Girl Meets Celebration

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'So...' Maya began after Riley had told her everything that had happened after she and Lucas had split up. '... why did you break up with him?' Riley hesitated a few seconds before speaking. 'It just wasn't right. Everything was so great when we were on Hawaii, but coming back to New York and having everyone minding our business? Not so great. The pressure was too big.' Maya closed her eyes. 'But if you still like him-' 'I don't', Riley interrupted her friend. 'Then why are you still sad? Riley, you've kept all of this inside for too long. Let it out.' 'I can't', Riley said as tears sprang in her eyes. 'I can't go back to him. It's been too long... He doesn't see me that way anymore. And even if it did, it wouldn't work anyway.' 'Don't say that', Maya said. 'Maybe you just have to-' 'No, Maya, you don't understand.' Riley rested her head on Maya's shoulder. 'Maybe I don't, but I do know that best friends are always there for each other. If you ever want to talk about anything, you can always come to me.' 'I know that. But you were so happy with Josh and I didn't want to ruin your mood by bringing this up.' 'Riley, I'm always here for you, no matter what. And by the way, not all things are so smooth between me and Josh. Maybe he sees it that way, but I don't. We've gone out on dates for almost a year now and he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend! What's up with that? Is it the age difference?' 'He likes you, Maya', Riley said, and she meant it. She'd seen the look on Josh's face when Maya entered the room. It was the same way she'd always looked at... Never mind. 'Maybe he's just a little scared.' Maya shrugged. 'Yeah. Well, at least you've got some clarity', she said to Riley. She was completely unsure about Josh's feelings for her. She knew he liked her, but then why didn't he want her to be his girlfriend? After a few more minutes of talking, the girls decided they really needed to get some sleep. They were tired of thinking about Lucas and Josh and sleeping provided the perfect escape. At least, until morning came.

The day passed without a lot of trouble. Maya noticed Riley was feeling relieved about telling her all about her feelings for Lucas. The storm hadn't passed yet, but she didn't have to carry the weight of the secret all by herself. As for Maya herself, she thought she'd overthought things. If Josh didn't like her, he wouldn't have gone out with her. She just had to be a little more patient or take matters in her own hands. It was a sunny day and that made the girls feel better too. Riley put on her new blue dress with the green stripes and Maya wore shorts with a brown tank top. The summer air lifted their spirits and distracted them from the boy troubles. Riley even had a short conversation with Lucas that day, after which Maya had looked proudly at her friend and they went to buy cupcakes to celebrate this improvement. 'You know', Riley said. 'Maybe things will work out between us. I'm not saying we'll get back together or anything, but maybe, just maybe, we will be able to be friends someday.' As soon as she'd said it, she remembered the conversation she and Lucas had had that week. 'Or maybe I can't', she corrected herself ruefully. 'Why not?' Maya asked. Riley had been so cheerful ever since the girls got to school, her friend's sudden change of heart surprised her. 'I told him I don't want us to talk anymore.' Maya looked at her confused. 'But you've talked to him today', she said questioningly. 'I know, and now I think about it, that must've really caught him off guard.' Maya shrugged. 'I'm sure he's glad you did talk to him.' Riley nodded. 'I guess. I made a mistake the day I told him we shouldn't be friends anymore. Hold on', Riley said as she searched through her back for her phone. She quickly dialed Lucas' number. 'I'm so sorry', she said when he picked up. 'About what I said. I was wrong. I wanted us to try.' She said it all so fast, Lucas could barely make out the words coming out of Riley's mouth. 'I want us to be friends', Riley added. 'Really?' Lucas couldn't believe what he was hearing. That was the best possible news! Well, maybe there was one thing that would be even better... 'Yes', Riley replied. 'That's great. I'm really glad', Lucas said happily. 'Me too', Riley said. 'I've got to go', Lucas said. 'But talk to you soon then?' 'Sure', Riley said before they hung up. Maybe she wasn't even close to being over him, but she was taking steps into the right direction. 'Okay, your turn!' she told Maya. 'What?' her friend asked her. 'I called Lucas and it made me feel a lot better. Now it's your turn to do something about the whole you and Josh thing.' Riley knew she was putting some pressure on her best friend, but she also knew what would make Maya happy. 'Fine.' Maya pulled out her phone and texted something to Josh. 'What did you text him?' 'I asked if he felt like going to a movie tonight.' 'And?' Riley was curious. The moment she said that, Josh's reply came. 'He said yes!' Maya wanted to sound casual, but she was really happy she would be going out with him. Maybe tonight could finally be the night he asks me, she thought. Riley stood up from the bench they were sitting on. 'What are you doing?' Maya asked. 'Maya, I think we need some more celebratory cupcakes', Riley answered. The girls both did something they could be proud of. And that needed to be celebrated. And what better way to do that than with you friend and, most important of all, food! And so, the two girls were off, laughing and holding on to each other as they walked through the street, the bad things of the past week all forgotten.

Hi everyone :) Thank you so much for reading this new chapter, I hope you all liked it! And thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it :D I will also be starting a new book soon, which will end around Christmas. It's going to be a Joshaya story with about eight chapters and it will be taking place during the holidays. That's all for now. I wish you all an amazing day :) And thanks again for reading!


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