Girl Meets Better

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That night, Maya and Josh went to a movie together, just like she'd asked him earlier that day. 'Wow', was all she could say after the movie was finished. She wasn't impressed that easily, but it had been great. Part of it was because she'd been holding Josh's hand for two straight hours. 'God, that movie was good', Josh said. 'I can't wail 'til it comes out on DVD.' 'True. And, hey, I finally know what to give you for your birthday in February.' If there was one thing Maya hated, it was deciding on what to give to him as a present. She knew him pretty well, but when it came to gifts, she had zero inspiration. She was starting to walk in the subway's direction, when Josh stopped her. 'Actually, I was thinking we could go for a short walk before heading home?' he said a little unsure. 'Yeah, sure', Maya said. She took his hand and together, they strolled through the streets of New York. Josh stopped at an ice-cream tent. He pointed at the shop. 'Want some?' Maya nodded. After they'd bought their ice-cream, they continued their walk. 'Hey', Josh said all of a sudden. 'Do you feel like going out to dinner next Saturday? You know, to celebrate the wedding?' 'Sure, I'd love that', Maya said as a smile spreading across her face. 'Great, that's settled. I'll make reservations at that Italian place you like.' 'Sounds amazing', Maya said. She gave Josh a quick kiss on the cheek.

An hour later, they were at Maya's home. 'Thanks for tonight', Maya said. 'I had a lot of fun.' 'Me too', Josh replied. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. 'See you on Saturday', he said, before leaving. 'Can't wait', Maya answered. She shut the door behind her and walked to her apartment with a big smile. After putting on her pajamas, she crawled under the soft covers of her bed. Before turning off the light on her bedside table, she checked her phone. There was one message, from Josh. Goodnight, beautiful, it read. She quickly typed a response and then shut off the device. It had been a great day for her. For a lot of people, actually. And when Maya closed her eyes and after a while finally fell asleep, the smile was still there.

The next day didn't bring much special. As usual, she went to Riley's for a quick breakfast before leaving the apartment with her best friend to go to school. But there was something different. A good different. There was less tension between Riley and Lucas, which relieved everyone involved. With a lot of the air cleared, the group was finally able to hang out like they used to do. 'Hey, do you want to come over to my place later?' Riley suggested. Everyone was enthusiastic about that plan. When they were alone, Lucas rushed to Riley's side. 'Hey, um, I was wondering... About later, am I invited too? I get it if you don't-' 'Of course you are', Riley said, giving him a small smile. It wasn't much, but it was the best she could do for now. Lucas returned her smile. 'Great. See you later, then!' He waved at her as he walked to his locker. And she waved back, feeling better than she had in a long time.

Hi everyone :) I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, I will update soon! I hope you liked it. Thank you all for reading and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, it really means a lot to me! I wish you all a great day :D


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