Girl Meets Today

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The end of the holiday was in sight. Okay, that might be a little exaggerated, but there were only five more days left. While everyone was trying to make the most out of what was left of their visit, Emily was looking rather sad. She was alone in her and Smackle's shared bedroom, laying face-down on her bed, thinking of how in five days she would never be seeing Evan again. The past few days they had hung out and everyone seemed perfect. Whenever they kissed, Emily felt a tingle in her stomach. Now, though, she was realizing the relationship they had going on wasn't going to last. Hawaii was a little bit too far away from New York.

She barely noticed when someone knocked on her door. 'Come in', she called out, her voice muffled by her pillow. The bedroom door slowly opened, revealing Lucas. Normally, Emily would have been surprised, seeing him there, but today, she wasn't paying all that much attention too what was going on around her.

'We're all going out to zip-line. We did it twice last year, and it was absolutely incredible! Wanna join? You'd love it', Lucas said. When Emily didn't reply, the Texan boy stepped into the room.

'Can I sit?' Lucas asked, his voice soothing. Emily gave him a thumbs-up sign, still not lifting her head from the pillow. Lucas sat down next to Emily, placing his hand on her shoulder a little awkwardly. 'This is about Evan, isn't it?' the boy asked after a while. Out of surprise that he had managed to read her thoughts so well, Emily sat up straight. 'How did you know?' she asked. Lucas noticed how her eyes had a little red in them, signifying she was either tired or had cried not too long ago. Lucas figured it was probably the latter. 'You reminded me of someone.' 'Who?' Emily asked curiously. 'Zay', Lucas replied, causing Emily to frown. 'Last year, when he had to leave this island, leave Vanessa, he was the same. The thought of not seeing her made him feel sick to his stomach. 'But they're still together', Emily said. Lucas nodded. 'They are. They care so much about one another that they fought to make things work between them. Long-distance relationships may require a lot of work and patience, but if you manage to make them last, it gives such strength to your relationship... It shows how much you love each other. Zay and Vanessa made theirs work. Who says you and Evan can't?'

Before Emily could say anything, Lucas continued. 'Look, I'd be lying if I said I know how you're feeling right now, but believe me, sulking isn't the answer. Instead of thinking ''Shit, I only have five more days left with the guy I like'', you should tell yourself, ''Yes! I still got five more days.'' Five more days is a long time', Lucas told her. 'You can either stay here in your room and not even take a chance, or you can try to make the best of it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Or as the Dutch say, ''you already have a no, but you can get a yes''.' Emily smiled, yet frowned at the same time as she pulled him into a hug. 'Why do you even know that?' she said, still smiling. Lucas shrugged. 'I'm a smart man', he simply stated. 'That you are', Emily replied, pulling him a little closer. Lucas smiled into the hug. He was hoping they could become good friends, after all they had some history together.

'Thank you so much, Huckleberry. I'm gonna call Evan.' Lucas' eyes widened. 'Oh no, please don't tell me you're going to call me Huckleberry now too.' 'Nah, I'll leave that to Maya', Emily said with a wink. Lucas groaned. 'All I ask for is one thing, one thing, and that's calling me Lucas.' Emily laughed. 'Sorry, Lucky Luke, not gonna happen anytime soon', she said jokingly before grabbing her phone and leaving the room.

As she walked downstairs, she dialed Evan's number, which she for some reason knew by heart. 'Hello?' Evan asked on the other end of the line, making Emily's heart flutter slightly. 'Hi, it's me. I was wondering if you want to hang out today?' the girl asked. 'Open the front door', Evan commanded her. 'W- what? Why?' Emily asked, confused as to why she would need to do so. 'Just do it, please', Evan answered. Emily walked over to the mansion's front door and hesitantly opened put her hand on the handle. When she carefully opened the door, her eyes met the ones of a person that had become all too familiar to her in the past few weeks.

'I'm already here', Evan said through his phone, after which he immediately ended the call without looking away from Emily. He stepped closer and before the girl could react to him being there, he closed the last bit of distance between them, letting their lips meet.

When they pulled away not long after, Emily stepped back into the house and shouted, 'Thanks, Luke!' She could hear Lucas exclaim a loud 'NO!' before she left the mansion and stepped outside again. 'Wanna explain?' Evan said, looking amused at the interaction. 'Nah', Emily replied, before intertwining her fingers with Evan's.

'Today is all about us.'

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter! Christmas break is coming up soon and then I'll have more time to update and make longer chapters, so yay! Also, I was wondering if any of you want me to make another Joshaya Christmas chapter like I did last book? Please comment to let me know. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it immensely. I wish you all an amazing weekend!


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