Girl Meets Wedding Preparations

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With Shawn and Katy's wedding being only two more days away, everyone was rushing to get everything that needed to be done ready in time. 'It's. So. Hot', Riley said, panting. She and Maya were carrying a white dining table across the field that was going to be the venue for the second part of the wedding. As soon as they put the table down in the right place, Maya wiped the sweat that was beading on her forehead away. 'I know right. Who knew wedding's were so much work?' Riley sighed in agreement. 'How about a two-minute break?' she suggested. 'I'm down for that', Maya replied. The girls let themselves fall onto the soft grass.

'Don't get me wrong', Maya said, 'it's all worth it. But dang, I'm tired already and we've only been working for...' She checked her watch. ...'twenty-two minutes.' Riley looked up at the clear, blue sky. 'In that time we could've watched half an episode of Pretty Little Liars', she joked. Maya groaned. 'You're right. Ugh. Why, world? Why?' Riley laughed. 'Because your Mom is getting married', she said, nudging Maya playfully with her shoulder. 'Oh yeah, that's right', Maya said, and she immediately started smiling. 'I can't believe this is happening!' she exclaimed happily. 'Me neither', Cory said as he walked passed his daughter and her best friend. 'I'm giving this wedding my all, and you're just sitting here on the grass. Lazy.' Riley looked at her father. 'Dad', she began to say, 'you do realize you are only carrying a glass of water?' Maya laughed. 'Way to go, Mr. Matthews. If that's ''giving it your all''', she said, mimicking Cory's voice. 'Shawn was thirsty', Cory said as he kept walking with a raised head. 'Right', Maya said, and she and Riley burst into fits of laughter. 'I guess we should get back to work', Riley said after they had calmed down. 'I guess so. But I don't wanna', Maya said, pouting. 'Come on. We'll watch Pretty Little Liars tonight if you get up right now', Riley told her. 'Is that a promise?' Maya asked. 'Duh.'

Josh walked over to the girls. 'You need help with that?' he asked them. They were currently moving a few chairs over to the white table they'd been carrying earlier. 'Nah, we're good', they said in unison. 'You two are doing way more than Cory over there. He's just standing there, watching, and sipping from his glass of water.' 'Well, would you look at that', Riley said, looking at her father. 'You have got to be kidding me', Maya sighed, rolling her eyes. 'I thought Shawn was thirsty.' Josh shrugged. 'Can't say I'm surprised', he said. He then focused on Maya. 'Come here', he said, smiling. He leaned in to give her a kiss, but she interrupted him. 'Um, Josh, I'm in the middle of something here', she said, regarding the chairs she was holding. 'Oh, right. Give 'em to me. I'll carry them.'

'Ugh. That's what happens when you're single', Riley said, struggling to carry the chairs. 'Here, let me help you', Lucas said, walking over to the brown-haired girl. 'Lucas, um, you don't have to do that', she told him. 'I know I don't need to, but I want to', he replied, taking the chairs out of her arms. Riley smoothed the skirt she was wearing with her now free hands. 'Well, er... Thanks, Lucas', she said softly. 'It's no big deal', he answered, smiling a little shyly. Maya, who was looking at the ex-couple, smirked at Riley. Riley fought the urge to stick her tongue out at her best friend.

'Your Dad sure is making himself comfortable', Lucas said to Riley when he returned from bringing the chairs to the table. They looked at Cory, who was now relaxing on the soft grass, the glass of water still in his hands. 'At least now he's not messing things up with his clumsiness', Riley said. At the exact moment she said that, she tripped and fell right into...

'Oh God, I'm so sorry', Riley mumbled as she picked herself up. Just as she'd been talking about how clumsy her father could be, she'd tripped herself and had bumped into Lucas, causing both of them to fall on the ground. Well, not the both of them if you think of it. Lucas landed on the ground. As for Riley... Well, she landed on top of her crush. 'I'm so sorry, Lucas', she apologized. 'Are you hurt?' she asked him. When he didn't answer her, she started to get worried. 'Lucas, are you hurt?' she asked again, this time a little more panicking. Lucas' body started to shake as he started laughing. 'Gosh, Riley', he said in between fits of laughter, 'you should've seen yourself. Saying how clumsy your father is right before you- Before you-' He couldn't finish his sentence, because he had to laugh again. Riley now started giggling herself. 'That was so embarrassing', she admitted. She offered Lucas her hand and pulled him up.

The laughing stopped when they looked right into each other's eyes for what seemed like the first time in ages. Riley's heart skipped a beat and she wondered what Lucas was thinking in that very moment. 'Riley...' he started to say, but his brain stopped him and he took a step back. 'We, um, we should get back to work. A lot still needs to be done.' Riley let out a deep breath.

'I can't believe that just happened', she mumbled to herself.

Meanwhile, Maya and Josh were arranging flowers in glass vases. 'Careful', Maya told him. 'You don't want too much of the red flowers in one vase', she said. 'Why not?' Josh asked. 'Diversity! We want colorful centerpieces for the tables with diverse flowers. Add some more white and yellow ones', she ordered. 'You know', Josh said, 'I still haven't gotten that kiss.' Maya nodded. 'And I'm sure you can wait a little while longer', she said with a wink. Josh chuckled. He then turned serious.

'Maya, you have something in your hair', he said. 'Wha- What is it?' 'Don't move', Josh said wide-eyed. 'It's a spider', he continued, recalling her fear for that particular animal. 'Oh no! Get it out! Get it out!' she screamed. Josh approached her slowly. Maya was panicking. 'Don't move', he told her. 'Get that spider out!' Maya shouted. She then noticed the smile spreading on Josh's face as he leaned closer to her and pressed his lips softly against hers. When he pulled away, she slapped him - but not hard. 'I hate you so much', she told him. Josh blew her an air-kiss. 'Love you too, Maya Hart', he said, smiling.

'Boys', Riley and Maya mumbled at the same time, without one of them knowing that the other one was saying the exact same thing.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this Rucas/Joshaya chapter! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it. I wish you all an amazing day!!


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