Girl Meets The Day After

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Two hours later, Riley was still awake. Images of Lucas kissing her were running through her mind. Why had he done it? She wanted to call Maya, but knew it was best not to. Her friend wasn't feeling well and it was in the middle of the night. She'd visit her the next day for she wanted to see how she was doing anyway. Riley shifted underneath her blanket. How was she supposed to sleep after everything that had happened? She lay in bed wondering if Lucas was awake as well. Would he be thinking of the kiss? Riley bit her lip. She felt tired, but completely awake at the same time. She checked her phone to see what time it was. 1:54. Okay, maybe she didn't just look at the time. She wanted to know if a certain someone had left her a message, but no luck. Riley couldn't help but feel a little angry at Lucas for kissing her after half a year of practically avoiding each other save for some awkward conversations, and then walk away without saying anything. 'Go to sleep, Riley', she whispered to herself. She knew it was of no use to think about everything that had happened that evening. Tomorrow she'd get some answers. But to get answers, I have to go to Lucas... she thought. She sighed. 'Go to sleep', she told herself one more time. As much as she tried, it didn't work. Not until it was already morning at least. When Topanga came up to Riley's room at ten, she found her daughter fast asleep.

Maya was up early the next day. In conflict with herself, she ate a bowl of cereal in front of the television. Her mother was at work, just like every Saturday, and Shawn was out of town, which meant Maya had the whole house to herself. A part of her was really happy. Last night, after she went home because of her faked stomach ache, she had texted Josh. She had never told him she was leaving the party early and realized it a little late. Luckily, he wasn't angry with her.

Don't worry about it. Get some rest. Hope you feel better soon! Love you xx

The last two words had confused Maya. Apparently, they were in a stage where they said ''I love you'' to each other, yet he still hadn't asked to be his girlfriend. Nonetheless, Maya felt great. Yet, she wasn't completely. She felt guilty for being so happy, while her friend wasn't really in the best place right now. She especially felt bad for putting Riley in the position she'd been in last night. When Maya had asked Lucas to take her home, she hadn't counted on Riley joining them. While stuffing a spoon of cereal in her mouth, Maya wondered what had happened after she had left the two of them by themselves. Just when she finished her breakfast and turned off the TV, the doorbell rang. She rushed to the door, not caring that she was still in her pajamas, and opened it. A man she didn't know was standing in front of her, in his hand a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 'Maya Hart?' he asked. Maya nodded slowly. Wow. She hadn't expected this at all. The man gave her the bouquet and left after wishing her a wonderful day. Maya shut the door with her foot and walked over to the couch. Sitting down, she took the card that was placed neatly on top of the flowers and opened it.

Get well soon! Love, Josh, it said. Maya tried not to squeal in delight. This was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for her. She made a mental note to call Josh later to thank him for the flowers. She quickly went to look for a vase to put the flowers in. Then, she got an idea. She put the vase with the flowers in it one the table and ran to her room to grab her art book. Why call Josh when she had a better way to thank him? He'd only once seen her drawings, because she still felt a little insecure when it came to her art, but he always asked to see more of them. Taking a pencil in her hand, she started drawing the lilies, golden daisy's and the other flowers the bouquet existed from.

A few hours later, the doorbell rang again. 'Lot of company today', Maya said aloud, before raising from the chair she had been sitting on while drawing. The drawing was already looking stunning, but it wasn't finished yet. To her surprise, she saw Riley when she opened the door. With one quick motion, she swung the door shut again. She made a mad dash for her room and grabbed her bathrobe. She put her hair in a messy ponytail and then returned to the door. She needed to look sick, otherwise Riley would figure out last night's illness had been faked. 'Sorry 'bout that, Riles', Maya said. 'I had to, um, so yeah... come in.' Riley gave her friend a strange, suspicious look, but then entered the apartment anyway. 'How are you feeling, Peaches?' 'A little better than yesterday. Is that why you came to visit?' Riley started pacing. 'Um, it's like, half the reason.' 'What's going on?' Maya asked, suddenly concerned. 'Is it Lucas?' Riley started pacing faster. 'Riley, talk to me. What happened?' Riley didn't say anything for a few more seconds, but then burst out. 'Lucas kissed me last night!' Maya's eyes widened. 'No! You've got to be kidding me!' Riley shook her head. 'I'm not.' Maya let the new information sink in and stared off into the distance. Lucas... kissed Riley? She didn't know if she should feel happy for her friend or not. 'What about Emily?' 'I don't know.' Riley looked down. Maya did so as well.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked the new chapter! Thanks so much for reading and a special thank you to those who voted on previous chapters :D I wish you all an amazing day!


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