Chapter 49: Honeymoon & Love Part 1

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Nikki and I at last took our much anticipated and belated honeymoon, a week after Robert Nikki Mars was born. We hesitated to leave Josephine with Mick and Brad, because they had their newborn son, but they insisted all but demanded really and besides as I have previously mentioned they had help with both precious babies from our family at large, so it all thankfully worked out. It killed Nikki and I to leave Josephine, to be without her however briefly and we of course checked on her constantly while we were gone. But ah yes, mine and Nikki's honeymoon. I wanted to surprise him by honeymooning in Boston, sharing the place I have roots in and despite what went down with my parents is still special to me. Allow me a moment to explain, we'd had a falling out after I realized my feelings, that I was in love with Nikki and when I fought for him. Nikki IS my family, he was...still is, he and our children and grandchildren. Then though? It was as I have said, all I needed was my husband, my child, and our extended family....

Now, where you will find us is on a flight bound for Boston, on March 21. 1989 and me trying to comfort Nikki despite my own tears...

"Shh...Honeybee I know, I know it hurts. I hate not having her here with us. She's in great hands...but God, God, I miss her. It will be ok, Nikki.... she's always with us." Nikki clings to me crying, really, we're clinging to each other.

" does hurt, so much....and you''re right. They...they insisted on us taking our time, I made her enough milk.... it's just I hate feeling like I'm missing out on things with her, everyday its something new and special." Nikki mumbles tearfully.

We hold each other for a bit, and I gently dry his tears and kiss him pouring all my love and longing into it and I manage a watery smile....

"I know how you feel on feeling like you're missing out baby with Josephine and someday I promise you, we're gonna take her to where I am taking YOU. And if I haven't told you this, you Nikki are my soulmate that I have come to see and you're an amazing partner and mother......and, speaking of where I am taking you, I wanted to surprise you by taking you to where I have roots, I wanted to honeymoon in Boston and me...." I am unable to say more as Nikki practically tackles me and kisses me senselessly, not that I am complaining nor would I.

A gentle hand is held to my face and I by extension hold my lover's hand as his beloved lips softly form words, "That means so much to me, that you're sharing a part of yourself with ME.... a place that is special despite your past..." Nikki trails off guilty on the last bit.

"Hey...listen to me Nikki, yeah it hurts that my so-called family turned their backs on me." I begin to know exactly what my husband is referring to. "—If I had to do it repeatedly, I would still choose you.... I always will. Baby, I learned that YOU were all the family I needed, you and now our precious little girl and our extended family. if I regret anything, it's that I didn't realize sooner that I loved you."

To my surprise and pleasure, Nikki straddles me resting his forehead against mine....

"I love you so much Joe, so damn much...." He goes to say more, but I pull him to me claiming his lips in a passionate kiss and his hands begin to wonder and I groan and even more so when Nikki breaks away to place kisses on my neck...

"You're playing with fire Honeybee.... now how would you like to join the mile high club?" I growl lustfully, and without warning scoop him up stride to the back of the plane(Which is private by the way), Nikki kissing wherever he can reach and I quickly take over and needless to say, my husband and I kick off our honey moon by joining the mile high club and neither of us could keep quiet nor did we give two shits what anyone thought.....

Before I know it, we've arrived in Boston...cleaned of course on the plane, dressed warmly since it is still chilly and Nikki takes everything in with a degree of awe, snapping away taking pictures as we then make our way to our hotel and I wrap an arm around his waist, unwilling to let go and I am seeing things thru his eyes I feel....i just love being with him, seeing him so happy....

"You look so happy Nikki.... radiantly happy..." I comment to my husband who turns to me, putting aside his camera and burrows into my embrace making my heartbeat wildly.

"I AM happy Joe, cause I'm with you....and we've already had an amazing start to our honeymoon. "Nikki smirks and I know exactly why before his look turns tender; eyes filled with tears. "I miss much."

"It means the world to me, to make you happy Nikki and I very much agree with you....and I too miss our little girl, we'll check in when we get to the hotel I promise." I run my fingers thru his beautiful untamable locks and nothing more is said, Nikki and I don't always need words....

Upon arrival at the hotel, I grab our luggage.... get us all checked in and soon we stop before our room, me telling my husband to wait a minute as I open the door, deposit our luggage, and scoop my husband up, carrying him across the threshold and gently setting him on his feet, only to pull him to me....

"I had to do this right Honeybee." I whisper.

"You did wonderful, and I love how you show off for ME and ME alone..." Nikki's tone goes from reverent to lustful and oh I know what we're doing here soon, I can't get enough of him, nor can he get enough of me. "---But our daughter first..." Nikki saunters away practically breaking out of my hold, and he gets all of two feet before I wrap my arms around him from behind and whisper hotly in his ear....

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that Honeybee..."

Nikki shivers in anticipation, and somehow, we manage (Barely) to keep our hands off each other long enough to check in on Josephine who misses us but is doing well otherwise and taking a nap and Nikki and I sigh with relief that she's doing ok for the most part.

"I gotta admit, I mean I knew she was or is in good hands with Mick and all, but I am SO glad she's doing ok pretty much." Nikki says quietly after our phone call.

"Me too Nikki, me too.... she misses us and loves us just as much as we love and miss her..." I remark in the same tone. We sit there together for a minute or two, leaning on one another before I find my self on my back, my husband staring down at me with that heated and loving gaze, I smirk and reverse the pin before kissing him senseless, Nikki's hands wandering to my hair and pulling lightly, we part only for breath, both of us panting slightly.

"Jo-Jo Bear, your honeybee NEEDS you."

"Far be it from me to deny you baby...." I quickly strip him of his clothes, both of us desperate to fall over the edge together and soon we're bare before one another and I once again scoop my husband up in my arms and stride into the bathroom, "—What say we christen the shower Nikki?"

"Oh, hell yes...." Nikki growls, slamming his lips against mine before I take over....

A/N: Part 1 of the honeymoon chapters is done! More to come! I am thinking perhaps of part 2 picking up where this one leaves off, in any case stay tuned!

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