Girl Meets a New Friend

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That evening, Emily was sitting by herself in her and Smackle's room, when she heard a small knock on the bedroom door. 'Yeah?' she asked. When the door opened slightly, she saw the last person she'd expected. 'Um, hi', she greeted the person, a little hesitant. 'Hi', the person said back. Emily shifted in her seat.

'Not to be rude, but, er... What are you doing here, Josh?' Emily asked the older boy as she looked up at him. 'I heard what you did for Riley.' Emily raised an eyebrow. 'Don't you mean what I did to Riley?' 'Nope', Josh said as he sat down next to her.

'Look', he said, 'I have no idea how you are feeling right now or what you felt earlier today, but break-ups suck. Some people cry over them for days, even weeks, straight. Yet you decided to help Riley by telling her it was okay for her to be with Lucas even though you were probably still hurt about the end of your relationship with him.'

Emily shrugged. 'I've done some pretty mean things to her, it was the least I could do to make up for everything.' Josh looked directly at her. 'Maybe. But not everyone would put their pride aside and do something like what you just did. You really helped my niece, and I appreciate that a lot, Emily', Josh told her. Emily bit her lip and looked at him. 'Aren't you mad at me, though, because of everything I did, you know, before?' she asked. 'I was a little. I don't like to see Riley hurt of course. But right now, the girl is so happy she could probably burst into rainbows and unicorns. And, if it wasn't for you, I don't think she'd be as happy as she is right now.'

'Thank you, Josh', Emily practically whispered. 'For what?' the brown-haired boy asked, frowning. 'The past few weeks I've been feeling terrible. I was angry with Riley, 'cause I thought she might steal Lucas from me. I was extremely self-conscious because I wanted Lucas to like me the most and did everything I could to make it that way, even though he was clearly still not over Riley. I was afraid to lose him, because I was so in love with him. At least, I thought I was. I don't love is what it was. Not now that I... Nevermind. But, my point is, Josh, I was so devastated the whole past few weeks. I'm feeling a little better already. You said really kind things about me, making me think that I maybe am not a total bitch. And, if it wasn't for you Josh, I don't think I'd be as happy as I am right now.' Josh smiled at her.

'What a weird first conversation between us this is', he then said, lightening the conversation a little. Emily laughed in between the tears that had started making their way down her cheek, which she then started wiping away. 'Yeah, you could definitely say that', she said, chuckling. 'But, um, thanks, Josh', she then told the boy. 'No problem.' When Emily noticed he wasn't leaving the room like she'd expected since this had seemed to be the end of their conversation, she asked him, 'Don't you wanna go and be with Maya?' 'She's downstairs with... She's downstairs, and I feel like you could use a little company', Josh replied.

'Can we, we keep, keep each other company? Maybe we, can be, be each other's company', Emily started to sing. 'Oh no!' Josh exclaimed. 'Not Bieber!' Emily laughed. 'Yes! The Biebs!' she exclaimed. Josh face-palmed himself. 'Ugh no, Maya's always insisting on listening to him and I freaking hate that music.' 'Then what do you like?' Emily asked. 'I dunno. Everything that isn't from ''the Biebs''', he said, making air-quotes when he said the singer's nickname.

Emily rose from where they had been sitting and walked over to her closet, where she started rummaging through one of her bags. 'Found it!' she said, holding up a tiny, silver iPod. She handed the device to Josh. 'Here. You go pick something you do like and then we'll listen to that.'


Downstairs, Riley, Maya and Lucas were chatting on the couch. Maya looked at the snuggling couple. 'It's so weird to see you two together, again. But it also feels kinda right', she added. 'Feels pretty right to me, too', Lucas admitted as he looked at Riley, and smiled. 'I'm just happy the awkward conversations between them are over', Zay said as he walked past them and went into the yard, where he and Vanessa were watching on as the sun was setting.

'You know, Zay's right', Maya said. 'It was really awkward sometimes.' Riley shrugged. 'That's over now, right babe?' she said to Lucas, who nodded and smiled again. 'Babe?' Maya repeated the word Riley had just said. 'Babe? Are you kidding me? I freaking hate that word! If you're gonna continue using that word, please break up again', she told the couple half-jokingly. Riley threw a pillow at her best friend in reply to what Maya had just said. 'Ugh fine, you two can stay together', Maya groaned. Inside, though, she couldn't be more happy about the way things had turned out. She was extremely glad that Riley and Lucas were back together. Though there was one thing she still had to do before everything was alright again.

And that was kicking Lucas ass for him being such an idiot.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the chapter. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to all the people who added this story to their reading list, I really appreciate it. I wish you all an amazing day! :)


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