Girl Meets Phone Call #3

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A/n: I unfortunately haven't found the time to update yet. I have this so-called test week at school, so I won't be able to update until Thursday or Friday, because I have to study a lot. Since I wanted to give you something because I can't update, I made this phone call chapter. It's not much, but I hope you'll like it anyway! Thanks so much for your patience♥

Riley: 'Hello? Who's this?'

Cory: 'Did you not check your caller ID first? What if I was some creepy old dude calling you?'

Riley: 'Oh, it's you, Dad. And if it were some creepy old dude calling me, then I wouldn't have him in my contacts anyway, so the caller ID has no use. Well, I mean, I guess you're kind of a...'

Cory: 'Riley, my ray of sunshine, my little cornflower, my precious child, were you about to call me creepy? And old?'

Riley: 'Er... No.'

Cory: 'I sure hope not, young lady. Otherwise, I'll have to have a talk with your mother.'

Riley: 'She would probably agree on the creepy part, though.'

Cory: 'What was that?'

Riley: 'Nothing, Dad. So, why did you call?'

Cory: 'I couldn't find you anywhere in the mansion. Where are you? At the beach again? God, that seems to be the only place you youngsters hang out these days.'

Riley: 'No, I'm actually in the backyard. By the pool.'

Cory: 'Oh. With Maya?'

Riley: 'No, she went to town with Farkle and Smackle.'

Cory: 'So you're with Vanessa then?'

Riley: 'No...'

Cory: 'Josh? Zay? Oh please let it be Zay! Wow, never thought I'd ever say that...'

Riley: 'Um, I'm with Lucas. You know, my boyfriend.'

Cory: 'Again? Do you ever spent time with anyone else?'

Riley: 'Of course I do. For example, yesterday, I-'

Cory: 'Don't care! So, you're at the pool. Are you in your bikini?'

Riley: 'No, I'm at the pool in my hoodie and sweatpants. Dad, of course I'm in my bikini. How else am I supposed to swim?'

Cory: 'Don't sass me, young lady. I don't like that grandpa anywhere near you and your practically naked body!'

Riley: 'It's a bikini. It's what your supposed to wear when you go swimming or tanning. And for the last time, Lucas is not a grandpa!'

Cory: 'Pfft. Just know I'm watching you. Always.'

Riley: 'Now you do sound kind of like an old and creepy dude. Wait, Dad?'

Cory: 'Yes, my lovely daughter who I will protect from that ancient sheep-riding fossil?'

Riley: 'Not even comment on that last part. But how can you possibly be watching me? You're inside.'

Cory: 'Look up, my child.'

Riley: '... Dad? Please tell me that isn't you at the window?'

Cory: 'So you want me to lie?'

Riley: 'Dad! Give me back my privacy!'

Cory: 'Only if you give me back my sweet, innocent little daughter who doesn't care about boys.'

Riley: 'No!'

Cory: 'Then no.'

Riley: 'Ha, I don't see you at the window anymore. I'm taking it Mom dragged you away?'

Cory: 'Guess again.'

Riley: 'What do you mean?'

Cory: 'Look up again.'

Riley looked up from the magazine she was reading on one of the sunbeds, and her eyes met her father's. Cory was only a few inches away, and the unexpected proximity made Riley leap up in surprise.

'Dad! What are you doing?' Riley asked. Lucas, who was on the sunbed next to Riley's, didn't even look up. He had gotten way too used to Cory's weird over-protectiveness over his daughter.

Cory: 'I'm joining you two for a nice afternoon in the sun.'

'Dad, you can stop talking to the phone. I'm right in front of you', Riley said, trying her best not to roll her eyes at her father's stupidity.

'Oh right', Cory said, ending the call. He then shoved Lucas off his sunbed and made himself comfortable.

'You have got to be kidding me', Riley said. 'Lucas, come with me', she told the Texan boy, helping him up from the ground he had fallen onto when being pushed from the sunbed by Cory, and guided him back towards the mansion.

'Hey!' Cory called after them. 'Where are you going?' Neither Riley nor Lucas replied. 'Annoying teens with their annoying feelings and such', Cory scoffed.

Hi! Thanks so much for reading :) And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list. I wish everyone an awesome day!


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