Chapter 67: Where Has the Light Gone? Part 1 (Mult POVS)

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-Nikki Perry-Sixx POV-

You sadly hear about kidnapping stories FAR too often, and you probably could NEVER imagine it happening to you. But me? My husband, my then youngest little girl? My sadly happened to us, the trauma, the pain, the fear and the fact that I blamed myself, if I hadn't taken Josephine to school the morning of December 12, 1993, it wouldn't have happened, and I also blamed myself for DEANA. No one had any fucking clue then she'd some how wormed her way out of prison, wanting to take everything I held dear. I didn't know she'd been watching me, and all of this also brought back some HIGHLY unpleasant memories of the abuse I'd endured at her hands, and not only that I would end up opening to my oldest daughter in a way I never imagined I would have to. And I wanted to KILL Deana for even daring to touch a single hair on my oldest daughter's head, course I wasn't the only one. I will tell you, I and my husband...EVERYONE would make Deana truly fucking suffer and you will see......Now comes one of the worst days of my life....

There is nothing I love more than being a parent, a mother....and to think not so very long ago that scared me shitless and I didn't think I'd be worthy of being called 'mommy' but I AM. I love my family so damn much. Currently, I am taking Josephine to school.... having some quality mommy-daughter time, which I also do with little Amara, Amara who is taking her morning nap being watched over by my beloved Jo-Jo Bear.

"Mommy? We still making Christmas cookies after school?" Josephine asks from the backseat, clutching her 'bee-bee' since at school they are having a show & tell of favorite Christmas presents the kids had gotten. The point is I can't help but smile as I answer her....

"You bet little bee, Cocoa too. You me, daddy and your sister." But then I worry as she frowns suddenly, "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I had nightmare mommy, it scary. I no wanna tell you."

"You can tell me ANYTHING ok? Always. I hate you had a nightmare, but if you need doesn't matter what time of day or night it is. I promise I and daddy too will be there to make it better. I love you, Josephine." Feeling myself tear up.

Before I know it, I drop her off at school making sure she is ok getting to her classroom, hug her to me and she says to me...

"I love you mommy, see you daddy and sissy after school, ok? I'll be ok. Oh! Give daddy and sissy my love."

I tell her I love her too and promise to do so, I'd do ANYTHING my daughter asks me to do, I'd do anything for her. I then head home for a bit to be with my husband and youngest daughter....

The morning passes in a blur, I mention my worries about Josephine having a nightmare...worrying over that, when suddenly the phone rings and I have a bad feeling....

Amara is playing in her playpen, and I answer the phone, and I am told.... Joe holding me...It was a wonder, a fucking wonder I didn't really spiral i.e. drugs.... thank God for Joe, and our family still I couldn't fucking keep it together around anyone....

"Mr. Perry-Sixx? We couldn't find your daughter Josephine; she was at recess, and we've been unable to locate her in our search. We called the police, we have reason to believe she's been taken from the school grounds, we found her stuffed bee and backpack and there was a slight amount of blood. Please come soon."

I can't breathe, panicking.... sheer panic, my baby is missing, and she's hurt.... she's hurt. I don't remember not answering, I am in shock.

I barely manage to get the words out, "Joe.... Joe, someone took her! They took our baby!!! She's hurt...she's hurt and.... It's my fault! We need to go.... we must find her!"

These are the last words I remember before suddenly darkness consumes me....

Joe freaked, but I came to quickly in tears.... scared shitless, my husband in much the same way.... frantically we called Steven Tyler and Vince who fucking came running and we headed to Josephine's school and Joe, and I vowed to fucking make who ever took Josephine to fucking SUFFER and that's me being polite. And I felt like Josephine missing was my fault and it took me longer than it should have to realize just WHO took her....and I had felt in hindsight I should have known.

-Josephine Nicole Perry POV-

I miss mommy and daddy and sissy at school, but I like school and I get to make Christmas cookies when home and I really loved showing 'Bee-Bee' off in show and tell. I hated making mommy worry, I hate thinking of the scary dream....i feel like being looked at, I don't like this feeling.... mommy and daddy always say it's your gut telling you something.....I get grabbed and it hurts, someone touching me....i drop bee-bee, crying and upset now and now I look at a older lady, who kind of looks like mommy.... but she is a stranger, I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, and I feel something sticky on me...and it hurts. and the mean looking lady smells funny, like something mommy and daddy call 'booze'.

"So, you're that freak's daughter. I am gonna make him and your so-called father pay for what they did to me..." I try backing away; to run but the mean lady grabs me, and it hurts, I think I will have 'ouchies' now.

"My mommy, he is not a freak, and they are amazin' mommy and daddy. You mean lady!"

I feel an ouchie on my face, as the mean funny smelling lady grabs me.

"I'm that freak's mother and you better keep quiet little girl or else." I was so scared, and she said mommy's mommy? She is not a mommy, and I know who she is now, the scary lady from my dream!

"You Deana! You hurt mommy!!" I try and kick the lady, hurt her like she hurt mommy and daddy, especially mommy but she fast.... holding a hand over my mouth, telling me to quit crying like a baby....and I am SO scared and want my mommy, my daddy and my little sister....

Why do I know she is Deana? Mommy, I heard mommy tell daddy stories about her, they don't know I listen. She scares mommy.... she scares me, fault, I ruin Christmas and now, I don't know if mommy and daddy will find me. my ouchies hurt, bee-bee gone and where does the mean smelly lady take me? I still special? I wanna go home.... I want my home!!

Rough hands, throw me in back seat of what my mommy, he would call a 'POS' whatever that means.

"Quit crying and be quiet!" She yells, I hate yelling...I try and be quiet, whimpering. And then we move....and I can't move or make noise now.

"M-Mommy...d-daddy.... A-Amara......i love you and wanna come home, please find me, please..." I whispered, hoping Deana no hear me.

'Run if you can, if you ever run into a stranger.... fight if you can, go with your gut...that little voice that tells you if you can trust someone or not.' I hear my daddy's words in my head now, hoping I still special.... but that little voice tells me that I still am special, but I am too scared now to believe.

I don't know what Deana did to mommy other than she hurt mommy a long time ago and I think my scary dream was about her, I no see her face. She may look kind of like mommy, but she doesn't have his smile.... She doesn't look at me with love, like my family......I want my family, I want hugs.... I want home.

A/N: Sadly, Josephine has been taken, Next chapter will be entirely Josephine's POV. And I won't give away too much, but I PROMISE you Deana will SUFFER for that she's done and is doing, you will see in time. Stay tuned.

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