Girl Meets Another Zip-Line

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Okay, so maybe the day wasn't entirely about them, seeing as all the others were with them. Evan had joined the group to go zip-lining. Even though he lived on the island, he had never done it before and was pretty anxious.

'You'll be fine, mate', Zay said reassuringly, patting Evan on the back. 'But, like, what if the cord snaps?' the boy asked worriedly. 'It won't', Zay replied. 'Look, Farkle was scared too last year, and he did it anyway. If he could do it, than so can you. Besides, can you really call yourself a Hawaiian without ever having gone zip-lining?' Evan shot him a glare. 'Yes. I can. My passport says so.' Zay shrugged. 'Whatever, mate. Just try it. You'll be fine.' Evan gave him a quick nod before walking off to Emily.

'Hi', the girl said, smiling at him as he grabbed her hand. 'You sure your friends like me and don't want me to die while zip-lining?' Emily raised an eyebrow at Evan's question. 'What?' she asked. 'I've never done this before. How do I know nothing will go wrong? The cord could snap, or I could be not properly secured, or I could hit a tree, or-' Evan rambled on. 'Evan, breathe', Emily instructed him. 'Yeah, 'cause in a few minutes I won't be able to do so anymore', Evan said, panicking. Emily rolled her eyes at his comment and nudged him. 'I get that you're scared, but honestly, you're going to be alright. We're all in this together. We'll just let Zay go first and test the waters', she added jokingly. 'Not funny', Evan mumbled. ''M sorry', Emily told him. She tightened her grip on his hand and said, 'Hey, we're going to do this together. I'll be there to make sure you're safe.' Evan gave her a small smile, even though he was still afraid of what was awaiting him.

Meanwhile, the others were already waiting in line to be secured. Zay noticed how Riley and Lucas were all the way in front. 'Hey!' he exclaimed. 'I was supposed to go first.' Riley shrugged. 'You snooze, you lose.' Lucas stuck out his tongue at his best friend.

'You ready, Riles?' Lucas asked him just before they were being secured. 'Always', Riley said. She leaned towards her boyfriends and pecked him on his mouth, her lips lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. As soon as they were ready for the zip-line, they looked at each other one more time before taking off. After that, they were off, soaring through the sky.

Lucas tried to look at the beautiful girl he still couldn't believe he could call his, but the safety straps were not making it easy for him. When he did catch her eye, though, he shouted loudly, 'I love you, Riley!' hoping she would hear it. He didn't see the blush creeping up her cheeks, but he could hear her shouting back, 'I love you too, Lucas!' Before they knew it, they were already back on solid ground. They had been so busy trying to sneak a look at one another that they forgot to take in everything but the person next to them. That didn't bother them at all, though. When someone had ''freed'' them from the security, Riley immediately jumped into Lucas' arms and he lifted her up from the ground. They weren't sure what had gotten into them - maybe it was because of all of the memories flooding back into them - but they suddenly felt like they couldn't be apart for any longer. Riley gently cupped Lucas' face with her hands and captured his lips with hers.

Lucas pulled back after after a little over a minute, partly because he had run out of breath, and partly because of an entirely different reason. 'We should probably quit before Cory sees us.' Riley giggled. 'How about we give him a show?' she suggested with a mischievous glint in her eyes. A wide grin spread on Lucas' face. 'I'm surprisingly down for that', he answered, before pulling Riley close once more, and recapturing her lips, moving his against hers in a slow pace.

'Just get a room already', Zay said when he had arrived, making barfing noises as Riley and Lucas kissed. 'Leave them alone, Isaiah', Vanessa told him. 'Don't be jealous of them just because you're as romantic as a blade of grass.' Zay scoffed at that statement.

Uphill, Evan was still shaking in fear. He and Emily were now the only ones left to go. 'Are you sure it's safe?' he asked for the gazillionth time. 'I promise you, Evan, it's one hundred percent. There's nothing you have to be afraid of.' When someone came to secure them, she asked, 'Could you please give us a minute, sir?' The man nodded and gave them some space.

Emily stepped closer to the boy in front of her and put her hands on his cheeks. 'Look at me. You're going to be fine. I'm going to be right there next to you the entire time.' Evan whimpered. 'That's even worse. What if anything were to happen to you? I'd be devastated.' Emily's heart warmed at the boy's concern for her well-being. 'Don't worry about that. We're going to be just fine.' She hesitated a little before placing her lips on top of his. Evan was a little surprised at first, and froze for a moment before relaxing and moving his lips along with Emily's. He was still getting used to this, to them being this close together. He'd kissed a few other girls before, but it was nothing like this. He cared deeply for Emily. That's when something hit him. He had to do something right this second.

He broke away from the kiss, much to Emily's disappointment. 'Is something wrong?' the girl asked, horrified at the thought of having done something wrong. 'No. Yes', Evan said, making the girl more and more confused.

'Em', he began to say. 'I need for you to know just how special you are to me. I have never met someone like you. From the moment I first spoke to you, I realized how amazing you are. You are smart, witty, sweet, caring, insanely beautiful. I love looking at you. I could spend an entire day just admiring your beauty. And not just the way you look. I mean, of course you are beautiful. So damn beautiful. But most of all, you have a beautiful mind. I love talking to you, and breaking down the walls you have put up. And I know that we haven't known each other for that long, and I might seem crazy, because, well, you're leaving in less than a week, but I'm gonna ask you anyway. Emily, will you please be my girlfriend?'

Emily was too moved by his speech to be able to form any words, so she just nodded and put her arms around the boy. Soon after, the man came back to secure them for the zip-line.

'Well, if I die on this zip-line, I'll at least die knowing you are my girl', Evan said in an attempt to joke, even though his nerves were getting to him.

When his feet left the ground, he closed his eyes in fear of what was happening. After a few seconds, he opened them again and took in his surroundings. It was like he way flying! Blue, green, all kinds of colours were to be seen. Before he could even process the fact that he was actually doing it, that he was actually up in the air, zip-lining, his feet touched the ground again.

'I'm alive!' he called out happily. 'Yes, you are. Told you so, didn't I?' Emily said, turning to him with a smile. Evan walked over to where she was standing after having gotten rid of the security straps, and pressed his lips against hers. 'Still my girlfriend?' he asked after they shared a short, yet sweet kiss, a little insecure. Emily stood on the tip of her toes and pressed her lips against Evan's for a few seconds.

'How's that for an answer?' she said to him, smiling.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter. The Joshaya Christmas chapter is coming up, though I don't know when I will have it ready. Maybe tomorrow, maybe a little later. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who added this story to their reading list and to those who voted on previous chapters, it means the world to me. I wish you all a truly amazing day :)


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