Chapter 77: My Heart is An Open Book Part 3

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As my husband, my Honeybee has said many times over the years of that night (December 21 as it ended up being) where all was revealed, that it needed to be done to help Josephine and it did help so much. Still, I know how fucking hard it was for Nikki especially to relive his past, but he knew then and now he was never alone, and that night so did our oldest daughter and where you find us will be in our bedroom, Josephine in the middle of the bed in between Nikki and I, the movie started and well you will see....

The movie has just started, Disney's 'Robinhood' movie.... Josephine's favorite and speaking of which she is much calmer than she was, now clutching her Bee-Bee and she turns to look at Nikki, concerned.


"Yes honey.... what..." Realization hits him, "Am I ok after telling you about what causes me so much pain?" A little nod. Nikki sighs eyes filled with tears, "I will be, I am. Yes, it was hard for me to open up to you about the bad things I've been through. I did it to help you, I'd do anything to help you. And Josephine? I have my good days and bad days and so will you, and that's ok. Remember, you may always carry the pain, but you are not alone. So many love you and are here for you always, especially daddy and I and your sister." Josephine hugs Nikki tightly and he hugs her back.

"Thank you, mommy, I love you."

"I love you too, so much."

Josephine turns to look at me, hugging me next. "Thank you, daddy, too for helping me, and I love you."

"I will always help you and I love you too sweet bee so much." I hug her tightly, thanking God I can do so, that I am her father. She then yawns hugely but manages to turn back to the movie but after 30 min, she can barely keep her eyes open. "Remember what we told you, Josephine and sleep as much as you need to." I smooth her hair back and moments later she is asleep and for the first time since we were reunited with her, looks so much more peaceful and it brings tears to my eyes.

Nikki of course is in much the same state and whispers, "I think we helped her tonight more than we realize. Look at her Joe, for the first time in what feels like forever.... She looks peaceful in sleep. I believe she knows now; it will be ok.... doesn't matter how long it takes, but she's not alone. Neither am i."

"You are right Honeybee, and God.... does it feel good to have her back in our arms and Nikki? She's not alone and neither are you nor will you ever be. You are an amazing mother, so beyond amazing."

"Jo-Jo bear..." Nikki whispers and the way he says it, says it all too me. I lean over carefully to kiss him, without disturbing our daughter and then kiss her gently on her forehead. Before long Nikki and I follow her in sleep....

We find ourselves waking up in the morning, and Josephine is still sleeping away. Thank God, she needs all the sleep she can get, and Nikki and I exhale in relief...but once we're up, Amara wakes up but only to potty as she puts it...her sensing the need for quiet and sleep her older sister especially needs and is soon back to sleep. Nikki and I then check on Josephine sleeping away, thankfully and after a quick workout listening out for our children, we re-enter our bedroom....

"Daddy? Mommy?" Josephine exclaims groggily.

"We're here, honey. How are you feeling?"

"Really sleepy, but I need potty." She answers.

"Let's get you to the potty and then you can go back to sleep, sleep as much as you want." Gently, she nods sleepily in acceptance. Then uses the bathroom, cleans her hands and moments later is back asleep and my husband and I opt to get some more sleep as well.

Before I know it, I find myself waking once again.... Nikki following suit not long after and Josephine is still sleeping away, rolling over to clutch at my pillow as Nikki and I manage to get out of bed without waking her, my arm wraps around Nikki's waist pulling him closer to me as he leans against my shoulder, us watching over Josephine.

Nikki sighs heavily, tearfully really. "Joe.... god, we lost sleep.... but her? She needed it far more than we have. I am so damn glad, as hard as it was last night that it helped her and FINALLY, she's getting sleep like she needs. Still it FUCKING hurts what's she's going thru. What she's been through."

"I know Honeybee I know. God, does it hurt, I feel such anger still over what that bitch has done to her.... if I could bring that bitch back and end her myself I would over and over. Then again, in the end she caught some serious fucking Karma and you and our daughter got the justice you both more than deserved. I will and I know you will too, never let anyone or anything harm her or Amara again I swear."

Here i turn Nikki to me, caressing his face....

"All of you are my absolute world, I love you beyond reason Nikki."

"Joe.... Joe, you've been my world whether I knew it from the night we met and so too are our children. I love you...I..." I can resist the urge to kiss him no longer, and it's everything: emotional, passionate and its US. As soon as we part, we here Amara over the baby monitor and I tell Nikki after another kiss, I'll get her and be right back.

Upon entering my youngest daughter's nursery, catching sight of me, her little eyes light up, making grabby hands for me.

"Daddy!" She pipes up in her sweet little voice and I cant help but smile as I scoop her up and she burrows into my chest before looking up at me, "Sissy? Mama?"

"Your sister is still sleeping; mommy is with her."

"Sissy need lotta (lots of) sweep."

"She does and I...." I am cut off to my surprise and pleasure, the sight bringing tears to my eyes, as I suddenly feel Josephine's arms wrapped around me, Nikki right behind her but what really has me going is for the first time in what feels like forever, she is actual true smile.

"Hey daddy!"

"Hey sweetheart, its SO good to see you.!" Laughing and crying both.

"I slept lots and did what you and mommy said, it really.... really helped. I did have bad dreams but you and mommy right there and if I have bad days and nights, that ok too."

"Sweetheart. Oh sweetheart...d-daddy and I are so glad and you are so right." Nikki chokes out and then we all effectively group hug and Josephine's stomach growls loudly.

"Well now, I know we are all hungry..." I trail off before it hits me, and I wanna do something special and so, "---How about my special lasagna, my favorite? What's everyone think?"

"I think that sounds wonderful Joe, so wonderful." Nikki's eyes are that glowing green I love so well, "Girls?" he asks.

"Pease?" Amara asks.

"I love it daddy." Josephine says. "Thank you," She adds.

"My special lasagna it is then." I decided to hold all my loves close to me.

A/N: Josephine smiled! And she finally got and is getting much needed sleep. She may have her days but finally she is healing. There will be a part 4 to this!

Might as Well Face it, You're Addicted to Love (Joe Perry/Nikki Sixx)Where stories live. Discover now