Girl Meets Second First Date

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'Where are we going?' Riley said, letting out a nervous giggle as she walked - or stumbled - across a path she wasn't able to see because her eyes were covered by Lucas' hands. 'It's a surprise', he told her. 'Will it be much longer?' Riley asked. It was eight p.m., after dinner, and if they were going to keep on walking any longer, they probably wouldn't get back at the mansion before it got dark. They had been on the road for about twenty minutes now and still needed to return home after Lucas ''surprise''.

'We're almost there', answered. 'We've been walking for what seems like an hour now, and the fact that I can't see isn't really helping', Riley told him, to which Lucas shrugged. 'Like I said, it's a surprise. I have to make sure you don't know where we're going.' Riley sighed loudly. 'You can stop complaining now. We're here', Lucas said, removing his hands from Riley's eyes.

Riley looked around. She didn't recognize the place, although it looked similar to somewhere she and Lucas had been before. 'It's just like... just like...' She watched as gallons of water fell down a huge waterfall and wondered why she hadn't heard the flowing water on her way there. 'It's beautiful', she said in awe. The location resembled the place where she and Lucas had their first ever date, which was also near a waterfall in Hawaii. Even the flowers looked the same. 'How did you find this place?' she asked him. 'I was hiking with the boys a few days ago and we stumbled across it. Do- do you like it?' he asked shyly. 'I love it!' Riley exclaimed. 'It's amazing!' After a few seconds, though, she started frowning. 'Why did you take me here?' Lucas bit his lip, unsure whether he should say what he wanted to say - what he had been wanting to say for quite a while now - or wait a little longer.

'Um', he said, 'I brought dessert.' He took a blanket out of the backpack he had been carrying, along with two containers with chocolate mousse in it. 'Yum!' Riley said as she looked at the food. 'What's the occasion?' she asked Lucas. His cheeks immediately started turning red. 'Well, I, um... Does there have to be an occasion?' He hoped Riley would just shake it off and stop asking all those questions. 'I guess not', she said slowly. They sat down on the blanket and Lucas ripped the top off the mousse containers before handing one of the desserts to Riley along with a plastic spoon. 'Thanks', she said softly.

After a while of awkward silence, Lucas cleared his throat. 'I lied to you before', he told Riley, who frowned her eyebrows. 'What?' she asked, confused. 'I said there was no special occasion, but there is. I mean, I hope there is', he added. 'What special occasion?' Lucas took a deep breath. He gently took Riley's hand in his. The brunette girl's heart started to pound.

'Riley', Lucas started, 'about a year ago we became boyfriend and girlfriend here in Hawaii. We had so much fun going on dates or just talking and holding hands. When we got to New York, that continued, but something felt off. There was too much pressure and about six months later we broke up. I- I was devastated. A couple of months later, there was the school's formal. You went with Charlie Gardner and I chose Emily as my date, who became my girlfriend. That night of the formal, though, when we walked Maya home because she wasn't feeling well, I felt strange. I was sort of seeing Emily, I had even kissed her that night... But it did not feel right. And when we dropped Maya off and you and I were alone, I felt complete, even though we barely said anything to each other. And all of a sudden all those memories of us in Hawaii flashed through my mind. Our first date, at a waterfall like this one, when we danced in the rain. The long walks on the beach. Even Crazy Cory trying to follow us everywhere to see if something's going on...' Riley giggled when he said 'Crazy Cory' and looked down, with a smile on her face. Lucas lifted her chin with his right index finger so he could look her in the eyes when he continued talking. 'I kissed you that night. I thought I didn't know why I did it. But I guess I've always knows. And I thought it was a mistake, but it was the exact opposite. See, when I was with Emily, you were always in the back of my mind. I was never truly happy being with her, because, Riley, you are the only one for me. I am so in love with you. And I want to ask you if... if... Riley, will you be my girlfriend again?'

A tear rolled down Riley's cheek. It was a tear of happiness, though. 'Yes! Of course, I will!' she exclaimed happily, before practically jumping on top of Lucas to give him a hug. 'You're lucky Crazy Cory isn't here to watch us', Lucas joked, chuckling, as he got back on his feet. Riley rolled her eyes playfully. 'Careful there', she said, also getting up from the blanket, 'you never know if he might be lurking in one of the bushes.' Lucas laughed. 'I'll take that chance', he said, before pulling Riley in for a kiss.

'Let's go back to the mansion', he said after his and Riley's lips had parted. 'It will probably get dark soon.' 'We haven't finished the chocolate mousse, though', Riley told him. Lucas looked at the blanket on which the two half-empty containers were laying. 'We can stay here for just a few more minutes or we can eat on the way back. What do you want?' he asked Riley, who he could now call his girlfriend again. That thought made a warm feeling spread through his body. 'Can we stay here for a little while longer?' Riley asked him. 'I'm not ready to leave yet', she said. Lucas nodded. 'Of course.'

They took the blanket and the containers with chocolate mousse and placed them a little more near the beautiful waterfall. There they sat for ten more minutes, holding each other in their arms, before deciding they really ought to head home. Even though both Riley and Lucas wished they could've stayed longer, to both of them that moment near the water had been one of the best of their lives - one they'd remember for years and years after.

Hi everyone :) As you all know, this is the last chapter for the next two weeks. After I return from vacation on Sunday the 30th of July, I'll be able to update again. I want to thank you all for reading this chapter, and for all of your support throughout this story(and the first one, of course). I wanted to end this with a Rucas chapter, but after I return, there will be more Joshaya. A big thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, and of course a special thanks to those who added this story to their reading lists. I wish you an amazing two weeks :D

Lots of love,

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