☆Sleepy Johnnie☆

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[ Johnnie is super sleepy >_< and Jake notices and helps him get to bed <33 ]


Johnnie is walking around the house, his hair is a mess and he looks super sleepy. He yawns as he walks himself into the kitchen to get himself a drink.

Jake chuckled at the sight of Johnnie walking into the kitchen, he couldn't help but find it cute how he sleepy he is.

Johnnie hardly had any eyeliner left on his eyes as he opened the fridge. He grabs a can of Dr.Pepper and yawns again, cracking the can open.

Jake decided to take advantage of Johnnie's drowsy state, he came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

Johnnie feels Jake's arms around his waist. He lets out a sleepy laugh, "Oh hey..." He sleepily muttered as he takes a sip of his caffeinated drink.

"Hello there, sleepyhead," Jake said, leaning his head on Johnnie's shoulder. "What are you doing up this early?"

"I haven't slept at all." Johnnie replied, his eyes had some dark circles underneath them as he yawned again. He takes another drink of his soda.

Jake's eyebrows furrowed as he took notice of the dark circles under Johnnie's eyes. "You haven't slept at all? Why not?"

Johnnie sets the can on the counter. He turns around. Facing Jake now. "You know I stay up late, but recently I haven't been able to sleep at all."

"Have you tried taking sleeping pills?" Jake asked, still hugging Johnnie. "You've got to get some sleep, I'm worried about you."

Johnnie's head slumps onto Jake's chest since he is facing him now. Feeling Jake's arms around his waist. "Mm..." He hums sleepily.

Jake chuckled at the sight of Johnnie resting his head on his chest. "Aw, are you tired?" he asked, stroking Johnnie's hair.

Johnnie nods, his black hair resting on Jake's chest and covering his face as he yawned again.

"You need to sleep, love," Jake said, still stroking Johnnie's hair. "Come on, let's go to bed."

"Mm... I don't think I can, Jake. I don't think I can.. walk back upstairs." Johnnie rubs his eyes.

Jake chuckled and picked Johnnie up, carrying him bridal style. "You don't have to walk, I'll carry you," he said, smiling at Johnnie.

Johnnie grunts softly as he gets lifted up. He wraps his arms around Jake's neck. His black hair drapes a bit on Jake's tatted arms. "Jeez...you're strong."

"You weigh nothing, love," Jake said, walking towards the stairs. "I've carried you plenty of times before."

"Twice. During our videos." Johnnie yawns as his head slumps back onto Jake's chest.

"Three times, actually," Jake corrected him. "Remember when I had to carry you home after we went to that party?"

"Oh... yeah. kinda, maybe I was too drunk then and I don't remember." Johnnie's voice sounded so tired.

"You were definitely too drunk. I had to hold you up while you puked in the bushes outside of the party," Jake said, walking up the stairs. "It wasn't the most romantic night of my life, I'll tell you that."

Johnnie laughs, looking up at Jake with a sleepy gaze. "Yeah.. and I got blacked out."

"You got *so* blacked out. I had to carry you all the way home, and you kept saying that you loved me," Jake said, laughing at the memory.

Johnnie giggles a bit. "I do love you." He mumbled as he yawned again.

"And I love you too," Jake said, kissing the top of Johnnie's head. "But right now, I think you need some sleep."

"Keep walking then, we just stopped in the hall." Johnnie snickers as he buried his face into Jake's chest.

"Fine, fine," Jake said, chuckling as he continued to walk down the hall and towards the bedroom.

Johnnie tries his hardest to stay awake. He rubs his eyes, yawns and his eyes looked barely open.

"You're barely awake, love," Jake said, opening the bedroom door and walking inside. "Let's get you into bed, okay?"

"Mhm.." Johnnie hums in reply, blinking slowly.

Jake gently laid Johnnie down on the bed, then climbed in next to him and wrapped his arms around him. "Go to sleep, okay? I'll be here when you wake up."

"Kissy?" Johnnie laughs softly as he smiled up at Jake.

"Of course, sweetheart," Jake said, leaning down to kiss Johnnie on the lips. "Now go to sleep."

Johnnie returned the kiss and then pulled back. Resting his head on Jake's chest and falling asleep within seconds.

Jake smiled and kissed the top of Johnnie's head, then held him close and drifted off to sleep himself.

(The end)
(777 words)

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