Girl Meets Best Friends and Lovers

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'Hey Josh', Maya said when everyone had walked off to do their own thing, 'it was really nice what you said to Vanessa. About us being there for her, and all that.' Josh smiled. 'She's a friend. I mean, well, I see her as a friend. I'm not sure if she and everyone else considers me a friend.' 'We all consider you our friend', Maya told him. 'Ouch', Josh replied, pretending to be hurt by putting his hand on his heart. 'Did you just friend-zone me?' Maya gave him a playful shove, and Josh chuckled. He looked up, attempting to put on a serious face. 'I just got friend-zoned by my own girlfriend. Story of my life.' When he noticed the grin spreading on Maya's face, he quickly added, 'Don't do it.' 'Do what?' Maya asked, pretending not to know what he's talking about. 'Are you gonna tell me you weren't just about to belt out One Direction?' Josh said. Before Maya could answer, someone ran into the living room. It was Riley. Her hair was all messed up from the running, and she was panting. 'D-did someone say One- One... If you would excuse me, I'm just gonna cry in my room for a few hours.' When she left the room and went back upstairs, Josh turned to Maya and asked, 'I take it she's still sad about their break-up?' Maya nodded. 'Yup.'

Josh put his arms around his girlfriend and pulled her closer to him. 'Well, what do you want to go do?' 'I thought we could-' Maya was interrupted by yet another person barging into the living room. This time, it wasn't Riley though. It was Lucas. 'I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was in the kitchen, and did Riley just say she was going to cry? What happened? Is she okay?' Josh let out a deep sigh. 'She's okay.' 'Are you sure?' Lucas asked, a worried look on his face. Maya rolled her eyes. 'Yes, Heehaw, she's fine. She was talking about her favorite boy band, which broke up about two years ago. She's probably not even actually crying.' At that moment, Smackle joined the three in the living room, much to Maya and Josh's dismay.

'Guys, do any of you know why Riley is balling her eyes out upstairs?' Maya shook her head in frustration. 'A little more privacy would be appreciated', she said to Lucas and Smackle. 'A lot would be fine as well', Josh added. Maya nodded in agreement. 'I'll go look on Riley', Lucas announced before leaving the room, and going up the stairs to find his girl. Josh and Maya looked at Smackle, who said, 'I mean, Farkle's swimming with Auggie. I'm free to join you guys.' The couple's looks said enough. 'I'll go', Smackle quickly said.

'Alone at last', Josh said with a big smile. Maya blushed. 'So, gorgeous, what did you want to do?' Maya bit her lip. 'I actually wanted to go for a swim, but I have a feeling we won't get privacy there either', she replied, remembering what Smackle had said about Farkle and Auggie. 'So, a movie, then?' Josh suggested. 'We could just stay here on the couch, snuggle up a little, and you can choose what to watch.' Maya kissed him lightly on his cheek. 'Sounds great', she said. Before rising from the couch to select a movie, she give Josh a peck on his lips. She then walked over to the drawer where the DVD's where. 'Hmm', she said, thinking. She put a finger on his chin. 'I can choose whatever I want.' Josh silently prayed she wouldn't pick anything like Mean Girls or Bring It On. It was safe to say there were lots of movies he'd rather watch. He patiently waited for Maya to select a movie and insert the disc in the DVD player. When the menu screen of one of the Fast & Furious movies - he thought it was number five - popped, he was surprised. 'Maya, you sure you don't want to watch anything else?' he asked. 'Nah, as long as I can cuddle with you, I'm good.' The smile she smiled was enough to make Josh melt instantly. He put his arms around her. 'You are so beautiful', he said. 'And not just on the outside. I love everything about you, Maya. I am so in love with you.' Maya's cheeks turned hot and reddened when she heard him say those words. She did her best to look him in the eyes, and not look down. 'What was that for?' she asked him softly. 'You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and you deserve to know how wonderful you are.' This made Maya blush even more. Josh pulled her closer to him, and positioned his arm in a way so that Maya could rest her head against his shoulder. She sighed contently as the movie started to play.

Upstairs, Lucas was sitting on Riley's bed, watching as his girlfriend wiped the last tears away from her cheek. 'I miss them so bad. It still hurts', Riley said. 'I never even got to see one of their concerts!' she exclaimed. 'I don't expect you to understand or anything. I must look like an idiot.' Lucas shook his head. 'Well, maybe a little bit', he then admitted. 'But when my favorite band broke up, I might've shed a few tears as well.' Riley looked up. 'What band?' 'Ranger Roy and the Bulls', Lucas replied. 'That's not a real band', Riley said. 'That's just one of Maya's many nicknames for you, with ''and the Bulls'' added to it.' 'Okay, fine', Lucas said, 'but I get that you're sad. When something you love comes to an end, it's always going to hurt.' Riley smiled at him. 'I was being kind of pathetic, and you still managed to be your sweet, amazing self with that huge heart of yours.' Riley waited a few seconds, 'But um, it kinda still hurts. You don't happen to have chocolate with you?' Lucas smiled. 'Already brought you some from the kitchen.' He pulled the candy bar out of his jeans' pocket, which made Riley giggle. 'You anticipated this?' she asked. Lucas nodded. 'What can I say? I just know you really well.' Riley leaned towards him and pressed her lips against his. When they pulled back, Lucas said, 'And, hey, people change. Those singing dudes just went into different directions. Get it?' The Texan boy laughed at his own joke, but stopped when he noticed Riley was glaring at him. 'Still too soon?' he asked. Riley nodded. 'Right. Sorry 'bout that', Lucas said. Riley then broke into a smile and leaned in to kiss him again. 'Dork', she said before they lips met.

After the talk he'd had with Lucas, Zay felt a little more confident that Vanessa did love him. His best friend had managed to take most of the fear away. Zay realized that he'd been a jerk to Vanessa earlier, and he knew he needed to talk to her. When he ran into Smackle, he didn't hesitate to ask where his girlfriend was.

'Smackle, please, tell me where she is', he said. 'Look, Zay. Vanessa's my best friend. You do not get to just hurt her like that, storm off and then expect me to tell you where she is after you realized how big an idiot you are', Smackle said, folding her arms across her chest. 'I know, I know. I screwed up. I was an idiot, you're completely right', Zay told her. If Smackle was surprised by this, she didn't let it show. 'But please, I need to make it up to her. I want to apologize. So, please, Smackle, please tell me where she is', Zayn practically begged her. 'Fine', Smackle said. Zay let out a relieved sigh. 'But don't even think about hurting Vanessa ever again', Smackle told him. 'I promise', Zay answered. 'Very well, then. She went out for a walk. She said she needed to be alone for a while and clear her head. I think she went down to the beach.' Zay nodded. 'Okay. Thank you so much, Smackle.' He pulled her in for a tight hug, before letting go of her and running off to find his girlfriend so he could apologize.

Smackle smiled because of the hug. Even though she felt a little awkward, she liked gestures like this. It showed her she was appreciated and loved, and that she truly belonged in the group. 'You're still an idiot!' she called after Zay, the smile never leaving her face.

Hi everyone :) I hope you all liked this chapter! Since Riley and Maya are best friends, I thought, why not make Vanessa and Smackle besties? I think it's a shame they never got to meet on the show. I think they'd make great friends. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list. I appreciate all of you support!! I wish you all a great day :)


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