Girl Meets Best Friend

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'Do you think we forgot anything?' Maya asked her friend Riley as she went through her suitcase one last time. 'Don't think so...' Riley said hesitantly. 'Great. Finally we're done!' Maya exclaimed as she let herself drop onto Riley's bed. 'I'm so over packing. I just wanna gooo', she whined. 'You only have to wait for', Riley checked her watch, 'twenty-two more hours.' Maya groaned. She'd been excited to go to Hawaii, and especially to witness her Mom and Shawn's wedding, but now she was done with all the waiting. Riley was neatly stacking her clothes into her suitcase, laying each piece down gently. She lost focus when she heard a beep coming from her phone, indicating she'd received a text. She picked up the device and almost dropped it in the process of finding out who'd messaged her. Lucas, it read on the display. What could he possibly be texting her about?

Riley looked over at Maya. 'Who's it from?' her friend asked. 'Um, nobody', Riley quickly said. She read the message.

Can you meet me outside your apartment in five? - L

Riley wanted to sigh, cry, scream, everything. But she held back. No, she didn't want to meet him! What was he thinking? But five minutes later, she went anyway.

As soon as she'd stepped out of the door, she knew coming had been the right decision. She had to show him the kiss hadn't meant anything to her. She held her head high and walked to the end of the hallway, where Lucas was waiting, with confident steps.

'Hi, Riles. Thank you for showing up', Lucas said softly. Riles? Riles?! A million thoughts were running through her head, but she kept her calm. 'Hey, Lucas.' She noticed he was caught a little bit of guard by her cool behavior and the confidence in her voice. 'I kinda wanted to talk to you about Hawaii', he began. 'What about Hawaii?' Riley asked. 'Well, we're leaving in less than a day...' 'And?' Riley wanted to know what he wanted to talk about, and she was annoyed by the way he wasn't coming to the point. 'I want you to know that if you don't want me to go, I won't. It's your call', he told her.

Riley raised her eyebrows. Was he seriously saying she got to decide whether he went to Hawaii or not? Of course it would make things a lot more easy...

'Absolutely not!', she replied. 'I'm not going to tell you whether you should go or not. And this isn't about you and me, it's about two people who love each other and are going to marry soon. Two people we deeply care about.' Lucas blushed. He was clearly embarrassed by Riley lecturing him. 'I've spent so much time making everything about you lately', Riley continued, making Lucas' cheeks turn even redder. 'No, wait, that's not true. I've been doing that ever since we broke up. I can't even remember the last time Maya and I had a conversation that wasn't about you. I've been over-analyzing every single thing that happened between us, knowing that it's wrong. And then you come and make Katy and Shawn's special moment about us too?'

'Riley, I'm-' Lucas tried to say. 'No, Lucas. I get it. I get everything, except for why I can't get you out of my head. I blame myself daily for it. I'm done.' She said the last three words with such calmness that it was scary. 'Right now, I'm going back to Maya. Spend some time with her, trying to make up for all the hours I spent bothering her about you. I'm sorry, Lucas, I truly am. But don't make me choose where you go or don't. Choose for yourself. I just want to remind you that there are two wonderful people counting on you to be there on their special day.' And with those words, she went back home, leaving Lucas speechless.

'Everything okay?' Maya asked her when she saw her friend entering the bedroom. She didn't know where Riley had gone, but she still asked. 'Yeah, of course.' She sat down next to Maya on the bed and put an arm around her best friend. 'Let's go do something fun', she said. 'What do you have in mind?' Maya asked her. 'I don't know. Just something fun.' She stood up again and offered her friend her hand, which Maya took. The girls then climbed out of the bay window, and onto the busy streets of the Big Apple. 'Don't you have to ask your parents?' Riley thought for a moment. 'I'll text them later. They won't mind.' Because right then, she just wanted to be with her best friend.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter! I felt like adding a bit of drama ;) Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, it really means a great deal to me. I wish you all an amazing day!


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