Chapter 99: My Worlds Part 3(Nikki Perry-Sixx POV)

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I don't know how much time has passed.... All I DO know is right at this moment, my sons and my youngest daughter are moving and now, kicking and it's what woke me up and I LOVE it. I wish, I wish Josephine and Amara were here to feel.... They are so excited to BOTH be big sisters, I miss them so much. But like the thing is, Joe and I needed this time together and I KNOW my oldest girls are taken care of and they love and miss Joe and I, as much as we love and miss them....and NOW, it hits me......names, names for the triplets......

"Hey...." Softly, my husband's voice breaks me out of my reverie and next thing I know he greets me with a kiss, a nice slow kiss before reluctantly parting for air. "—I'd been here for a minute, I just.... You took my breath away, you always do. I love you." Placing his hands on my swollen stomach now, the babies kicking but much more calmly.

"I can never get over that...." I murmur, tracing Joe's fingers before saying, "I love you too, so much.... how are the girls?"

"They're fine, Josephine had a good day at school.... I'd woke up a little bit ago, started prepping for dinner, Johnny and Alice are coming over....and oh!" Joe pauses a moment chuckling, clearly amused. "---I told Josephine exactly WHO was coming, she of course sent her love to Johnny but when I mentioned Alice? Oh man, she was THRILLED.... seriously adorable. She's a huge fan, of course naturally your band and mine share the #1 spot. "This last part is spoken silkily. "---Amara said she loved and missed you and too gets lots of rest for you and babies."

"Love that..." I pause before I feel the onset of tears asking, "Do we still h-have time before they come?"

A gentle hand caresses my cheek, "Yes baby.... Now do you wanna tell me? I can see you have a thought."

"Joe.... I think I have names for our sons and our youngest girl figured out. I know we've talked about it here and there......" I take a breath, "---For one of our sons, I wanna name him Anthony Joseph Perry after YOU Joe, we could call him Tony. And our other son? Well, you mentioned Roman....and I liked James, so maybe James Roman. James Roman Perry..." I pause a moment to gauge my husband's reaction, tears stream down his face, for he is very much touched as I then continue, "—For our youngest daughter, we'd struggled a bit on that when we'd talked about names before. I mean we KNEW we wanted one of her names to be Italian and...I thought, well I HATE being called this.....but Frankie, I want her name to be Frankie cause I wanted a new beginning with the name and a way of making peace with my past self, but her middle name....Chiara, I-I think it suits her, that it will and I...." Joe cuts me off kissing me, and the way he kisses me is ALL the answer I need, and I know, KNOW its his way in this moment of saying, 'Yes'.

Joe can't quit kissing me after I told him about the names for our triplets, not that I am complaining mind you and he gives.... Tony, James and Frankie affection too and before I know it, I find myself after having demanded to sit at our kitchen table AND THEN of course naturally needing to piss which felt like it took forever...but I find myself, propped up and made as comfortable as my husband could get me, and I can't help but stare at him in amazement, because its HIM......

Joe gets more into dinner prep and of course watching out for me, just taking care of me and all the while and God I LOVE their names, but all the while Tony, James and Frankie, my precious little girl move as they are like me, happy and content.......

It is not too long after, Johnny Depp.... a very nervous Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper, the god father of shock rock himself appear. He's nervous, seeing Joe and I after SO long, and God the reasons are heartbreaking, most of them but the POINT is, he is alive and the way Alice is looking at him.... it's how Joe looks at me and I would think too, it's also highly nerve racking to introduce your partner to your family, well I would imagine and naturally the tears flow....

"I...I.... I..." Johnny stammers, feeling shamed I can tell, and Joe and I share a knowing look and before either of us can say anything, Alice DOES.... gently cupping Johnny's face....

"Breathe Wildflower.... breathe.... i know this is hard for you, but I am right here and besides, from what you've told me they are family to you and you ain't got nothing to be ashamed of." Johnny begins to calm, still in tears as Alice helps him sit down at the table with me and we all talk and catch up....

"I just wanna tell you man, Joe and I have been there.... You went through hell Johnny, you were abused, and you had to get clean and find yourself and you found love where you didn't think you ever would. Your meeting Alice was fate." I tell him, as he absorbs my words, Alice gently squeezing his hand.

"Nikki is absolutely right...." Joe says in agreement, looking at me lovingly the sheen of tears present in his eyes and a flash of those memories, "—Its good to see you, doesn't matter how long it's been. And Alice makes you happy, he centers you, calms you.... just like Nikki does for me, and ya know something? Nikki has said many times, you became family the day you found our daughter and saved her life, brought her back to us, there fore Alice is more than welcome and has our blessing."

"Thank you...seriously thank you both, for trying to help me....and for.... i mean everything..." Here he looks to Alice who murmurs to him giving him a kiss before he says, "—I never thought I would have an actual family and that said family would give me their blessing, that I would find LOVE..." He pauses a moment and his next words, Joe and I share a stunned but touched look, "—I fully believe it all goes back to Josephine, granted I fucking wish I'd met under better circumstances, but....despite what she'd been thru, she was so sweet....kind, she didn't judge and yeah I got fucked up this year, thought of ending it so many times, but then I would remember out there, someone thought I'd mattered, and it is her that I believe led me to meeting Steven Adler-Lee and then....led me to Alice."

Fate, kindness.... love, things that I for SO long thought didn't exist.... that I didn't believe in and then, once I got a taste, I didn't even realize but once I did, well Joe got through to me. one person, one moment.... can change your life forever. So I very much understood and still do where Johnny was coming from and I never expected to have the family I have NOW, but I DO and despite the shitty hands life once delt me, I DO have it all....i always did, thanks to meeting Joe, even when I didn't see and Johnny, he would come to see....he would come to see with Alice.....but the point here is: I nor Joe have ever forgotten what Johnny said to us that day nor what he did for us all those years ago with Josephine when all hope seemed lost....

As for Johnny, well I won't give too much more here away.... but it isn't TOO long from this point, that Alice would ask Johnny to marry him and where you next find us will be sitting down to eat dinner, Joe at my side, as always touching some part of me and as my husband always says, my beloved Jo-Jo Bear.... you will see......

A/N: The triplets have names!! Alice has met Nikki and Joe and so much more. And speaking of more, there is so much more to come in this story and there will be a part 4 to this chapter....AND the next chapter will be the 100th chapter for this book!!!!

Might as Well Face it, You're Addicted to Love (Joe Perry/Nikki Sixx)Where stories live. Discover now