Chapter 3: Last Child

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As you now know, Nikki and i.... Our first meeting didn't go well. I was damn rude, so was wasn't the best meeting. Still though, it was MEMORABLE until I'd gotten too drunk, which believe me I paid for the next day with a wicked hangover AND Steven's rather loud and incessant talking. The thing is, I dreamed all night and Nikki, it was Nikki on my mind that day. A few days later or I believe it was a week would pass before fate once again pushed Nikki and I together and initially I will tell you it WASN'T a good meeting...chiefly because of Deana aka Nikki's so called 'mother' and Mӧtley's manager at the time: Doc. However, it ended up being a FAR better meeting in some be the judge when you see....

I ran into Nikki Sixx, or he ran into me literally I think its about a week ago now. I can't get him out of my mind no matter what I do or how much I drink. Really, I need to fucking do better about that, especially since I fought so damn hard to get sober/get off any case, it was memorable and despite our mutual rudeness I am NOT blind if ya get my drift, but I have kept it to myself really meaning from Steven. It's NOT like I'm gonna run into him again, right?

So here we are, here I am.... mired down in the studio and I feel like I haven't seen the sun in days, ironic considering I'm in LA the land of perpetual sun and 72-degree temperatures...we've been at this for a while, Steven's working on some vocals.... I and Brad are tweaking our guitar parts and Tom and Joey are working on their parts as well.

"SOOO...." Joey drawls it out, eager to gossip...taking a break as it were, I don't look up, but I am listening, "—All the shouting we've heard...well that wasn't us, rumor has it they are trying to stage an intervention with Sixx." Here Joey frowns heavily, "---Something seems off, I mean.... their manager REALLY has a fixation or real problem with Sixx. We'd run into the guys in the band the other day, they're wild but so were we, they seem like decent and fun guys." So that last line there? Let's just say, I would come to nearly put that fucker in the hospital defending Nikki AND there would be a long line for that too.

Joey's words give me pause, maybe we shouldn't get involved...but I feel in time we will, I already am headed that way though I only admit that too myself.

"Yeah, I agree man, something isn't right somewhere with that manager, and I thought WE had problems." Tom frowns, speaking up quietly. Brad and I share a look, then we all get back at it...and after a while, a few more hours we take an actual break and I REALLY need air....

Here we are once again, when fate strikes and strikes HARD.

I split, high tailing it...planning on smoking when I come across, lots of angry shouting and three people, a woman that vaguely resembles Nikki, a man I assume is the manager I've heard about and Nikki himself....

Nikki's hair far wider than I remember, deep shadows beneath his eyes.... his face shows nothing as if made of stone, however I gather he is ANGRY by the tight set of his jaw and his eyes scream pain and FEAR....


"I know you're upset Sixx.... need..." The shorter man begins.


"Frankie, you're sick....and I really wanted..." She begins to say but Nikki rounds on her this time.

"I'm SICK?!! I'M SICK?! YOU WANTED ME TO BE YOUR MEAL TICKET...CASH COW, FUCK YOU!! YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER, NEVER HAVE BEEN!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!" He screams in her face, she flinches but walks away and I am rooted to the spot, torn as what to I tell people to fuck off, finally intending to do SOMETHING as I resume walking towards Nikki and his manager.

"Oh Sixx, you're a junkie and that's all you'll ever be.... your sinking your own band. And you will pay..." He moves as if to hit Nikki and I race over and hold his fist in an iron grip and my words are like ice...he starts taken aback, look filled with horror as I gather, he realizes just who I am.

"If I were you, I'd back off, you've done ENOUGH. And I will fuck you up if you TOUCH him ...and oh don't give me that look you bastard....that I shouldn't get involved, it became MY business when you tried to hit him....when you brought that bitch here in view of go...and if I hear ANYTHING else negative from you or to do with you, trust me you will regret it!" He sadly wouldn't get the message or remember is all I will say for now...and my defending him here, if anything I should have stepped in sooner that day, and it was a case where my walls crumbled but didn't fall....

Doc, I believe it is finally stalks off and I don't like the look he shoots Nikki over his shoulder, the fucker...speaking of Nikki, his eyes are wide...holding back tears if I didn't know better and his hands are shaking.

"Come on..." I say lowly, he is eyeing me warily still very shaken. "You want a smoke? Let's get out of here and get some air huh?"

"Why...did you do that?" Nikki asks as if in disbelief that anyone would help him.

I sigh, "I hope I didn't make things worse for you, but I just felt I HAD to do something, you were and still are really upset and I don't like that bitch or your didn't deserve that and too, I hope in some small way this at least kind of makes up for me being an asshole when we met the other day."

"Well, I was a dick too to be fair...and yeah I could go for a smoke." Nikki shrugs, hands still shaking. So, I turn, and he follows until I find a quiet as I can get spot, sitting down, back against the wall and I pull out a cigarette and light it, handing it to Nikki before doing the same for myself.... slowly Nikki's hands quit shaking so much and he and I exhale twin clouds of smoke and sit in silence until Nikki once more speaks, voice much calmer and steadier than it was before....

So now you know more about our second meeting if you will, looking back.... i should have fucking decked Doc sooner, should have stepped in sooner but still I didn't SEE...I didn't see then fully that I wasn't as heartless as I thought and that Nikki had gotten under my skin, that I had feelings period, and they were for him. and when you next see Nikki and I, we will have our first actual conversation and Nikki will open to me, at least some...or enough for me to get the picture.

A/N: Yes, Doc will be a villain once more in this story, I couldn't resist. Sadly, Deana will be back at some point. And joe and Nikki have once more encountered one another, next chapter will basically pick up where these leaves off. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

Might as Well Face it, You're Addicted to Love (Joe Perry/Nikki Sixx)Where stories live. Discover now