A league champion and the Mew clone

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It was a nice day at Professor Cerise's lab, when the professor just got a reading from his big computer that some powerful psychic type energy was detected. It wasn't long before Ash and Goh came to the scene. Ash: "Hey Professor, what's up?" Professor Cerise: "Well my computer just pick up a powerful psychic energy reading, like it's coming from a very powerful legendary psychic type..." Goh: "It must be the Mew I saw... where is the source?" Professor Cerise: "Somewhere at Cerulean cave." Ash: "I have a friend who came from there." Goh: "You do?" Ash: "Yeah, her name is Misty, gym leader of Cerulean city." Goh: "You're friends with a gym leader?" Ash: "Yeah, Misty, Brock, Cilan and Clemont are friends of mine that happened to be gym leaders too." Goh: "Huh... I didn't know that..." Pikachu: [There's a lot of things you don't know about my trainer.] soon after that, the trainer duo went to Cerulean city, where they see not only Misty, but Brock as well. Misty: "Ash?, is that you?" Ash: "Hey Misty, hey Brock, it's been a while." Brock: "It sure has, we saw the news of you winning the first ever Alola league, making you it's champion." Ash: "Oh you did huh?" Misty: "Yeah, but don't let it get to your head, we're pretty strong ourselves now." Ash: "I'll bet, by the way, this is Goh, he's traveling with me now." Goh: "Hi, it's nice to meet both of ya." Brock: "Same here, so what brings you here?" Ash: "Well... Professor Cerise sent us here to investigate the powerful psychic readings that's been detected in Cerulean cave." Misty: "I know that place, it's where only the strongest trainers, like the Elite 4 or a Pokémon champion can go as the Pokémon there are very strong." Goh: "Well lucky for us that one of us is a league champion." Ash: "Uh... you mean me?" Misty: "Of course he means you, but if you think we're gonna let you go there by yourself, then you're dead wrong." Brock: "It would be like old times." Ash: "Yeah, let's do it." so with that, the group went to Cerulean cave, and inside were rivers, glowing rocks, and lots of strong Pokémon to battle with. It wasn't long before they see something up ahead, which turned out to be a trainer with a Pokémon that Ash met before in the past. Pikachu: [Is that...] Ash: "Yeah... it's him..." Goh: "You know that Pokémon?" Ash: "Yeah... it's called Mewtwo... but what's he doing here... and who's that with him?" asked Ash, looking at the trainer with Mewtwo. The trainer in question was named Red (voiced by Bryce Papenbrook), and he was using his Charizard to train the psychic type it seems. Red: "Nice work you two." Mewtwo: "Master... I sense something... a presence I haven't felt since..." said Mewtwo, before he turns his head to see Ash and his friends. Red: "Who are you?" Ash: "Uh, I'm Ash, and this is my starter Pikachu." Goh: "I'm Goh." Misty: "I'm Misty." Brock: "And I'm Brock... say... aren't you Red?, the trainer who won the Kanto Pokémon league some time ago?" Red: "Oh yeah, that's me." Goh: "Wait, he's a league champ too?" Red: "What do you mean?" Goh: "Well Ash here happens to be a league champion too, of Alola of course." Red: "Really?, I never heard of Alola before, then again it's hard to collect info of the outside world while training here for a while." Mewtwo: "Yes, but at least it's where I can train peacefully." Ash: "That reminds me... what are you doing here Mewtwo?, and when did you had Red as your trainer?" Mewtwo: "Well... a lot happened since we last met... like Red here saved my one a few times from Team Rocket, and he caught me in order to free me from Team Rocket's control." Red: "But I only kept him to make sure Team Rocket can't capture him again, and help him become stronger too." Ash: "I wonder if the Pokédex has any info on Mewtwo this time..." Goh: "Only one way to find out." said Goh, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the Mew clone. Pokédex: [Mewtwo is the Genetic Pokémon, and a clone of Mew, it was created by scientists to be the world's most powerful Pokémon, however it's power is beyond even humans to tame and was left alone, unless it finds a trainer worthy for it's power.] Mewtwo: "Yes, that is true in a way, and Red was indeed a worthy trainer." Goh: "So... you're a clone of Mew?" Mewtwo: "Yes, I was cloned from Mew's DNA..." Goh: "Huh... now that I look at ya... you do look a little similar to Mew... but different too..." suddenly, Mew came out of her Pokéball, and the sight of her surprised Misty, Red and Mewtwo. Red: "Is that... Mew?" Ash: "Yeah, but Mew, why did you come out?" Mew: [I sensed a powerful psychic force, similar to mine, so I came out to check it out... who's that?" Ash: "That's Mewtwo, a Pokémon that was cloned from a Mew, in other words, he was man made like you." Mew: [Really?] asked Mew, before she went to circle around Mewtwo, who was curious of her as well. Mewtwo: "So... you're the Pokémon I was cloned from?" Mew: [Um... yes and no... you see I too was created by humans, but instead of a clone, I was a living hologram.] Misty: "Hologram?" Ash: "Yeah... it happened during my trip in Hoenn..." said Ash, before he begins telling everyone about how he first met Mew and saved her life, which was something that were in awe too. Red: "Wow... sounds like you had a lot of adventures too." Ash: "Yeah, hey Red, would you like a battle with me?" Red: "Well... I don't know... my Pokémon are pretty high level..." Ash: "So are mine, and we don't go down so easily." Mewtwo: "Well I like to see how strong he has gotten since I last saw him, and I believe Mew will be the right opponent for me." Red: "Well..." Mew: [I like to battle Mewtwo, for I wanna see how strong a clone of my species really is.] Ash: "Me too, I wanna see how strong Mewtwo has gotten too, and Mew is perfect to test him." Red: "Um... oh alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt to test Mewtwo's skills against a trainer's Pokémon, especially if that trainer's a league champion like me." Ash: "Great, let's do this!" so with that, the trainers were ready to battle, a battle between the Mew duo. Mewtwo was proven to be a toughest opponent Mew has ever dealt with, even more than the battle back in the Sinnoh league, but Mew was pretty tough herself, and refusing to give up. Even though they were just watching, Misty, Brock, Goh and Pikachu were feeling pumped up seeing how powerful both Mew and Mewtwo were. Goh: "Wow... those two are really going out..." Misty: "No kidding, Ash has really gotten a lot better in battles since I last saw him..." Brock: "He's come a long way, but I got a feeling he's much closer to fulfill his dream if he can go toe to toe with a Pokémon league champion like Red." said Brock and the others in awe, before the battle finally came to an end, which turned out to be a tie as both Mew and Mewtwo were down on the ground. Red: "Mewtwo!" Ash: "Mew!, are you okay?" Mew: [Uh... yeah... I'm okay... but I lost...] Ash: "Well Mewtwo fell too, which made the battle end with a draw." Red: "Very impressive Ash, even though Mew got beaten, she was able to take down Mewtwo with her, which is rare as Mewtwo rarely gets beaten." Mewtwo: "Yes... I guess I still got work to do..." Red: "We all do, but that's okay, cause that's why we're training." Mewtwo: "Yes... I know that." suddenly, Mew and Mewtwo felt pain in their heads, which made their trainers worried. Ash: "Mew, what's wrong?" Mew: [Ah... someone is calling me... saying that... Arceus needs help in the past...] Pikachu: [What does that mean?] Mew: [I don't know... I've never even heard of anyone called Arceus before...] Ash: "Me neither..." Mewtwo: "Nor have I... and yet... that name sounds like the kind of a Pokémon... a very important one..." what could the call be about?, find out next time as the journey continues.

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