Chapter 74: A Family Reunited Part 4

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Josephine, my poor little bee.... kills me to this day what she went thru with her kidnapping. All that ultimately mattered is our family was whole again, but it sure the hell HURT. Josephine wound up spending a few days in the hospital, slowly but surely getting her physical strength back. Her mental strength was another story. Nikki and I felt helpless.... Josephine grew quiet, she cried...and her tears, God, I still see them to this day, and she felt like a burden on us especially since we stayed in the hospital with her, Amara was brought to visit everyday of course. My point here is this: my husband and I weren't going anywhere, we would love our oldest daughter thru it, we would be THERE...our Josephine's rock. We would get there in time and where you will find the Perry family, will be on December 19, 1993...the day before Josephine would at last be HOME where she belonged. Oh, one more thing or things rather, her school was called just in case she had any schoolwork, and I can tell you that she would end up going to a new school after the holidays, she would tell Nikki and I she felt safer plus Jackson Tyler also went to the same school, which I felt MUCH better knowing. Now, on with the show...

Currently we are walking the halls together, so Josephine can get some exercise. We are going slow, and she is doing quite well, Josephine and little Amara both are in between Nikki and I, us making sure they are well protected. In any case, I am worried.... Josephine's nightmares are still bad, and she's been so quiet. Nikki's told me this reminds him of what it was like for him on drugs and before rehab, it scares him, but he and I are united in doing whatever we can to be there for Josephine.

Josephine is holding my hand.... hanging her head and starts to cry, which makes me tear up, so we stop....

"Josephine? Honey, oh honey never be afraid to talk to us, say what's on your mind. It may not feel like it helps now, but one day it will. But we want you to talk whenever you're ready, ok? Oh honey..." Josephine only cries harder, and I feel more than I see Nikki take an upset Amara whom he tries to calm, and I kneel to my oldest daughter's level, and she throws her arms around me, face buried in my neck shaking, as I gently rub her back up and down.

"D-Daddy.... I burden.... I b-burden.... s-sissy need you an' mommy too! My h-head dark and scary and I-I wanna go home and be n-normal and no sad no more! It Christmas, I should be h-happy...." She rambles.

"Josephine Nicole Perry, look at me sweetheart." I begin gently but firmly. She refuses to budge, so gently I tilt her face up cradling it my hands, "---You NEVER have to push aside your feelings, you don't have to be happy just because it's Christmas and believe me, mommy and I both know how scary it can inside your head. It's gonna take time to feel better and I promise you that we're gonna get through this, you are. You are so strong and brave, so much more than you know. And I swear on my life, you will be home with us. You are special, so very special honey, you be YOU that's all that matters at the end of the day, remember that and I think your doctor was coming to talk to us, ok? I think its good news."

"Daddy is very much right Josephine...." Josephine looks to Nikki, "We love you; we love every part of you no matter what. And yes, Amara needs us, so do you. The point is sweetheart ALL of us, me.... daddy, Amara and our family are all right behind you, we are HERE for you THAT is what matters. My home is wherever you, your sister and daddy are, you are ALL my home." We all share a group hug, still crying but we are together....and we linger a bit before I scoop up Josephine and we head to her room and moments later, her doctor comes in and tells us she is ok enough to go home and will be released tomorrow.

Amara declares she wants her older sister to hold her, which Josephine does so while Nikki and I share a kiss, several before Josephine speaks...Nikki and I holding her little hands.

"I...I.... really am going time for Christmas? I never.... thought see home ever again."

"You ARE, and we've really missed having you at home. It felt like a lifetime, but here you are with us and look...." Nikki sniffles, "And if you wanna we can bake as many cookies as you want, do whatever you wanna do. If you wanna rest, sleep, or anything its more than ok. I love you, Josephine."

"I love you too mommy.... can we really bake cookies?"

"Cookies AND Daddy's special cocoa. So, you bet we can bake cookies." Nikki answers her with a watery smile, his eyes holding worry and of course I KNOW EXACTLY why but more than that love for our daughter.

"I hep!" Amara cuts in, and my husband and I chuckle.

"Course you can sweetheart." I tell her before asking, "Is there anything you would wanna do or think you would feel like doing that you'd wanna do to maybe help you?"

Josephine purses her lips, frowning in thought reminding me very much of myself before she answers with, "Can we see the house? And...and I'd love pom-pom pasta and.... cookies and milk and.... guitar?"

"Like a tour?" She nods, "We absolutely can, and yes to all of it. No lie, sweet bee." And I think to ask wondering how she would feel about the family coming over for Christmas, all that matters though is her being comfortable and safe. "Josephine? Do you feel up to having the family over for Christmas? We just want to make sure you feel ok with that. if not its MORE THAN OK for it to just be mommy, you, your sister and me."

" there, right? If...I need you? You and mommy?" Josephine trembles and I know why she's trembling, and it breaks my heart.

"Yes honey, you've just been thru something hard and scary.... still are, it may help in the end to have family, the support and the love."

"Ok, daddy, ok.... I really, really missed everyone."

They've missed you too, so much......

It wasn't too long after we got the news that Josephine was well enough to go home, she would fall into a fitful sleep and sadly, God...sadly her nightmares would come but the next night when we were at last home, when SHE was home at last, she would have a night terror and my husband Nikki will take the reigns there. He would open about his past, EVERYTHING in a way that neither he nor I would imagine it happening and Josephine would begin to turn a corner and of course in time get better. And I would do much the same.

However, that memorable homecoming for December 20, 1993.... the promises her mother and I made her would be kept and there is also more you will come to find...well you will see....

A/N: Part 4 is done, next is Josephine's home coming which will likely be more than one part. 

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