?, that's what I came here for." Ash: "Sure, what do you like to know first?" Alexa: "Hmm... good question... I don't know where to start..." said Alexa with an excited smile. And so Ash has competed in the Unova league, and although he lost again, he was still not giving up on his dream and begins to plan on a trip to the Kalos region, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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