Girl Meets Wedding Dresses, part I

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'Girls, get ready!' a voice shouted from downstairs. It was Katy. Even though it was only 8 p.m., Riley and Maya were already up and fully dressed. 'Coming, Mom!' Maya shouted back. She turned to her best friend. 'I'm so excited!' she gushed. She extended her arms, wanting to pull Riley in for a hug. 'Me too!' Riley exclaimed. The girls were going to pick up their dresses for the big wedding. 'They looked great online. I just hope they will look great now, too', Maya said. 'Of course they will.' On Maya's face was a big smile that couldn't be wiped off by anything. Now that the wedding was right around the corner, she was on cloud nine twenty-four seven. 'Let's go', Riley told her. 'Our dresses are waiting!' The girls ran down the stairs.

As soon as they had made themselves a sandwich for the road, the friends raced to the car. They would be going with Farkle, Lucas, Topanga and Katy. Zay, Vanessa and Smackle had other plans. Instead of going to Dress to Impress, the bridal shop Riley and Maya had bought their bridesmaids' dresses at, they opted for the beach, Zay claiming he loved to shop, but the store's name being to cliché. 'You better come up with a better excuse next time', Maya had said to him.

When the girls got to the vehicle and wanted to step inside, they were surprised by someone already sitting there. 'Hello girls', the person said. Maya's eyes widened. 'What are you doing here?' When she saw Katy approached, she quickly added, 'Um, I mean, hi.' She sat down next to the person, followed by Riley who entered the car hesitantly. 'So... what brought you here?' Maya did her best to sound friendly as she asked the question. 'Since I'll be attending the wedding, I figured I should get myself a nice dress as well.' The girl smoothed her hair. 'Isn't that nice?' Katy asked from the front seat, where she was now sitting, waiting for Topanga, Lucas and Farkle to come. 'All of us going shopping together!' She clapped her hands. Maya had loved the pre-wedding mood her mother had been in for the past weeks, especially since she had thought her mother would be stressed all the time, but now? Her cheerfulness wasn't very contagious to the girls. 'Well, I can't wait to go', Maya said. Back to the mansion, she finished her sentence in her head. She looked to her right, where the girl was sitting. Emily sure was attending the wedding. And not only the wedding... More like every single place they went to.

Unlike Maya, Riley decided not to give Emily joining them much thought. She was actually feeling good about herself as she handled the situation like an adult, even smiling politely at the girl every once in a while. And now she was in a dress that accentuated her waist perfectly and had a color that looked amazing on her. The burgundy was exactly the color she'd wished for and the flowing skirt was the cherry on top. She had thought Katy would want to be going for a light shade of pink as the dresses' color, but she had told the girls to pick something more colorful as she wanted it to add a little splash of color to the white dress she was going to wear herself. She felt confident and pretty as she stepped out of the dressing room, looking at her and Maya's mothers, her friends, and Emily. She could see by the looks on their faces that the dress was a success. Cheesy or not, the store's name certainly fit. 'You look beauti- I mean... It's a beautiful dress', Lucas softly said, his cheeks reddening. He looked away and tried not to meet Emily's gaze. 'Thanks. I like it too', Riley said, trying to break through the awkwardness that had come with Lucas' comment.

Next was Maya. She originally had wanted to go in blue, but in the end she chose a light yellow dress that suited her great. As she admired herself in the mirror, she felt a little sad that Josh wasn't there. He'd gone on a trip with ''the guys''. The guys being Cory and Shawn. She took a deep breath before facing her audience and twirling to show off the beautiful dress. 'Sweetie, you look amazing!' Katy exclaimed as she walked over to her daughter, pulling her in for a hug. 'I feel so proud right now.' 'Mom, it's just a dress', Maya said, blushing a little bit at the sweet comment. 'I'm not talking about the dress. I'm talking about you.' Maya smiled and felt tears sting in her eyes. In her life, she had cried a lot. She seemed like a tough girl, but she actually was very sensitive. She just tried not to let that show. This time, though, those tears were not of sadness. And the prickly feeling they caused in her eyes was now very much welcome.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked the new chapter! Thank you so much for reading :) I really appreciate your support, and I'm so happy to announce that Girl Meets Hawaii has almost reached 100K views!!! Thank you all so much :D And thanks for those who are supporting this story and voted on previous chapters, it means a lot to me! I wish you all an awesome day :)


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