Girl Meets The Perfect Moment

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After everyone had eaten, the wedding's guests could go back to partying. While sitting at their table, Shawn and Katy were looking at the buzzing crowd. People were leaving their seats and started dancing to the music that was being played - a mix of cheerful, Hawaiian songs and the latest hits. A smile was on everyone's face.

Katy let out a deep sigh. 'What is it?' Shawn asked his wife, who shrugged. 'I- I don't really know. Well, I do, I just... Have you ever had that moment where you're just looking around you and everything just seems right. Like nothing can go wrong. The moment does not have to be special, but the feeling does.' When she noticed Shawn was looking at her, she added, 'I'm sorry, I am probably sounding a little crazy right now. Might've had a little bit too much champagne.' Shawn shook his head. 'No, no', he quickly said. 'I know what you mean. I have had a moment like that once or twice in my life', he told Katy. 'Yeah? When?' she asked. Shawn looked down at the ground and started blushing ferociously. 'Tell me! I wanna know', Katy said. Shawn sighed. 'Fine. It was when I first met you. I didn't know I was going to marry you one day, but I did feel some kind of connection. Like you were special, and I knew I was going to do whatever it took to figure out why I felt this certain way about you.' Now Katy was blushing. 'Did you- did you really feel that way?' she asked carefully. Shawn nodded. He had always had a tough time expressing his feelings - especially for a woman - but not with Katy. Shawn felt like he could tell her anything. She was not the one to judge him for what he said. She would not laugh at him. She would not scold him. He never thought he would found someone like that... Until he did.

Shawn noticed Katy was watching the people dancing. 'Look at them', she whispered softly. Shawn followed her gaze to where Maya was in Josh's arms as they happily slow-danced to a rather up-tempo song. Next to them were Riley and Lucas, who were, as opposed to Maya and Josh, practically jumping to the beat, along with Farkle and Smackle. Well, Smackle wasn't letting herself go and get lost in the music completely, but Farkle did manage to get her to dance a little. He smiled as his girlfriend swayed just a little.

'It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen', Shawn admitted truthfully. 'I am so happy with our family.' Katy nodded. 'Me too', she softly said. She let her head rest on her new husband's right shoulder as she kept on watching the teens. 'Hey', Shawn said, 'wanna come dance with me?' Katy glanced up and looked straight in the eyes she had come to love so much. 'I'd love to', she told him.

The group that had already been dancing immediately greeted Shawn and Katy as they joined them on the dance floor. Emily could not tear her eyes away from the scene. She was watching everything with a smile, yet a sad one. She wished she had someone to dance with, and join the group that was having so much fun with. 'Would you like to dance?' she heard someone say behind her. She turned around to see someone she had not been expecting.

'Zay?' she asked, the surprise clearly audible in her voice. 'Yeah, um, hi', he said, a little confused about the girl's surprised reaction. 'So, we're still up for that dance, or not?' he asked. Emily looked at him. 'But wouldn't you rather dance with Vanessa instead of with me?' Zay shook his head. 'It's fine. We'll dance later. For now, I've got some competition when it comes to my girlfriend', he said. His tone was so serious that Emily looked at the dancing crowd in shock and started searching for Vanessa. She let out a relieved sigh when she saw the girl dancing with Riley's little brother, while a rather jealous Ava was watching them closely.

'Oh yeah', Emily said to Zay, laughing, 'that's some heavy competition.' Zay nodded. 'It sure is.' He chuckled before extending his hand. 'I don't bite', he told Emily as he noticed she was a little hesitant. 'No, no, I know that', she quickly said. 'I just, um... I think it might give people the wrong idea if they saw me dancing with you. I mean, after everything that went down between me, Riley, and Lucas.' 'I don't think people will really see it that way', Zay assured her. 'And besides, I don't care as long as you don't.' Emily smiled, and took his hand. 'Well, then, lead the way', she told Zay. 'That's more like it', he said with a grin on his face.

They had danced for about five minutes when Vanessa suddenly joined them, her cheeks red. 'Boy, that Auggie can dance', she said, panting. 'He stepped on my foot about five times!' 'You okay?' Zay asked worriedly. 'Yeah, babe, I'm fine', Vanessa replied. 'I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I had to get away as Ava did not like me dancing with her Auggie.' Emily giggled. 'Yeah, we saw.' Zay laughed. 'Yeah, she was totally giving you the stink-eye.' Vanessa shook her head and giggled.

'I'll, um, just leave you two then', Emily said. 'No, don't. You can dance with us, if you like', Vanessa told her. 'Oh, it's fine, I-'

'I will dance with her', a voice said. All three turned to see who had spoken. It had been Evan. 'That is, if you would allow me to', he said to Emily, whose cheeks immediately turned pink. 'Um, yeah, um, I... That would be... nice', she said, having trouble finding the right words. 'Great', Evan said as he flashed her a toothy smile. 'Well, have fun', Vanessa told the two as Zay looked at them with a smirk. 'Will do', Evan replied.

The boy extended his hand and Emily took it - this time with no hesitance. It was the first time the two had ever held hands. There was no electricity sparking between their hands, like they said in the movies and the books. There were no waves of emotions surging through them, and there were no butterflies swarming in their stomachs. They just had this light, giddy feeling inside, that this was such a simple moment in which everything seems right. Like nothing can go wrong. The moment was not special as a lot of people - friends, family, lovers - hold hands every single day, but the feeling most certainly was.

Hi everyone :) I hope you enjoyed reading this new chapter! Thank you all so much for reading. And a big thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and/or added this story to their reading list, I really appreciate your support. I wish you all an amazing day!!


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