Girl Meets Love at Its Finest

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After zip-lining, the whole group went to this restaurant they remembered from their previous visit. 'Welcome back', the waiter said upon seeing them. 'You remember us?' Topanga asked, visibly surprised. 'That big of a group is rather hard to forget', the waiter replied as he politely guided them to a large, rectangular table. 'I'll be back soon to take your order. In the meantime, would you like anything to drink?'

After everyone had gotten their drink and ordered food, Shawn rose from his chair and lifted his glass of white wine in the air. 'I'd like to propose a quick toast, if that's okay with all of you', he announced. Everyone turned to Cory, who was known for not having the most patience when it comes to toasts. 'Fine, fine. Why is everyone looking at me though?' Cory said. Ignoring his last question, Shawn cleared his throat.

'Well, as you all know, less than two weeks ago, I married this lovely woman next to me.' He stopped talking for a few seconds to smile warmly at Katy, who was sat next to him. She returned the gesture and blushed a little. 'I am truly blessed. To have her, to have all of you. I couldn't have wished for anything better. I can't imagine being anymore happy than I am right now. I remember how just a few years ago, I was always alone. It was only after I wasn't anymore that I realised just how much I hated being all by myself. I love every single one of you so much and I am so glad to have you. To family', he said, raising his glass a little higher.

Everyone repeated in unison, 'To family', and lifted their glasses as well. Cory practically jumped up from his chair and ran to Shawn. He put his arms around the man, causing Shawn to pretty much suffocate because of Cory's tight grip. 'Aww Shawnie!' cooed Cory. 'I knew you loved me!' 'I take it back. I take it back', Shawn managed to croak out. 'Nope. You love me', Cory insisted, leaving kisses everywhere on Shawn's face but his lips. 'Please remember we're both married', Shawn told him. Cory finally let him go. 'Pssh, you don't deserve my kisses, you traitor. No relationship can beat Shory.' Shawn frowned. 'Shory?' he asked confusedly. 'It's our ship name', Cory explained, making it sound like it should be obvious. 'Duh', he added.

'When you're done kissing Shawn's butt, the food is here', Topanga told her husband. Cory rolled his eyes as he sat back down. 'You're just annoyed because Corpanga will never beat Shory.' Topanga raised an eyebrow. 'If that's the case, then why don't you marry Shawn instead and I'll just marry Katy? At least she's not a eight-year-old like you are.'

'Hey!' Auggie exclaimed. 'What's wrong with eight-year-old's?' Topanga's eyes widened at knowing she had messed up. 'Oh. Nothing Auggie. You are amazing, sweetie. It's just your Dad who is really annoying.' Auggie, seemingly pleased with the answer, turned back to Ava, with whom he had been talking. Topanga let out a deep sigh.

'I don't want to be married to anyone else than this beautiful woman', Shawn then said, looking at Katy lovingly. They rubbed their noses together in an Eskimo-kiss and Cory made barfing noises. 'Ew!' he called out. 'Oh yes, because being romantic is so gross', Topanga said sarcastically. 'You know, it wouldn't hurt you to be a little more romantic yourself from time to time', Cory told her matter-of-factually. 'You've got to be kidding me', Topanga said, groaning.

'Well', Riley said to Maya, 'at least your parents are couple goals. I can only hope Lucas and I won't become like my parents.' Maya snorted. 'Hey, it could be worse', she said. 'Like?' Riley asked. 'I... have no idea', Maya told her truthfully, and they burst out laughing. ''M sorry, Riles. Your Dad just isn't that romantic.' 'Oh, I know alright.'

On the other end of the table, Farkle and Smackle were deep in conversation. 'Hey, Smackle, I, um, have been thinking and well... We've been together for a year now, but we've never met each other's parents. I would like to meet yours and for you to meet mine as well. I have no idea how you see me, but, if I'm being totally honest with you, I don't see a future without you. I know we're still young, but I really can't imagine there being a time where you're not right by my side. And I want to get to know you and your family better', Farkle said, his cheeks reddening more and more at every word. 'That', Smackle started nervously, 'sounds, um, lovely. I'd like to meet your parents. And I would like it if you came over for dinner sometime to meet mine.' A broad grin settled on Farkle's face. 'Sounds great.'

'What if your parents dislike me, though?' Smackle then asked, insecurities suddenly taking over. 'They won't, I promise you', Farkle answered reassuringly. 'But what if I do?' she asked further. 'Then I don't care. What matters is that I love you.' 'L- love me?' Smackle asked shyly. 'Y-yeah. I love you. Is that okay for me to say?' Farkle asked equally as soft. 'Yes. It i- is. I love you too, Farkle.' She nuzzled her head in Farkle's neck.

'You know, Maya', Riley said to her best friend, 'your parents might be total couple goals and all. But that's definitely the cutest thing I have ever seen. No one can beat that.' She nodded her head in Farkle and Smackle's direction. 'I know. That's love at its finest.'

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this Smarkle chapter. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list!! Also, this story isn't finished just yet, but I already have an awesome epilogue planned - I just wanted to let you know. I wish you all a great day!


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