Chapter 51: Honeymoon & Love Part 3

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How has it been a week and a half, with only a few days left in mine and Nikki's honeymoon? Both of us are eager to be reunited with our daughter, who is growing up too damn fast.... I wish time in general would slow down. But ah yes, each day has been magical.... Nikki and I exploring Boston, frequenting the Gardens...exploring the depths of our intimacy, seeing all the sights including where Aerosmith cut their teeth so to speak. And my favorite parts, or things have been Nikki's wonder, seeing things how he sees them. Like, exploring local orchards and historic sights. It was perfect because it's with him. I just love seeing my husband happy and carefree and I love feeling that way myself. We've rested some too in between our activities, checked on our daughter and we've even purchased stuff for her such as baby sized Boston Celtic t-shirts and baby sized baseball t-shirts from Fenway and I had them custom made with Josephine's name on them. Nikki has surprised me too by romancing me, which has meant so much...Now, I've found us an Italian joint and we've just ordered a big bowl of Cioppino...with crusty bread and now we're sharing an antipasto platter.

I feel those soft full lips I know so well upon my own and I smile into it, running my fingers through Nikki's hair.

"You know something Joe? You talk about how beautiful I look, like you see me happy but you? I mean I don't know if I've ever told you this but seeing you takes my breath away." Nikki says softly after our lips part and his words bring tears to my eyes.

"I love hearing that Nikki, more than you could ever know. You are the first, last and ONLY person who could get me to believe that." A gentle hand on my face, wiping away the tears that have started to fall....

"Shh.... don't cry Joe, you'll make me cry."

"I love you." I whisper, a gentle kiss and I inhale my beloved's distinct scent and calm and we continue to eat our anti-pasto platter, trading kisses and food and I tell my husband some of my most elaborate pranking ideas that I've tried on Steven Tyler and just before our Cioppino comes out by husband smirks, evilly I may add, and I know EXACTLY what he's thinking.

Nikki taps a finger against his chin in thought before saying, "I've just had an idea to prank Tyler.... how'd you feel about hair dye?"

I smirk matching my husband's smirk, "Perfect, what color?"

"Neon Pink, like Bubble Gum pink.... put it in his shampoo and I was thinking too we could save it for our tour."

"Oh, I will gladly help baby! No lie." I laugh, picturing one Steven Tyler with pink hair. And if you happen to be wondering that's where the song came from. I of course did help my husband and it was worth it when we did it, then and now.

Nikki snickers before bursting into laughter, managing to wheeze out about the mental picture....

At last, our food came, Nikki and I inhaled deeply, appreciating the aroma before digging in.

"Oh, we have to make this at home!" Nikki exclaims dipping a piece of bread in the broth.

"We can make that happen."

"As long as I can make it with you." Softly.

"I'd have it no other way." I say in the same tone. We continue to eat, inhaling our food and before I know it, we find ourselves in a car and I ask my husband, "So what do you want to do now?"

"Can we head back to the hotel? I just really wanna cuddle and..... more."

"We can do that and hmm, we've got a nice tub.... How about a bubble bath? And I'll join you of course."

"Perfect." Nikki surprises me by straddling my lap, and he rests his forehead against mine as I support him. "---I've truly had the time of my life on our honeymoon Joe because it's with YOU. Each day has been an adventure and I've never in my life before you been romantic, honestly thought I didn't know how. You changed all that and we've got so many more adventures to come.... a lifetime together with you Anthony Joseph Perry, I sure the hell could go for that."

"Nikki.... oh honeybee. I could argue much the same about you. After a lifetime of abuse, of loneliness I found my other half, my soul in YOU." I whisper.

"I love you Jo-Jo Bear so much." I bring my husband into a kiss, and I keep his lips busy until we reach our room, pausing every so often for air of course. And upon reaching our room, I picked my husband up carrying him in my arms into our hotel bathroom and set him on his feet. "---I really love when you show off for me." Nikki's tone is teasing and tender both.

"Only for you babe, only for you." I say in the same tone, getting the bath going with making sure the water is at a comfortable temp and adding Nikki's favorite lavender scent and I feel Nikki's gaze upon me, his eyes burning a hole thru me, and I love the feeling, without words I turn to him, smirking knowing the affect I have on him and start stripping. "Oh babe? Lose the clothes huh?"

"Damn I'm a lucky bastard, dinner and a show!" Nikki quips, blushing I may add as he hastily takes off his clothes and I in turn gawk at HIM, admiring all his tattoos.... his curves, HIM. Soon we both are bare before one another and its inevitable sex will be involved at some point soon, but for now....

The tub is soon filled, and Nikki and I get in...him leaning back against me, in between my legs, head resting on my chest, he sighs with satisfaction...with contentment and I am much the same, although I can't help but let my hands do some wandering, twining my hands with my husband's.

I lean in and whisper in his ear, "Did I tell you how much you turn me on with out even trying? And you know why Honeybee because no lie.... it's YOU."

"Joe.... i could say the same about you...." Quickly and carefully, I pull him around to face me, with him straddling me and God am I turned on so much so its painful. Nikki moans, "Fuck...."

"This.... was..." Nikki starts peppering my face in kisses, "-Supposed to be...romantic." I managed to get out.

"It is.... Now what do you say we 'christen' this tub?" I capture Nikki's lips in a searing kiss.

"I say hell yes and baby, your wish is MY command...."

Yes, we had sex in the tub that night/evening and we didn't stop there. We can't get enough of each other, still can't after all these years. But ah yeah, the remainder of our honeymoon was spent taking romantic outings, photos and being together. The time we spent together was very much needed, but god we were eager to get back to Josephine and when we reunited with our precious little girl, she practically squealed with joy and Nikki and I both cried and we spent time with our family a bit before heading for our home, but we didn't head home until we thanked our family at large and Brad and Mick profusely for taking such good care of mine and Nikki's daughter while we were gone.

The next several months following our honeymoon were spent on rehearsals, tour prep, press and all that jazz, but only after, of course, Brad had recovered enough. Still our children came first, my marriage....MY child came first. And oh god, there's Josephine's milestones too during those months: her crawling at 5 ½ months (she was a fast learner/developer), her first smiles.... her precious giggles and the fact that she seemed to have Nikki's personality with traits from me thrown in and God, how I loved that...still do.

Time was passing all too quickly during those months, and by the time the tour started on August 31, 1989.... Josephine was basically 10 months old or nearly. Little Robert, whose parents decided to call him Bobby, was four months behind my daughter and I will tell you now that the tour went on until 3 days before Josephine's first birthday, more on that later. So, where you will find us is the start of the tour and that is where I will leave you for now.

A/N: Part 3 of the honeymoon is done, and the next few chapters will be dedicated to the tour, so stay tuned for more.

Might as Well Face it, You're Addicted to Love (Joe Perry/Nikki Sixx)Where stories live. Discover now