Chapter 2: Fate Comes Knocking

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Of all places I could be, I am in an elevator and I am not alone.....there is someone with me, both of us tearing frantically at one another's harder than steel, desperate with need....and it FEELS practically devouring the person's soft full lips, emerald green eyes dilated with more than just the high that comes from drugs, but lust and something else I can't quite define....i can't see HIS face, for I know it's 'he'....but his legs are wrapped around my waist, the friction is killing me...the moans coming out of him, are music to my ears and I want much more...and then cool air hits our heated skin and I change our positions, me pinning his tattooed arms above his head, still keeping his lips occupied...I break away long enough to whisper heatedly in his ear and licking the shell...and feeling him shudder beneath me.

"This will give new meaning to love in an elevator.... i WANT YOU.... I want you NOW..."

"Take ME...please!" He cries, his voice deep and husky.

"Oh, I shall..." Placing kisses along his jaw, which is sharp and angular and something else comes into focus, raven hair.... spiky and so silky and next thing I know, is I take him against the wall of the elevator him screaming my name....and the both of us want MORE....

I wake up with a start, "what the HELL was that?" and I realize that my lower half is sticky, and I sigh heavily, "A wet dream...haven't had one of THOSE in a while." I mutter, then I recall the sensations and of all things: the scent of the one I dreamed I had sex within the elevator, he smelled like Licorice, Lavender, and Jack. And I leap from the bed and relive myself in the bathroom and I HURRY because I realize I am due in the studio....

And upon my arrival, everyone stares at me and of COURSE Steven just must run his mouth...

"Cutting it a little close ain't ya Perry?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" I roll my eyes. Oh yes, we're in LA now...have been for a few weeks now, it's been something else. I really haven't gone out, unless its to the studio, keeping to myself...or well no, I've been bar hopping as it were.

What ensues is a brief Stare down broken by shouting from down the hall....

"Who the hell is..." I shake my head, "Lemme Guess...Mӧtley Crϋe?"

"Well, I heard rumor their bassist has a real bad Heroin problem." Joey remarks and I freeze upon hearing that because I have been THERE to that dark place narcotics can take you...and it terrifies me because it could very easily still be me, kinda is in a way. 

Steven mutters obscenities and by some miracle we manage to get started though my mind is anywhere but where the hell I am at.

The day is long and exhausting, and my thoughts keep traveling back to that figure from my dreams, but at last mercifully at an end and we all chat for a bit.... Steven and of course verbally sparing before I split and head out.... Here is where Nikki and I meet, and the course of my life would wind up forever changed....

I walk and wonder, finding a bar...needing something to dull my thoughts as it were when suddenly I bump into someone and find myself shoved back some...

"Hey watch it asshole!" That Voice.... oh sounds like.... I take a chance and my eyes go as wide as they will go as I take in the person.... the man from my dreams. Raven Hair, defying, angular features....and those can't be! And I know him, I recognize.... its.... Well Fuck! Its Nikki Sixx...gotta be! What am I doing? I realize I am staring and the now stranger but not stranger glares at me, "Would you quit staring at me!" Then his eyes narrow and then widen and it seems I am not the only one that recognizes the other, "No fucking way man, are...are you Joe Perry of Aerosmith?"

I sigh heavily, "Yeah that's me.... you must be Nikki Sixx am I right?" He nods. "I really wanted a drink...I wasn't paying attention." His eyes are dilated....and is that make up on his arms, to cover up track marks? Shit, I guess it's true.... about the heroin. 

I ignore him and walk off, and I keep going, sitting down at the bar.... Nikki surprisingly following...him immediately asking for Jack, while I get a beer.

"Ya knows it was kinda fucking rude to just walk off like that." Nikki remarks, taking a swing from his bottle of Jack. "What didn't wanna be seen with the likes of me? Huh figures." He mutters.

"Ok first off that's bullshit and second.... yeah, it was rude or fucking rude as you just pointed out, and I don't care what people think of me if I did, I wouldn't still be sitting next to you would I?" I down more beer, feeling a slight buzz already.

Nikki lets out a slight laugh of astonishment and a snort, "Touché or what the fuck ever." He is already starting to slur his words. His almost pained tone, surprises me or does it really? Because I better than anyone know what it's like.

"Hey look...I am sorry really." I find myself saying, hoping I sound sincere.

"I am over it." A note of finality in his voice before a silence descends and my mind continues to spin rapidly, I am reeling and, in the meantime, we continue to drink and to my surprise Nikki asks me at some point swaying slightly in his seat, "---So why is Aerosmith out here in LA at Elektra?"

"Because our management got the bright idea that we needed a change of scenery, a fresh start.... our last album after our reunion no one is a fan of and that's being nice about our new one, staging a comeback.... There's a lot riding on this. Lotta fucking pressure."

"Oh...." Nikki drawls out, "I See." And then he sighs heavily, "---Our manager Doc hates our guts, particularly mine." Nikki doesn't elaborate, his very tone screaming not to pry. "I understand pressure, it SUCKS ass."

"That it does." I agree....and the rest of our conversation is a blur and I find myself waking up in a bed, my bed...alone and how the hell I got here I have no clue and I find myself wondering: what happened to Nikki, and I need to stop while I am ahead....

How I managed to get back to my place in LA. To this day I have no clue...not a one, I also didn't know then that Nikki went to shoot up in the bathroom of that bar that night we first met. So yes, we bumped into each other at a bar.... I saw things but did not SEE. Both of us quick to be defensive, not wanting to trust...yet looking back I believe we both surprised one another. Still, though I may not remember our entire conversation that night, there are some things I DO remember: His eyes, that jaw.... him challenging me, being able to spar with me...and I don't mean like Steven, and I have, it's hard to describe or rather back then it was.... The point is it was FATE that we met, then I didn't know what was coming down the line and in a short span of time, I just had to have MORE: More of Nikki, see him more etc....and fate and circumstance or whatever you wanna call it, kept pushing Nikki and I together at least for a time and where you next find us or he and at the studio or rather, I'd find him with Deana...his so called mother and well you'll see.

A/N: Joe and Nikki have met! Possible sparks? Things set in motion for what is to come and oh the drama! I can't wait to write the next chapter!

Might as Well Face it, You're Addicted to Love (Joe Perry/Nikki Sixx)Where stories live. Discover now