Chapter 71: A Family Reunited Part 1 (Josephine Nicole Perry)

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I see mean lady, mean lady grabbing me at me ouchies, dropping my bee-bee....being called bad names, I see me yelling at mean lady that she hurt my mommy, calling him a 'freak', he not 'freak'.....mommy very special, daddy too...they amazin' mommy and daddy......more yelling, my tummy head hurts, I have dark, so dark and I so scared.....all I want is daddy, sissy and mommy and my Christmas tree, but I am lost....i lost and worry daddy and mommy mad at me, this my fault for not telling mommy about mean lady....and I ruin Christmas and I no feel good, and so sleepy....sleepy......and alone.

I feel hands on me, and I scream....

I feel so sleepy but am super scared.... i hear beepy noises and I fight whoever holding me, the mean's the mean lady!

"Josephine! Josephine sweetheart.... little bee, PLEASE.... its.... its mommy and daddy.... come on, listen to the sound of my voice.... please sweetheart, we're here now, we are HERE. Breathe, ok? Close your eyes and breathe." That voice! It sounds like mommy, I'm not still dreaming, am I? I no calm down....

"Baby, baby we swear to you its real.... its real, we're real. You're in the hospital, I promise you its gonna be ok sweet bee, listen to mommy.... close your eyes and breathe.... we have missed you so much, so much.... we weren't going to stop until we found you, we've got you...." Daddy, it's daddy! I try and listen, and I listen to my gut, it tell me this IS real....i smell my mommy's scent of lavender and licorice, daddy smell like sandal wood, I think that's what it called and too he smells like feels like forever, I calm down.....and I open my eyes and I SEE daddy and mommy, who look so happy to see me, and they cry....i cry too, so much and I feel bad....I still feel bad, my feet hurt.....and I see band aids, everywhere....still SO sleepy....

"D-Daddy! Mommy! I-I...SORRY!" I wail, "I...ruin Christmas and, and.... mommy.... i had dream about mean lady...D-Deana....and I didn't wanna hurt you! And....and, are you mad I get lost? Am I still special?"

Mommy looks even sadder, daddy too but I see they love me. Mommy says seriously, holding me tighter but not hurting my ouchies, "Josephine Nicole Perry, listen to me sweet bee, you haven't and aren't ruining ANYTHING, we're not mad at ALL, and you have never stopped being special. Baby, its can tell me anything, anything at're scared, you were....and I know just how you feel....Deana, hurt me SO bad....hit me, yell at me, called me a still hurts me to this day, but what hurts me more right now is....knowing she hurt you, I feel like it's my fault....if I hadn't have taken you..."

"Nikki don't blame yourself.... we didn't know..." Daddy says to mommy, and they share a kiss before daddy, looks down at me crying. "---She's gone Josephine, gone.... the police, they shot her.... but I know it still scares you and will for a while. Mommy and I are here for you, no matter what.... anytime, anything you need. We've got you baby, we've got lie. It will get better in time, one day I promise you......and sweetheart? Wanna know something?" I nod, shaking. "---I am proud of you, so proud.... you were so brave sweetheart. I heard; I feel you ran.... You found a safe and special place."

"B-But.... I had an accident daddy! Mean lady drop me...I didn't mean to....and....and I told her.... that mommy and you were amazing. I tried to kick mean lady, cause she hurt mommy and.... You're proud of me? you and mommy?" I sniffle, unsure.

"You were scared honey, accidents happens to be grownups too, and see? What did you just say? You fought; you ran.... you did exactly what we've told you to when it came to strangers, going with your gut. Mommy and I are VERY proud of you. And you defended mommy and I sweetheart, that means so much more to us than you will ever know."

"Daddy is right, so right. We are proud of our brave, special little girl. We love you so much." Mommy smooths back my hair gently and still I cry. "—Shh, I know honey, I know it hurts."

"It...does mommy. It does." Sadly, before I think to ask question, "---Why I have lots of band aids? And when can I go home? I wanna go home! And.... i am SO sleepy and hungry." Upset again, crying and mommy and daddy carefully wiped my tears away.

"You had a nasty cut.... from where she grabbed you, and from her having dropped you. You pulled out your iv in sleep from your nightmares', and oh baby from you running and just.... her hurting you." Mommy answers slowly, shaking. "—And I know you wanna go home, we want and need you there, but they must make sure you're ok Josephine. You have IVS to make sure you're hydrated, and we'll make sure you get something to eat I promise and we're not leaving you sweetheart, I swear."

A nurse came in and I started getting scared, I don't like strangers, but daddy and mommy calmed me and made sure nurse did not hurt me, and they held my hands. Still happy when over and they bring me something to eat, daddy says eat slow and I do as much as can before stopping and I am afraid to go sleepy though. A gentle hand, daddy's hand brushes my hair back...while mommy he holds my hand and says....

"Honey, I know you're afraid to sleep but you need to as much as you can. You walked a long time, you've been thru so much....and if you have nightmares, we'll be right here to fight them off, to take care of matter what. We love you so very much."

"But daddy, I don't wanna be problem!" I protest, I think that is the right word.

"You ARE NOT and could never be a problem. It will take you time to heal, and mommy and I and our family will do anything to make you feel better and take care of you."

"Ok daddy, ok.... i love you and mommy and Amara.... i missed you lots and lots....and, did I miss Christmas?" sleepily.

"No honey you didn't miss it, and we missed you too so, so much. We love you, all of us so much more than you could truly know." Mommy says, kissing my forehead.

"Wait.... bee-bee, ok?"

"We washed bee-bee, bee-bee is ok.... we'll have our family bring it." Think that's mommy's voice or daddy's, too sleepy now but before I go to sleep, I hear....

"Know that no matter what, no matter where...we will find our way to you, that you are so loved, and you and your sister are our home. Sleep, and if you have bad dreams we will be right there, right HERE to take care of you." And then finally I go sleepy......

Dreaming now....i see mean lady again, I see lost and scared and not knowing where I am or what to do, and in the dark I hear mommy and daddy telling me it will be ok, then I have good dreams....then bad ones again, I see me have accident.....being dropped, yelled at....hurt but then again I fight, I fight mean lady and I hear voices of my family, telling me so brave and special, that they got me, that they love me......I still loved, I still special but still think this my fault....

A/N: An emotional Reunion for sure, things in time will get better for Josephine. Next is part 2, so stay tuned. 

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