Chapter 57: A Perry Family Christmas Part 2

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Today is a very special day, Josephine's first ever Christmas parade.... Nikki's birthday was perfect, spoiling him which he very much deserves.... really, I just loved and do love seeing him happy. But ah yes, my sweet little bee Josephine.... She's so excited, barely keeping still as I'd helped Nikki dress her by bundling her up well, protecting her from the cold. She LOOKS adorable, like a little snowflake....and here we are now: Nikki, my beloved husband, and our daughter.... the air cold, neither he nor I wanna keep Josephine out long.... but the point is: they are SO happy, look so beautiful and I am a very lucky man.... very lucky.

We'd arrived when the parade was already underway and Josephine has alternated snuggling me or Nikki, currently she's in my arms me making sure she is nice and warm....

"Daddy oook' (look) no' fakes! (Snowflakes)." Josephine points her little mitted hand at a passing float, meant to mimic snowfall as a tribute to winter.

"I see little bee, very pretty. Though it's not as pretty as you or mommy." Josephine giggles at my words.

"Mama more pweety!" Josephine takes her eyes off the parade and grins at her mother.

"Daddy isn't wrong." Nikki smirks chuckling, as I match him before his tone and look turns tender, talking to our daughter. "You are having fun Josephine?"

"Wes's mama.... Santa?" Nikki and I have been telling her all about Santa, course she is smart as hell, which I know she gets from Nikki, so I fully believe she knows its Nikki and I, family, and all.... Still, it's so heartwarming for her to believe in the magic.

"We'll see Santa soon and then we're gonna get food, and all nice and warm and then later if you're good, maybe cocoa, ok?"

"Ok, mama.... wuv ew an 'daddy."

"We love you too little bee." I counter......we do end up staying long enough to see Santa, before getting in the car.... Josephine talking away to Nikki and I about the parade, and before I know it.... We're at what I call mine and Nikki's Honeymoon restaurant and Josephine is de-bundled for the time being and in a highchair. She is of course in easy reach and view of us, her bag at our feet.

Nikki and I share a kiss, as I slide into the booth by his side.... wrapping an arm around his waist....

"She really loves it here....and I felt like at the parade, I mean......" Nikki says lowly, and I get his true message.

I squeeze his hand gently, "I know baby.... I FEEL you. I love you so much Nikki, YOU are my true family, you, and our daughter.... you gave me that, I just wanted to tell you that." I feel tears roll down my cheeks and a warm bass roughened hand gently wiping them away....and Josephine is concerned....

"Daddy k?"

"Daddy is thinking how mommy gave me a true family, its him and YOU sweet girl." I answer her, before giving her a smile telling her, "You remind me so much of your mommy and I LOVE that."

"I pecial' ike mama."

"Yes, you are Josephine, yes you are." Nikki whispers. " WE are." He adds.

Josephine decides Nikki and I need hugs, so we scoop her up in our arms and let her give us hugs.... We order our food, Nikki and I sharing what we'd eaten on our honeymoon, the Cioppino which we also share with Josephine, and she gets a child sized portion of spaghetti. There is laughter, just US all being together as we eat.... making new and lasting memories as a family and I never want it to end....... next thing I know, we're once more bundled up after I made sure the car was warmed enough and headed for our temporary home.... Josephine clutching her Ollie and Berry.......

On that drive to our then temporary Boston home, something that was magical for my husband and my oldest daughter would happen and I've never to this day forgotten.

I hold one of Nikki's hands as I drive, me as always loving the feel of HIM and meanwhile Josephine who will get a bath when we get home, is excitedly chattering away with her stuffed Olive and Raspberry and I sigh happily, after all how can I NOT be? And it's strange to think there was a time when I never thought this would EVER come to be.

Nikki gently squeezes my hand, and he in tune with me and he's the only one who ever has been and ever will be. "I know just how you feel Joe, I feel the same way Jo-Jo Bear, the same way. These past 10 days or so have been perfect, today has been so special. Every day is like that with you....and I...."

Nikki trails off and I get concerned until I realize why, Josephine I see in the mirror is staring out the window in awe, her little green eyes glowing and soon Nikki does too, tears in his eyes and I realize what they do, its started to snow.....big flakes, falling from the sky and its beautiful, so beautiful and the best sight of all is Nikki and Josephine's reaction, and that its magical.

"Daddy no' no!! (snow, snow). "Josephine pipes up. "It magics!"

"It IS magic little bee, it IS magic." Nikki states smiling through his tears.

We continue to make our way, the snow falling, and my heart is so full, so full and light both....

At last, we arrive safely at the house, and Josephine is getting sleepy but is fighting it, still very much excited about the snow and she still needs a bath. So, I along with Nikki, get her bathed for it is near her bedtime...he and I working in tandem with one another, and at last she's bathed, dried, and dressed warmly in a Christmas themed night gown and still she fights we go to put her in her crib, making sure the baby monitors are all good to go.

"I no seep (no sleep)! Wanna see no' (snow)!" Josephine protests, with a yawn.

"Daddy and I know you do sweetheart; I want to see more too, and we will I promise ok?" Nikki tries to soothe her as he picks her up, her curling into his chest as he sits in a chair, me close to both him and her and then he tells her, "Wanna hear a story?" A sleepy nod, as she begins to calm more. "—I've never seen snow till today, well I don't remember if I did. I grew up in a place called Twin Falls, Idaho......lot of bad memories there for me, my.... well, she wasn't what a mother is supposed to be, though she gave birth to me....and I'd been so hurt by her and so many others. The point Josephine is, I always wanted to see snow.... something pure, something beautiful and I finally saw that tonight, today.... I saw snow for the first time, YOU saw it. THAT is magical, snow is magic like you said little bee. And you don't know how much it means to me, that I got to experience that and experience it with you and it's thanks to daddy. I will remember this forever. I love you, always remember that. I am proud of you, proud to be your mother."

"Mama magics an' pecial and I wuv ew and daddy wots." Softly. "I sweep now."

Josephine drifts off moments later and lovingly and carefully is laid in her crib, safe...warm, snug and she has her favorite Ollie and Berry with her. Nikki and I linger watching over her, him crying softly and I gently turn him to where he's looking at me, as gently I wipe away his tears.

"I can't believe.... I mean I opened to her...a wee bit, alluding to my past...." Sorry for the interruption, but he would open even more so ESPECIALLY after Josephine's kidnapping a few years from now. It's something he and she both needed, it helped them both to cope with what happens and that is all I will say on that for now at least. Well ONE last thing: I too would open about my past as well. "---and I Swear in her eyes, young as she is.... Joe, she understands. And today WAS magical."

"I am proud of you Nikki; I know it was hard to even allude to your past to her. I imagine you never thought you'd have to share something like that with our child, someday we both will tell her, I get that feeling and Nikki. I swear, yeah, she's got some of my personality traits and all, but she takes after YOU. You're everything a mother should be, you are HER mother, and Honeybee I love you so damn much."

"I can never get over; you are being proud of me Jo-Jo Bear and now.... you're right, so right...but I believe she is too and THANK YOU......i love you too, so very much." Nikki and I come together in an emotional kiss, only parting for breath before once more we check on Josephine, still peacefully sleeping away as we then head to our room....

A/N: Part 2, oh I loved writing this part so much! Part 3 to come next and then still thinking on ideas for chapters to come after part 3. Stay tuned! 

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