Girl Meets Wedding Day, part III

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'Gosh, is it even normal for me to be this nervous?' Maya asked herself. She was shivering and felt butterflies in her stomach at the same time. 'It is', someone said assuring. The person sat down next to Maya. 'Is it though? I mean, today's gonna be nothing but wonderful. Why do I still feel like this?' 'Maya, it's okay to be nervous about things like this. You know nothing's gonna go wrong, but, because this is so important and huge, you're bound to worry a little. Just try to enjoy the ceremony. After that, all the stress will disappear and you can relax at the party', the person said. Maya looked up. 'You're right. Thanks, Vanessa.'

'No problem', Vanessa replied. She smiled at the blonde. 'You should probably go stand near the altar though. You're the bridesmaid, after all.' She nudged Maya, who then rose from the chair she had been sitting on. 'Thanks again', she said before walking off. 'Sure thing', Vanessa answered.

Within a minute, the seat Maya had been in was already occupied by Zay. 'You excited?' he asked Vanessa, who nodded. 'Very', she told him. 'I'm so happy for Maya and her mother, and Shawn, of course.' Zay nodded. 'Me too. They're all such amazing people. They deserve this.' 'I agree.' Vanessa then shifted in her seat. 'Zay, I have to tell you something. Something really important.' 'Sure. What's up?' Vanessa looked at the watch Zay had on. They still had ten minutes until the ceremony would officially start. She looked her boyfriend right in the eyes. As she was thinking of how she would bring the news, Zay smiled at her encouragingly. She then knew it didn't matter how she said it. What's important was that she told him. 'So, Zay. We've been together for a year now. Well, almost a year. I am so in love with you. I care so much about you. But we barely ever got to see each other the past twelve months. We tried long distance, and I guess it kinda worked for us, but I wasn't really happy about not being able to see you as much as I'd want to.' Zay's eyes widened and his facial expression turned sad. 'Don't. Please. I know what you're going to say, but we can give it another try. I can visit Texas more often and-' Vanessa silenced him by putting her hand over his mouth. 'You didn't let me finish. As I was saying, I wasn't happy about not seeing you. But, Isaiah Babineaux, you're the first one to hear that my Dad got a job offering. In New York! We're moving there in two months', Vanessa said, her eyes sparkling more than ever.

'Wha- what?' was all Zay managed to say. 'You- you're... New York?' Vanessa nodded ferociously. 'Yes. I am moving to New York.' Zay's jaw dropped, barely having processed anything his girlfriend had just told him. 'Zay. Say something, please', Vanessa said. Zay shook his head. 'I... I can't. Vanessa, I...' The dark haired girl looked down, feeling somewhat as if he wasn't as excited about her big news as she'd hoped. Her disappointment quickly vaporized as he cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer. 'I love you so, so much, Vanessa', he told her as he gently placed his lips on hers. They both smiled into the kiss.

'Jeez, a lot of affection going on here', someone said as they sat down next to the couple. Zay and Vanessa quickly pulled away from each other, and blushed. 'It's not like you can talk', Vanessa said jokingly. 'You and Lucas have been all lovey dovey ever since you got back together.' Riley gave her a look that said, You shouldn't have said that. 'Wha- Oh.' It was not until then that Vanessa noticed Emily sitting next to Riley and Lucas. She gave the girl an apologetic look. 'I'm so sorry', she said genuinely. Emily shrugged it off. 'It's fine', she told Vanessa. She'd only flinched a little at Vanessa's comment. 'So, why were you so affectionate just now?' Emily asked curiously. Three heads turned to Zay and Vanessa. 'Does there have to be a reason?' Vanessa asked, and Riley nodded. 'Yes!'

'Well', Vanessa began to say. 'I was actually planning on telling you after the wedding, but why not now, right? I-' 'Vanessa's moving to New York!' Zay blurted out. 'I'm sorry, babe, I just had to let it out', he said, and Vanessa rolled her eyes playfully. Maya rushed over to where the five people were sitting. 'I'm not even going to hate on the fact that Zay just called you ''babe'', 'cause oh my God, Vanessa, are you really moving to New York?' she practically yelled, a broad smile spreading on her face. 'Vanessa's going to live in the Big Apple with us?' Smackle, who was now joining the group with Farkle, asked. Vanessa nodded happily. 'This is gonna be so awesome and-' They were cut off by music starting to play. 'That's my cue', Maya told the group before returning to her earlier spot by the altar. Farkle and Smackle quickly sat down next to the others. In the row behind them, Cory, Topanga, Josh, Auggie and Ava were seated.

'You ready?' Riley mouthed to Maya. The blonde replied by nodding and winking at Riley. The music then became a little louder and as Shawn took his place by the altar, Katy appeared in a beautiful white gown. At first, she'd opted for a blue one since ''it's a happy day and needs a little color'', but she ended up choosing the more traditional way. When she reached the altar, and Shawn had told he had never seen anyone more beautiful, the priest started to say, 'We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Katy Grace Hart and Shawn Patrick Hunter...' Maya looked at no one else than at her mother and her ''new'' father. She noticed the looks on both of their faces... How in love they looked. Maya hoped that one day, she would be standing there, looking at someone that lovingly. As if knowing what she was thinking about, Maya noticed Josh looking at her. When their eyes met, he smiled at her - the warmest smile she'd ever seen.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the wedding day so far. I've postponed the Joshaya chapter just a little, because I really wanted to add this one. But next one definitely has a lot of Joshaya in it, as well as all of the other ships. Thank you all for reading this new chapter. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it a lot! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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