Chapter 38: I'd Do Anything for my Everything Part 2

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Nikki spent a few days in the hospital after I'd rushed from Donnington and when I'd arrived as you now know, Nikki and I worked on our bond, which we continued to do and the most important, no magical thing of all? Is finding out we were going to be parents to a precious little girl, our Josephine Nicole Perry. I can remember every single moment as if it just happened even after all these years. I also remember Nikki and I especially slept a long time, something we both really needed. And during those hospital days, the guys all showed up to visit with Nikki and brought things that Josephine would need and things for Nikki and I. My husband and I still had to work hard on our fears: the fears Nikki had of my disappearing and the ones I had of losing him. it took time but it got better, and we'd arrived home at last, and I had NEVER been more grateful to see mine and my husband's house and moreover to have HIM home, we'd arrived home on June 20, 1988, and where you find us is the following day....

I brought Nikki home from the hospital yesterday and after eating some of his cravings, he was worn out and I carried him upstairs and stayed with him as he slept all day and rested and that brings us to today: my morning workout( I'd left a note as Nikki at the time was sleeping, after having been up half the night), and for the first time after my work out, I made good on my promise to take my husband on a walk, though I fussed over him after our walk ( loved every moment, I cherished it) I carried my husband upstairs and he decided he was craving ME to be exact and I oh so gladly obliged him and he struggled to stay awake afterwards, protesting when I told him he looked exhausted but gave in when I said, "Honeybee, you're working so hard and doing so damn well carrying our daughter and I know you couldn't sleep because you kept having to pee and I know you hate being in bed so much, but Nikki it's OK more than. You and Josephine need all the rest you can get. Now sleep and I am right here, ain't going anywhere no lie."

Right Now, its afternoon and Nikki has just woken up.... everyone is coming to visit, but here and now.... It's Nikki, our daughter and me in our own world. The tender, firm and swollen flesh behind which Josephine is, I caress tenderly as I have my husband's stomach exposed. I LOVE this, feeling her move like she is now and kicking at my hands and I am unable to keep the smile off my face.

"She is so damn beautiful Nikki; I love feeling her move like this." Nikki's hands join mine.

"I do too, and its strange to think I never thought I'd love this so much. Its all so new to both of us....and you know, I really couldn't do this without you. I mean, any of this. Joe, I truly can't express what it means after a lifetime of being told I was worthless, feeling like it and abused by my past so called partners to now, having YOU, who fights for me everyday and loves me unconditionally. And we're together working on our issues, neither of us must go it alone anymore." Nikki is at this point in tears as am I as carefully I lean in and kiss him pouring every ounce of my love into it.

"Truer words have never been spoken Nikki." Softly after our kiss and then I lean down and kiss his stomach speaking to our daughter, "Love you so much princess, our little flower. God, I can't wait to see you!"

I look up again to find Nikki looking at me with awe, "You're a perfect father, what a father SHOULD be."

"Before you, I would never have believed that...and Nikki, THANK you." Eventually we do get out of bed, Nikki having to piss for a 'fucking eternity' as he grumbles to me and afterwards, I help my husband downstairs fussing over him, as we enter our kitchen and I tell my husband, "I promised you I would teach you how to cook and I promise I've got you...." And I add on, "If you need rest or look too tired.... Let me know. I don't want you to be on your feet too long."

Nikki's eyes light up at the mention of my teaching him how to cook, his smile lighting up the room and he promises me he will let me know. So, I teach my husband how to make his favorite meal that he tends to crave, the one I made him that's so special to him, the bruschetta and the al pomodoro pasta. My hands fit perfectly with his, helping guide him in the needed knife cuts.... him asking questions and I am cherishing every moment. I am SO proud of him too, for Nikki is a fast learner and amid all this, everyone arrives and naturally one Steven Tyler leads the charge....

"Remind me WHY I let you have a key to our house again?" I roll my eyes, huffing.

"Um, because you love me?" Steven smirks.

"Eh wrong!" I quip.

Vince smacks Steven in the back of the head, "Babe...behave yourself or else." Steven pouts as everyone laughs and I know EXACTLY why.

My husband is greatly amused and seems to be getting tired, so I fuss over him and get him settled at our kitchen table as we all talk with one another, food's nearly done anyway.

"So, um dudes?" Tommy Lee questions looking from me to Nikki, "So do you know..."

Nikki cuts Tommy off, "What we're having? Yes."

"Sixxter did you take alien lessons from Mick?"

Mick merely smirks as Brad shakes his head trying to hide his snickers, meanwhile Tom and Joey burst into laughter.

"Damn right, I've spent the past 7 years studying at Mars University after all." Nikki shrugs grinning.

"But......dude.... come on and tell us!" Tommy whines.

"Maybe they like want it to be a surprise, Tommy. Either way their baby will be SO adorable!" One Steven Adler exclaims, from what Nikki has told me tends to be hyper like Tommy, but a sweet guy who also as Nikki puts it, 'Is an energizer bunny with a heart of gold and balls of steel.'

As I continue to work on dinner, making sure there is enough for everyone and glancing at Nikki constantly to make sure he is ok, our eyes meet, and time ceases to exist.... just he and I in our own world and I must fight tears suddenly, Nikki in much the same way as I.

'I love you Jo-Jo Bear. You are my everything.' He mouths.

'I love you Honeybee; I would do anything for you for you are my everything' I mouth back.

Coincidentally June 21, 1988, marked the beginning of summer.... more than that though? It was a memorable day, a day filled with love...romance shared between my husband and I, feeling Josephine move and kick...feeling how much she loved Nikki and me. And it was a day full of laughter, of humor.... just what my husband and I very much needed. I just loved and still do seeing Nikki happy, seeing him smile...his smile made me weak in the knees, it still does after all these years and that no lie, has never and will never change. My love for him has only grown ever stronger over time and where you next find us, is sitting down to dinner with our family and well you will see....

A/N: Tender moments, humor and more. Next chapter will be part 3 to this. Stay tuned!

Might as Well Face it, You're Addicted to Love (Joe Perry/Nikki Sixx)Where stories live. Discover now