Girl Meets Tickle War

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Everyone got back to the mansion in time for dinner. Riley and Lucas had just started setting the table in the backyard when Zay and Vanessa approached them, walking hand in hand. Riley was barely able to hold back a squeal when she noticed that, biting her tongue instead. 'Look, look', Lucas said without even trying to hide the smirk on his face. 'I see intertwined fingers, and two big smiles', he continued. Vanessa blushed, and Zay looked down at his feet shyly.

They looked at their hands, and let go of one another. 'My ship's back!' Riley exclaimed after she placed a number of plates in Lucas' hand so he could set them on the table, and then walked over to her two friends. 'We're... we're just seeing where it goes', Vanessa told her. 'Which means that my ship's back!' Riley repeated. Vanessa laughed at the brunette's enthusiasm. 'Yeah, you could say that', she said. Zay chuckled, but didn't speak. He was too afraid that if he said anything, he might ruin everything again. It was like he was in a bubble, and if he made any movements, the bubble would burst. And he was not going to let that happen.

Lucas walked over to the boy and put his arms around him, patting his best friend on the back. 'That's great to hear, man', he told Zay, who then smiled at him. 'It is', Zay replied. 'I couldn't be more happy.' Riley, who had one arm around Vanessa's shoulder, said, 'Dinner will be ready in a few. Go get inside and change while Lucas and I finish this up', she said, pointing at the table. Zay and Vanessa nodded and disappeared into the giant mansion.

Lucas sighed happily. 'I'm so glad they are back together.' 'Me too', Riley said, returning to the table. Taking the cutlery, Lucas walked over to his girlfriend.

'I'm kind of scared of you and all those knives', Riley joked. Lucas tried to give her a look that he thought she would find scary, but instead, the girl let out a giggle. 'You look funny', she said, poking at his cheek. Lucas pouted. 'Am I not scary?' he asked, pretending to be hurt by her comment. 'Nah, not really', Riley told him truthfully. 'But keep trying, Ranger Rick. You'll get there someday.' Lucas eyes widened. 'You did not just call me that', he said. 'I most certainly did', Riley sassed. Lucas lunged forwards and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her closer. 'You'll pay for that', he said as he started to tickle her sides with one hand, the other one still holding the cutlery. 'Put down the knives and forks!' Riley managed to say in between fits of laughter.

Lucas quickly put them down, before returning his attention to tickling Riley. 'Stop, please!' Riley exclaimed. She tried to push him away, but she was squirming and laughing as well. 'I hate you!' she said, giggling. 'No, you don't', Lucas said. He stopped let go of her and with a smile he continued, 'You love me and you know it.' 'Nope', Riley said. Lucas pulled her back into his arms. 'Yes you do', he insisted. 'Or do I have to start again?' he said, holding his hands at her sides, threatening to tickle her. 'Fine, fine, I love you. Just a little bit though', Riley quickly said, not wanting to be tickled again. Lucas raised one eyebrow, gesturing for her to change her answer. 'Okay, maybe a little more than a little bit, then. Happy now?' Riley said. Lucas shook his head, preparing for another tickle-attack. 'Okay, okay, I love you a lot', Riley told him. 'That's better', he replied, before leaning in and pressing a kiss on her temple. 'Still hate you though', Riley mumbled. 'I heard that', Lucas said. After that, they both went back to setting the table, the smile not once leaving their faces.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked the chapter, even though it was quite short. I just wanted to add a little more Rucas, because they haven't gotten a lot of attention lately. I'll try to update on either Thursday or Friday. Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, it means a lot to me :) I wish you all an amazing day!

Edit: I am going to update on Saturday or Sunday, because I wanted to make the next chapter long. I hope you don't mind xx


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